Showing posts with label Cosmo Cricket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cosmo Cricket. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2013

You're Rad Me & You

Yeah, you are.

This post is actually about a couple of layouts I have completed over the last couple weeks.

The first one is of Trent from many years ago. I was cleaning up my desk and didn't want to throw out the scraps of paper so I turned it into a layout instead.

I added some newer product to the older product and came up with this:

There is some older BasicGrey, newer Cosmo Cricket, older MME and really old Heidi Swapp. I used Gelatos on the background. I scribbled with a few colors, placed a circle/dotted template over the scribbles and then used a water brush to blend it in. Circles from the template still formed even though I was brushing over the template.

Some of it was a little too bright so I used my old standby, gesso, to dull it back down.

This is pretty much all new stuff. New Crate Paper. Some misting in the background with Heidi Swapp templates and Chalkboard mist.

I filled up a tiny envelope with sequins, sealed it and then added loose sequins around the page.

Tammy at Blue Moon Scrapbooking gave me a push to get something done right away with this new stuff. I like it when I get assignments! 

Hidden journaling is on a tag that pulls out from behind the doily.

That's all I have for right now. I'm having a difficult time functioning as I'm dealing with some emotional issues and a small health scare.

Some days it takes everything I have to just keep moving and making it through the day. My depression and anxiety dragons take over and it sometimes takes me a few days to squash them.

So, in other words, I really don't have anything fun or witty to talk about. I don't even have a new picture of my hot pink bra on my desk. You can look at my previous entry for that.

Take care and thanks for visiting and for your comments. :)

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Pages from last month

I'm updating here with the pages I made last month and maybe in May...

Thanks for looking. :)

Nephew of the Year...October Afternoon, BasicGrey and a really old bread tag from who knows where. A Cherry on Top picked this up for Featured Layout. I was so excited! 

Pride...Authentique and a tag I saved from Trent's hat we bought him just for this Boy Scout camping trip. I've mentioned before how I have problems throwing things out, here is just another example. Oh, and the chipboard stars are Technique Tuesday.

Misty Morning Ride...this is Glitz and Prima.

Lucky Me....another fine example of how I just can't throw shit away (or in this case, return). The red background is a Netflix return envelope. They printed them up special for Mother's Day and I knew I had to use it. By the way, I wonder where that movie I rented is hiding? Oops. There is a bunch of other old stuff on here like Studio Calico, Daisy D's (love, love, love), K&Co, 7gypsies, Foofala (can you believe it?) and I think Scenic Route.

Top Notch Friend...Cosmo Cricket, BasicGrey and really old Sassafras.

First Day...more BasicGrey (cuz you know I hoard that stuff), really old felt Fancy Pants (I hoard that, too) and a left over chipboard Technique Tuesday star that I didn't use on the Pride page above. This layout doesn't have ink smears, gesso or paint. It felt weird when I decided it was done.

I was going to add links to purchase the products I used, but I realized that everything I used (with the exception of the Cosmo) is over three weeks old (and in some cases over three years old) which means it is already old and out of style in "Scrapbook World".

Again, thanks again for looking and I'd love it if you left a comment. Anything. It would be even more awesome if you followed me. Or gave me a job. I'd take that, too.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Oh, well. I applied for the Hambly Design Team. Didn't make it, but I'll keep chugging along here. They asked for an unseen project. Here is what I sent them:

Hambly, owl stamp is Technique Tuesday, alpha chipboard is Cosmo Cricket, a tiny touch of Lily Bee and the wings are old Fancy Pants. The heart is a negative space from a Cricut cut. Spray paint for the blue splatters.

Thanks for looking and thanks for your sweet comments.

Monday, May 02, 2011

an apple a day

Good morning everyone! It was my turn this week to host the challenge at Bitten By the Bug 2. I chose the apple core from the Preserves cart.

All the patterned papers are Cosmo Cricut.

Thanks for looking and thanks for your nice comments.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Racing Stripes

Trent is a toe walker. We thought he would eventually outgrow it but he never did. He started physical therapy in May 2009. It helped a lot and we thought we could continue his exercises at home. Well, that didn't work. He recently went back to physical therapy and is working again to get off those toes. In the picture, he's wearing tape on his calves to help him walk normally. The physical therapist called the tape his "racing stripes".

This is new Lily Bee papers. I'm a new fan of theirs. I just love the small patterns. There are Crate chipboard pieces on there as well. Oh, and I see a little Jillibean Soup peaking out from behind the journaling card (which is MME).

This is Ashley from a long, long time ago. Probably about 10 years ago. The problem is that after I scanned the layout, I spilled red wine all over it. *sigh* Now I have to do it again.

This is new Cosmo Cricket Salt Air

This is new BasicGrey Life of the Party. There are a few Fancy Pants rubons as well. I think the pictures are from LegoLand.

Thanks for looking. I'm feeling better these days. Thank you so much for all the well wishes and cards. They really worked!
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Sew Sweet and BLOG HOP

Good morning everyone!! This week at Bitten By the Bug 2, I asked the designers to use the sewing machine from the Heritage cart. I love that cart...there are so many cool images on there.

This is what I came up with this week. The papers and stickers are Cosmo Cricket Material Girl.

Now, for the fun part! This is what I'm giving away this week. It's a 10 piece set of MME papers and die cuts. Please a comment and a way for me to reach you if you're the lucky winner. I'll pick a winner around the end of the week.

After leaving a comment here, be sure to visit Susan next for another chance to win more blog candy.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

4 layouts

I don't think I've posted these yet. Thanks for looking. :D

Crate Paper


Fancy Pants

Cosmo Cricket
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Monday, May 10, 2010


Peggy Loves Vintage is sponsoring Bitten By The Bug 2 this week. She has the cutest images! I love working with her stuff.

I used the leaves from last week's challenge. I was so inspired by the projects last week that I had to use them.

The patterned paper is Cosmo.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I HATE this outfit

I thought this outfit was cute when I bought it. I still think it's cute.

Katrina hated it. She refused to wear it to school or for any other time. She had such a temper tantrum over it, too. I asked her if I could at least take a picture of it before we gave it to Goodwill. This is what I got.

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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Free Sunday

No work today. Whew! It's nice to have a day off on a weekend.

We watched a couple movies today and now Erik is making hamburgers on the grill. Actually, he's making Juicy Lucys. I think it was a Man vs. Food episode where restaurants were putting cheese inside the burgers.

School started last Thursday. My youngest is now in Kindergarten. :(

Here are some layouts:

October Afternoon Ducks in a Row Katrina's teacher gave us this note the day before school started. I cried just reading it.

BasicGrey June Bug

Crate Orbit

Webster's Magical Wishes

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Stuff and Favorites

If you're looking for the Blog Hop, it's in the post below.

Here's a layout I forgot to post from the stamp challenge I was hosting at Peek.

The challenge was to use stamps to make a border. I used Technique Tuesday Borderline Notions for the borders.

This is using the new Flair Fresh & Fabulous:

I cut the crown on my Cricut. The clear buttons have the Flair line underneath them with glitter on top. Old school. ;)

Now, here are my latest and favorite Cosmo layouts. ;)

That's it! Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to leave a comment in the post below for your chance to win a great set of stamps from Technique Tuesday.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Cinco de Mayo

It's hot today. I've had the fan on all day and it's not really helping. The kids are at Cub Scouts and I'm trying to catch up. Here are some layouts:

I did this as a challenge on NSD. It's in honor of Kiersten (who passed away last year from evil cancer). She loved the Beatles and the challenge was to make a layout with something Beatles inspired. The title is from a line in Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

Fancy Pants (mostly)

Cosmo, Fancy Pants, American Crafts, Sassafras Lass

BasicGrey, left over scraps of Fancy Pants from the layout above, K & Co., Technique Tuesday stamps

This is for Flashback Friday. We were to scrap our baby picture. BasicGrey

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Catching Up

I hope everyone had a great holiday. :D Thanks for looking.

KI Memories Festive - Katrina picked out her Christmas dress this year and she couldn't wait to show Grandma.

Fancy Pants All Fall - Katrina didn't have a clue what that background was all about. ;)

Cosmo Hello Sunshine -This was the big attraction at the school carnival this year.

Another card for Bitten By the Bug. We used the tree from Stretch Your Imagination. The cardinal is from 50 states. Stamp by Technique Tuesday.

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