Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Loving Us

Last week was our third anniversary! Marriage has brought a level of happiness we couldn't even fathom, I love celebrating 'us'.

For our first anniversary, we spent the weekend in Park City and I fell in love with apple pie caramel apples.

Last year, we sprung for some China dishes and made our own rug!

This year, our big day fell on a Tuesday, so we worked a half day and then met up.  After thinking a lot about what we wanted to do, we decided that more than anything, we wanted to go back to the city where it all started.

We realized we have never taken a picture of the exact place we first met, so we visited the bus stop where it all began.  For those who don't know, Scott and I met when he sat next to me on a bus!  We went on a date two days later and that was that.

After this picture we drove around town looking at our old apartments, school, and hang-outs (and having a blast reminiscing about the 'old times'), and we went to a movie together.  We did a little shopping and had a nice dinner.  It was a great way to spend a Tuesday. 

Happy anniversary to all my friends who also got married in was kind of a landmark year! 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

China & Cotton

Instead of going out of town for our anniversary, this year we decided to buy ourselves some gifts.  We love a good excuse to buy stuff.  We looked online to find out what the 'traditional 2nd anniversary gifts' are supposed to be.  The first site we went to said 'china' or 'cotton'.  Forget the 'or'...we got both!

We didn't get fine china when we got married, so we decided to pick a pattern and start our collection.  We both instantly loved one of the first settings we saw (Chirp, by Lenox).  We window shopped for a while making sure we looked at everything available, then decided that we really weren't going to like anything more than the Chirp pattern.  It was just our luck that Macy's was having a sale that day, so we got about $40 off the settings!
We have promised each other that we really are going to use it, it won't just sit in our cabinets!  Growing up (and still now) my mom always used her beautiful china on holidays, birthdays, etc.  I loved it (especially since her china is called "Heather").  I can picture Scott and I still pulling these plates out even when we  have grandchildren.

For cotton, our gift to each other was finally buckling down and tackling a project we've had in the works all summer.  We made our own rug! We have a pretty hefty sized living room and have been aching for an area rug to help fill it.  In the past I couldn't find anything cheap (and cute) enough to fit the bill. My sister in law sent me this tutorial  and I knew I wanted to give it a shot.  Scott and I watched The Count of Monte Cristo (the movie we watched on our very first date) while we made the rug together.  It was definitely a two person job.

We absolutely love how it turned out! It is actually pretty thick & sturdy, I think it should last us a while- maybe till we have been married 5 or 10 years!  I still can't believe we have been married two years already.  Life is good :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

It Takes Two

Heather and I often have and talk about those times when you suddenly realize that you love each other more than you did before. We cherish these rare kind of days.

Let me explain...
There are times in your relationship when you think I cannot possibly love her any more than I do now. You feel like your love is deeper and stronger than you ever thought it could be. Then after seemingly nothing has changed you find yourself in a moment where you clearly can see that your love is better than it was at the time of your last epiphany.

Well I had one of those moments just yesterday. We woke up at the crack of dawn (after a 1 am movie bender) to go to the Sealing of Heather's best friend Kajsa (to Monty). We spent the morning with them inside the Salt Lake Temple. Which is always a sweet experience because we were married there as well. Afterward we made our way to Tucano's for a Brazilian style luncheon featuring all you can eat meat. Another choice experience.

We then split up for a few hours. She went to work for a huge show. I went to the U of U to change and decide on a new major.

Later I joined her at work to help sell tickets at their biggest show if the year, Josh Turner. Her boss was kind enough to sell tickets for us once that show started so we could sit on the grass and enjoy the concert. As the night neared and the darkness filled the sky we sat together taking it all in. Josh came to a song where he asked each of us to raise our hands if we were "madly" in love. We both did so as he went into "I Wouldn't Be A Man." She was now leaning on my shoulder as my head rested on the top of hers. I was breathing in the scent of her over-priced salon shampoo and my heart began to race.

My mind quickly reviewed the significant events of the day, as only your mind can do, and I realized this was "one of those days" when the experience of the temple, and the atmosphere of the open air concert, and the realization that we will celebrate our two year wedding anniversary on Monday all culminate to make you see that you are more in love that you previously thought possible.

I love you Heather. You are the greatest ever. You're my favorite. There is no one like you. I love having you as a best friend, to be with everyday. It has been the greatest two years of my life. "We knew it from the start" but I have to say we didn't know it would be this good and we still don't know how great it will become.

Thanks for 2 spectacular years "B"!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The 1.5

It has been a year since this, so that means it is our 1.5 anniversary today! We celebrated yesterday (still haven't outgrown celebrating half things) by going to the Mandarin, a local chinese restaurant that is awesome! After that Scott packed for a business trip while I watched The Bachelor.

I dropped him off at the airport bright and early this morning, and by 11:30 am he was already in his rental car working in Phoenix. Isn't travel amazing these days? It is crazy to think of the hardships pioneers faced trying to get to new places. Now it is so easy. Heck, we can even go to the moon.

Well today in Phoenix it is sunny in the mid 60's. Let's just all say it together, "SO JEALOUS!!!". I wish I could have tagged along, but we didn't really think about that as an option until it was too late. Oh well, maybe next time.

It has been a great year-point-five; life with Scott is incredible. Just the other day about 10pm we were figuring out what we wanted to do before bed. Movie? TV? Clean the house? All of a sudden, this conversation (yes it's real) took place:

Scott: "Hey Heath, do you want to just go hop in bed and talk for a few hours?"
Heather: "You might be THE perfect man."

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our Anniversary

I really can hardly believe this all happened a year ago. Time is a funny thing! I can easily say this year has been one I'll always always look back on with happiness and fondness. Scott and I have had the best time together. We have had so many blessings come our way it is unbelievable!We had fun celebrating our anniversary this weekend. We had an amazing time Friday going to the Salt Lake Temple with my parents. It was so special to go back to that beautiful place where we were married. My parents took us out for a nice dinner after, it was a lot of fun! And we loved riding in Dad's mini cooper.

On Saturday we went to Park City. We went to the Olympic Park and rode the zip line, which I've always wanted to do. It was so fun. (the pic is not of us...but for those of you who haven't seen what that zip line is like- here it is!)

After that, we checked in to our hotel, The Sundial, at the Canyons. It was awesome I loved it.
Then we had a light dinner at a great sushi restaurant on Main Street.

When we were getting up to leave the restaurant, I looked down and Scott had somehow sneaked a present on the table! It was a beautiful opal necklace that brought tears to my eyes! How special!!! I'll always remember our first anniversary when I wear it.

After dinner we stopped by the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and shared an 'apple pie' caramel apple. These treats are incredible.

Anyways, it was a perfect little get-a-way to celebrate one great year.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Three-day weekend

Our fourth of July holiday started on Friday with Scott's brother (Darrin)'s baseball game in park city. We were glad that a lot of Scott's family was down here for the weekend!

Later that evening we went to dinner with my family at Rooster's in Ogden. We were celebrating my parent's 30th wedding anniversary!!!

After dinner we had fun walking around 25th street, stopping in shops and looking at art. It was a really nice time.

Jeremy and Marilyn were there too...but I guess I didn't take a picture of them with my camera.

I don't know why I didn't take any pics on Saturday or Sunday either.

Saturday morning we had a fun breakfast with our neighborhood- we got there at 6:30 am. After that, we went home and slept for a few hours. Scott went golfing with his brothers and had a lot of fun.

In the evening, Scott's family came over to my parents house for a BBQ and fireworks! It was a lot of fun- they hadn't seen each other since our wedding. It was so nice for us to be able to be with both families at once! After eating we all went over to Layton High to see the fireworks. It was so fun to have Jenna and Frank there too. The grand finale this year was so great- we were all screaming and cheering. I love the fourth!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Six is a big deal, right?

Just thought I’d mention yesterday we hit the half way mark in our first married year. I’m not sure if people celebrate 6-month anniversaries, but it only comes once, so why not? Scott brought me home a beautiful house plant and we went out to dinner at El Matador.

This will be a really fun weekend; first we are taking a road trip to St. George for my cousin Matt’s wedding. Second, we are waiting for the FIRST Cutler baby to come! Marilyn is due this weekend and we are all beyond excited. My parents picked out their grandparent names: mom is grams, and dad is opa (grandpa in dutch). Isn’t that great? Come soon baby!!! We’re all waiting!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Hi there,
Looks like I'm about as consistent at blogging as I am writing in my journal. I'll work on frequenting both more... here's the top five highlights of the last six weeks for me:

10 Cutler Family Fiddlers debut concert
- Doing the community concert was so so fun. About 500 people showed up (including our whole dentist office!). It was one of the coolest things I've ever done. It was a lot of work but so worth it! Such a great opportunity!

9 First Solo Plane Ride-
I had a blast flying to Reno for a weekend with the Fallon crew. I flew standby which was crazy. I fell in love with lake Tahoe, ate at in 'n out, went to an antique car show, drove on the loneliest highway in America, and had a run in with a mongoose...It was a great time with Scott!

8 My Best Friend is Pregnant- I am so excited for Jenna to have a baby. Don't tell Greg, but I'm crossing my fingers for a little girl! I'm getting ready to become auntie heather. I almost ran the car off the freeway when she told was quite a surprise!

7 Josh Groban: part two - I attended my second Josh Groban concert of the year. It was awesome! This guy is the absolute best singer and performer. My dream is to be the barefoot violinist to go on tour with him. I don't think I'll ever get sick of listening to him.

6 Weber State: part four- School started and I'm quickly getting back into the swing of things. For the first symphony concert I get to be the assistant concertmaster...I've always wanted this opportunity! My favorite class of the semester??? Accounting. I was dreading having to take the class, but I LOVE it.

5 Scott & Heather- September 1st marks four years since Scott and I met. We sat together on the bus that day and went on our first date two days later. He's the best- he makes me laugh everyday and I still get butterflies in my stomach when I see him.