Showing posts with label BasicGrey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BasicGrey. Show all posts

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Just because my children have spent their lives in front of the camera does not mean they are happy to be there at any given time.

Both have had their pissy periods where they don't want to pose in front of the camera. When they were little, it was easier. I could bribe them with cookies. Now they want things like money and computer games.

Sometimes there is nothing to convince them except for threats. This was the case with Trent on Halloween 2012.

Ok, we really didn't threaten him. He made his costume and he looked FANTASTIC. He did his own make up.

Why wouldn't he want to crawl on the driveway after a bloody hand? I'll never know.

He also didn't particularly like my idea of being a "Zombie in the Headlights". I thought it was a cool shot because it looked more realistic than a really pissed off 12 year old crawling towards a plastic and bloody stump.

I just finished the page of that night almost 3 years ago...

It turned out a little more green than I had pictured in my head.

I made the background with a stencil and some crackle paste. I heated it dry, I covered it with brown ink and then sprayed green ink and wiped part of it off with a stencil of wonky circles.

Red ink flicked on for fun, because it is after all, a Halloween page about Zombies.
Papers are BasicGrey (Persimmon) and Kaisercraft. You can see I dug out the Magic Mesh from 1942. Also, some Tim Holtz here and there. Zombies are stamps that my friend, Sally, sent me. I LOVE THEM. I stamped and used Copics to color in. Fussy cut and then distressed the edges so they wouldn't stand out so much.

Somewhere I have a tiny fly stamp which would be perfect stamped over the "Z". Can I find it? No, of course not. I found the block of wood it's supposed to be stuck to, but no rubber.

So, imagine my page with a couple flies stamped on it. Looks better, eh?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

A couple pages

I've had these done for awhile, I just never got around to sharing them.

Thanks for looking. :)

This is BasicGrey, Crate and some Studio Calico.

This is MME, Studio Calico, Tim Holtz Distress Stains, Hambly, really old Lil' Davis stars and that birthday card is so old I can't remember where it came from.

Thanks for looking and have a great evening!

Monday, September 16, 2013

You're Rad Me & You

Yeah, you are.

This post is actually about a couple of layouts I have completed over the last couple weeks.

The first one is of Trent from many years ago. I was cleaning up my desk and didn't want to throw out the scraps of paper so I turned it into a layout instead.

I added some newer product to the older product and came up with this:

There is some older BasicGrey, newer Cosmo Cricket, older MME and really old Heidi Swapp. I used Gelatos on the background. I scribbled with a few colors, placed a circle/dotted template over the scribbles and then used a water brush to blend it in. Circles from the template still formed even though I was brushing over the template.

Some of it was a little too bright so I used my old standby, gesso, to dull it back down.

This is pretty much all new stuff. New Crate Paper. Some misting in the background with Heidi Swapp templates and Chalkboard mist.

I filled up a tiny envelope with sequins, sealed it and then added loose sequins around the page.

Tammy at Blue Moon Scrapbooking gave me a push to get something done right away with this new stuff. I like it when I get assignments! 

Hidden journaling is on a tag that pulls out from behind the doily.

That's all I have for right now. I'm having a difficult time functioning as I'm dealing with some emotional issues and a small health scare.

Some days it takes everything I have to just keep moving and making it through the day. My depression and anxiety dragons take over and it sometimes takes me a few days to squash them.

So, in other words, I really don't have anything fun or witty to talk about. I don't even have a new picture of my hot pink bra on my desk. You can look at my previous entry for that.

Take care and thanks for visiting and for your comments. :)

Monday, July 15, 2013

School Days

Arizona summer sunset 
School is fast approaching. Soon we will have to start thinking about the dreaded science projects.

We didn't do a damn thing this summer and I have to admit it was kinda nice.

No vacations, no strict schedules of movies and worrying about which size popcorn box to get. The $7.00 size popcorn (I call it the"tub-o-fun" and the people behind the counter always know what I'm talking about) is always the best deal because you get a refill!!

But then you're stuck eating 12 pounds of popcorn and you ALWAYS feel obligated to get the free refill. You could be full, have heartburn and the front of your shirt is covered with grease because the napkins they give you suck and you end up wiping your hands on your shirt, but if you don't get that FREE REFILL, you're wasting money and the Financial Gods are frowning down on you.

I hate it when the Financial Gods are frowning down on me.

I can't tell you how many moms I've tried to pick up in the lobby of the movie theater to see if they wanted to share a "Tub-O-Fun" with us. I even bring extra brown paper bags for the other kids to make sharing easier.

I usually get dirty looks as the moms grab their kids and drag them off down the hall, away from me...

So the kids and I end up with the giant "Tub-O-Fun" and try to eat it by ourselves. Whatever we don't eat, we bring back with us thinking, "Oh, we'll eat it later" but everyone knows eating popcorn at home from the movie theater is gross because it gets cold and stale as soon as you exit the theater doors.

I don't know why that is.

I also don't know why I think $7.00 is still a good deal for popcorn when I can buy mountains of popcorn at the grocery store for $7.00.

Anyway, the point of this post is not about my anxiety over popcorn box sizes, it was to share the layout I made the other day.

Here is Ms. Kat wearing my elementary school shirt from when I was in 1st grade. I don't know how, but the shirt is in excellent condition with no stains or rips or even dry rot.  I added the doll pattern as the background (with gesso and gel) because it's the actual pattern that my grandmother used when making me doll clothes around the same time I wore the shirt.

Kinda cool, huh?

Again, another shining example of how I can't throw things away.

I also added some hand sewing, sequins (because everything is better with bling), rubons and scraps of patterned paper I had sitting around from the last layout I completed (because I can't throw things away).

Thanks for looking and thanks for your comments. :) Have a great day.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Pages from last month

I'm updating here with the pages I made last month and maybe in May...

Thanks for looking. :)

Nephew of the Year...October Afternoon, BasicGrey and a really old bread tag from who knows where. A Cherry on Top picked this up for Featured Layout. I was so excited! 

Pride...Authentique and a tag I saved from Trent's hat we bought him just for this Boy Scout camping trip. I've mentioned before how I have problems throwing things out, here is just another example. Oh, and the chipboard stars are Technique Tuesday.

Misty Morning Ride...this is Glitz and Prima.

Lucky Me....another fine example of how I just can't throw shit away (or in this case, return). The red background is a Netflix return envelope. They printed them up special for Mother's Day and I knew I had to use it. By the way, I wonder where that movie I rented is hiding? Oops. There is a bunch of other old stuff on here like Studio Calico, Daisy D's (love, love, love), K&Co, 7gypsies, Foofala (can you believe it?) and I think Scenic Route.

Top Notch Friend...Cosmo Cricket, BasicGrey and really old Sassafras.

First Day...more BasicGrey (cuz you know I hoard that stuff), really old felt Fancy Pants (I hoard that, too) and a left over chipboard Technique Tuesday star that I didn't use on the Pride page above. This layout doesn't have ink smears, gesso or paint. It felt weird when I decided it was done.

I was going to add links to purchase the products I used, but I realized that everything I used (with the exception of the Cosmo) is over three weeks old (and in some cases over three years old) which means it is already old and out of style in "Scrapbook World".

Again, thanks again for looking and I'd love it if you left a comment. Anything. It would be even more awesome if you followed me. Or gave me a job. I'd take that, too.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

National Scrapbook Day OVER!

I have the hardest time being productive on this day. All the pressure to scrap something gives me anxiety and instead of doing something I just freeze. It's usually the day after NSD that I come up with something.

This is a picture of Kat, Trent and my father at my MIL's wedding in December 2011. Did you follow that?

my father,
mother in law's wedding

I love how Trent is looking cool, calm and collected while his sister is squirming away from her grandfather.

Every once in awhile, I pick up old books from yard sales with the goal to destroy them and add them to my pages. The background with the first part of the title is from a Little Red Riding Hood book. I loved the animation and knew I could use it with something.

There is also some some pieces of BasicGrey, MME, Crate, Sass and Doodlebug.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

BasicGrey goes PORN

this was supposed to be a post about the overwhelming cheese selection at Costco but instead I bring you breaking news:

BasicGrey is now selling porn!!!.
(can't that font get any bigger???)

Don't believe me, check it out for yourself:

This is from a section of the True Love collection. The paper is called "Kissing Tree". It should really be called, "Porn Tree".

Do you see it? He has his hand on her breast. I can't tell for sure if her breast is naked, but look at the dog.

The dog looking away is a sure sign that it is pornographic. Right? Right?

and I won't even mention how relaxed her knees are.

or the fact that the donkey is looking the other way, too.

Scrapbooking, card makers and paper friends....I am so excited!! Now we can craft, get high off the paper, ink and glue fumes and get turned on all at the same time!! What a time saver!

BasicGrey, you can thank me later when this line sells out in record time.

now back to the mom and I were having this first world problem because we couldn't decide what kind of cheese to buy at Costco. I took a few pictures but now I can't figure out how to download them off my phone so you, dear reader, get porn instead. Lucky you!

Erik just now walked in....

Erik: Hi Sweetie!

me: GUESS WHAT! BASIC GREY IS SELLING PORN! (I point to the computer)

Erik: I bet you're excited about that, huh?

me: Yep, you got the right.

Manny the dog walks out of the room.

note to self: don't forget to add "BasicGrey" to the Labels.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Three layouts

Yes, you read that correctly. I have three layouts to post. I've been busy this month. ;)

The rats and the mice are keeping me company in my scraproom. Right now, we have 12 mice and 2 rats. The kids are on fall break this week so we're watching one of Trent's teacher's mice.

Well, as promised, here are a few things I've been working on:

Old Scenic Route kraft background, some BasicGrey, Prima, Bo Bunny, American Crafts, etc. etc. Too many older products to list.

 Mostly Echo Park with some old Foofala, Sass and Graphic 45.

Let's see, an old Bazzil policy envelope, mist, and I think some Crate. Those green bubbles on the left, those are old, old, old KI Memories.

I have so much stuff that I'm trying to use up. I love to mix it up with the new.

So there you have it.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Blake pages

I actually got a little scrapping done this weekend. I have two layouts but one of them is a month old or so. I just got around to scanning it.

  I love Lily Bee .Love it!! This is all from Double Dutch. There are also a few pieces of older Sassafras chipboard pieces.
This one is BasicGrey PB and J plus a few older embellishments from Daisy D's. I added an old sewing pattern to the background with some gesso.

Thanks for looking and thanks for your comments. :D

The kids and I are heading to the cheap movies this afternoon. While I love the low cost of the movies, I can't stand how dirty the theater is. I feel like I should bring a beach towel to spread out on the chair before I sit down. It's important to get there early while the lights are still on to make sure your seat doesn't have gum on it.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Oldies but Goodies

I was going through my stash looking for scraps to throw out (because I need the room!!). After they were all spread out on the desk, I decided I couldn't part with them quite yet so I made a layout using them.

I also added some newer stuff like the Fancy Pants and the Prima stamp. I love mixing up old with new.

Thanks for looking. :D

Friday, February 24, 2012


I should re-name my blog name to "No Time". I have no time anymore for goofy fun things like playing with paper, stamps and ink.

It took me about a week to come up with each of these pages:

I used leftover Lily Bee from the layout in my previous post. I have corrected Katrina in her spelling and she now knows how to spell "sugar".

"Suger" written three times instantly reminded me of the John Water's movie, Pecker. His little sister loves suger, I mean sugar:

and this one was made using BasicGrey Sweet Threads, some really old Sassafras and even older stickers and there are actually some Jolee's in there believe it or not.  Whew, that was a long sentence.

Tomorrow is our last Girl Scout cookie booth. I am so very happy. Kat just made it to 500 boxes sold.

I'll try to blog more often. It seems to keep the spammers away.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Layouts and stuff

It's 7:00 PM and I can't believe I'm still awake. I'm never up this late. :P

The month of December is over, so I thought I'd post the projects I made for Ready, Set Create:


 Digi stamp from A Day for Daisies

 Wild Rose Studios

Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Ever since I was a little kid and BasicGrey was first released, I have dreamt of working with them.

Wait, that's not completely correct...I wasn't a little kid when they first released but I felt like one and have ever since. With each new release, I get giddy with excitement like a kid on Christmas morning. My mind is filled with designs and sketches and ideas and what pictures I'll use and....well, you get the idea. I have purchased every single line they've ever put out and all the accessories I could afford. I guess you could say that I have a BasicGrey museum.

Having a museum doesn't mean that I don't use the products. I just buy extra so I always have some on hand. Here is some of the stuff I've done with BasicGrey. (click on "BasicGrey")

So, this brings me to the point of this post...BasicGrey is having a Design Team call.  This would be my dream job. If YOU think I would be a good candidate for the team, would you please, oh please, take the time to leave a comment saying that on their blog...right here. Don't forget my full name, please. It's Heather Binnie.

BasicGrey is even giving away a prize to a random person that leaves a comment on their blog. So, what have you got to lose? Oh crud, that part of the contest is over.

I've never taken this approach when applying for a team (it screams of desperation to me). But then again, I've never wanted to be on a team as much as I want to be on BasicGrey's. Regular ol' submitting hasn't worked for me very well before. I’m thinking there will be approximately 4.5 million people applying for this position.  I'm hoping my dear readers and friends might help me get just a little bit of BasicGrey's attention. 

Thank you so much for your time. :D

Oh, and if you're wondering why I have a picture of kitten Sookie it's just to get my readers' attention from Facebook and other blogs. How can you not click on a cute kitten?

Thank you again. :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Who gets Karin?

Last week (I can't believe it's been a week already) I posted my Karin card and offered to give it away. Now, if I can find it again on my messy desk, the randomly chosen winner is Cathy from Cathyplus5.

I'll send you an email, Cathy, to get your address. Thanks everyone for your kind comments.

Here are some layouts I've been working on. I'm entering these into the BasicGrey contest at 2 Peas.

I was just going to do one layout but once I started, I couldn't stop. It's just like ice cream or M & M's or avocados...what ever item I happen to be craving at the time.

This is just about all BasicGrey Out of Print.

There is a little teeny, tiny green and blue polka dot strip that is actually Fancy Pants.
Shhhh...don't tell.
That cute bike stamp is Hero Arts Joy Ride.

This is
BasicGrey Oxford.

I really hope I win this contest because I am now out of most of my Oxford collection alpha stickers.

The photo is from my Picture a Day project I've been working on all year. How does he use a pencil that is so tiny? and how much work does he really get done with that tiny pencil?? Hmmmm???

I will leave you with this picture....

Katrina is finally off her training wheels. After I snapped this picture and complimented her on her new skills, she just smiled and said, "I was born for this moment! I love riding my bike!"

Again, thanks for visiting and for your nice comments.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Creepy like Donna

The name the artist gave the stamp is "Karin". This is a stamp from

I'm giving away this card. If you like it, leave me a comment, sign up to be a follower and I'll pick a random winner in a week and send it to you. It's blank inside. You can write whatever your little heart desires on the inside.

Donna inspired me. I love her creepy cards. :D

All patterned paper is BasicGrey Out of Print.

I take all my photos of cards on the dining room table. Today it was covered in army dudes. I just worked around it.

Thanks for your nice comments. :D

Monday, July 04, 2011


Well, check it out. I made two layouts this week. Woah!

The first one is for the Bitten by the Bug 2 challenge. It was my turn again this week and I asked the ab-fab designers to use the starfish cut from the Life is a Beach cart.

All the papers and even the chipboard swirl is from Fancy Pants.

Fancy Pants Beach Bum

BasicGrey Oxford Writer's Block

Oxford Chip Stickers

Oxford Glazed Brads

Oxford Collection

I used my Cricut to cut the hearts.
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