Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas to you

In our Christmas card we also sent out a timeline highlighting our year. If you click on it, you should be able to read the whole thing.  If you read this blog regularly, you probably already know everything that it covers :)

Merry Christmas to all of you!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Times

We have been loving this time of year so far. It all started off with an early Thanksgiving/Christmas party in with Scott's side of our family. We had a blast being together and it was a great start to the holidays!

We have also been spending time with my side.  Most of it was intentional, but we did end up as refugees at my parents house for several days after the crazy windstorm that knocked out our power! My brothers family didn't have power either, so they stayed at Mom and Dad's too!  It was a lot of fun!

Our house fared very well in the storm. My parents lost several trees, unfortunately one of them was my favorite one.  Scott cut the whole thing up, he had a good time re-living his logger days.

Speaking of's one that was cut down on purpose!  We got our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving and we've loved having it in our home!

We've also been loving our fireplace.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pursuing the Dream...

Heather has been a busy girl pursuing her dream.

Upon graduation last Spring Heather landed a job with Shadow Mountain Records | Excel Entertainment | Deseret Book as their Music and Film Publicist.  


  1. A person responsible for publicizing a product, person, or company.

She works with an amazing team and is having the time of her life.  A little known fact about Heather - she is stubborn.  This is one of her best qualities!  When she has a dream she finds a way to achieve it.  As a little girl she dreamed of being a news broadcaster.  She became a great people person and learned how to write well.  Once in college she realized that she wanted to take a behind the scenes jobs and work with people on a daily basis.  So she decided to pursue the public relations route.  

Now her dream is realized and she is making a splash.  Again, as part of a great team, she helped put the first Mormon artist on the Christian Billboard chart - charting at #6.  She helped get votes for their artist who's hoping for her first Grammy nomination.  She gets to help plan and work events like CD release concerts and music video shoots.  Heather has the opportunity to send press releases and mingle with Utah's TV and Radio conglomeration as new products come out.      

Today she told me about standing off camera while one of the artists was featured on a morning show.  She got to see and feel the vibe of the place that was the catalyst for getting her where she is standing today.  I could tell that just being in the news room was a cool experience for her as she got to reminisce about her childhood dream.     

What is the opposite of the bread-winner?  Well that's been me.  But I am keeping busy.  I have enjoyed this semester. I have learned a ton about Public Relations and have been able to improve my writing and crisis management skills.  It has been a big boost to watch Heather having so much fun in the same field.  

I have really enjoyed learning more about social media.  My favorite platform is Twitter - the micro-blogging site.  I am working on understanding Google+ because it seems more family friendly than other sites.  So follow me on Twitter (@hendrixscott) and make a Google+ page so we can "hangout."    

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Beautiful Heartbreak

Our team at work has been working on the new album from Hilary Weeks, Every Step.

This music video debuted today and I want to share it with you all! I love the message of this song. Grab a tissue :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A fall weekend

We had a lot of fun this weekend, starting with a stroll in Park City.  We browsed shops like this cool place with hundreds of old signs and pictures.  
A lot of places were decorated for fall/Halloween.  There were groups going on ghost tours and we eavesdropped in on a few stories.  
A bunch of couples in our neighborhood got together for an 80's themed party.  We had so much fun with everyone!  People dressed up and there were some awesome outfits and hairstyles.  
My dad got a new tractor this week and he let me take it for a spin.  I have great memories of riding on tractors with my grandpa and dad.  I haven't ridden one in years and it was fun.
We definitely made the most of the beautiful fall weather!  We're loving it!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bragging rights

These are our nieces
making their modeling debut.  
They are two of my sister Kari's 
four beautiful girls.

It was just so much fun to
see their smiling faces on KSL.

Our last post talks about our
fun visit with them last month.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


We took a great little road trip over Labor Day weekend. 

We went to Blanding, UT.  Scott's sister lives there and we hadn't seen her new house yet.  

Kari and Mark are so great, we wish we could see them more.  They have four adorable girls and we soaked up every minute we had with them!

It's hard to get a picture with everyone smiling...check out those two cuties on the end!

Scott's mom, dad, and sister came down to Blanding too!  One day we had a picnic in the mountains, it was really nice.  Julie and the nieces rounded up a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers. 

We drove down with Scott's other sister, Lisa, and her family.  We loved getting to drive with them, we had a lot of fun together.  
Scott and I were so happy to have three whole days of being together 24/7...can't beat that.

On Saturday we spent the afternoon at the pool, it was a blast!  Our little water babies were so adorable. 

The three older girls put on an elaborate puppet show, check out this cast list:
  • Cinderella: a dinosaur
  • Wicked Stepmother: a peacock
  • Ugly Stepsisters: two socks

The weekend went by too quickly, but we sure had a good time while it lasted. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A five minute house project

We haven't made too many changes to our house this year, but Scott did have a cool idea that we acted on...


We have a pile of leftover firewood from the winter, and we painted four pieces white.  It's a simple thing (took about five minutes) but we have enjoyed it all summer. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Phone dump

Here are some pics from our cell phone cameras...a little glimpse into what we've been up to recently:
In an effort to squelch our Hawaii withdrawals...we went to a lake.  We wanted to spend an afternoon chilling by the water.  It was not bad.  It wasn't Hawaii, but it wasn't bad.

Behind the scenes at a TV interview for work.

We spontaneously decided to go to a Bee's game.  On our way to buy tickets a nice couple offered us two free ones!  They turned out to be on the front row, talk about luck!

More work- these guys were great sports and signed hundreds of posters.  Have you seen the movie yet? 
Cutest picture of them all, our niece at the fair.
At our favorite local Chinese place, the Mandarin

A pic for my Twitter account that I totally took myself.  But I want you to see my short hair!  I'm loving it!

Scott sent me this pic, he saw this little guy on campus yesterday.

An updated family pic (my side).  This was taken back in March, but I just saw it this week.  I love them all so much!

That sums it up: work, play, family...sounds like the usual!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Loving Us

Last week was our third anniversary! Marriage has brought a level of happiness we couldn't even fathom, I love celebrating 'us'.

For our first anniversary, we spent the weekend in Park City and I fell in love with apple pie caramel apples.

Last year, we sprung for some China dishes and made our own rug!

This year, our big day fell on a Tuesday, so we worked a half day and then met up.  After thinking a lot about what we wanted to do, we decided that more than anything, we wanted to go back to the city where it all started.

We realized we have never taken a picture of the exact place we first met, so we visited the bus stop where it all began.  For those who don't know, Scott and I met when he sat next to me on a bus!  We went on a date two days later and that was that.

After this picture we drove around town looking at our old apartments, school, and hang-outs (and having a blast reminiscing about the 'old times'), and we went to a movie together.  We did a little shopping and had a nice dinner.  It was a great way to spend a Tuesday. 

Happy anniversary to all my friends who also got married in was kind of a landmark year! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

All four

It was that time of year again, my brother, sister, and I were excited to be invited back to perform at the Free Sunday Concert Series.  Scott took some awesome pics that I'm so excited to have, like the above one of my mom and dad watching us play.

The reason for the blog title (all four), is because my older brother joined us for the first time!  He made an awesome arrangement of a Coldplay song and we all got to perform together.

It was a very memorable night, thanks for the pictures (and support) Scott!

Friday, July 29, 2011


I came home from Hawaii to a new job (fun!) and therefore, a new cubicle...a very very gray cubicle. That just wasn't going to do, so I've slowly been accessorizing. 
An hour glass (come to find out it's actually a half hour glass)
Fake orchids
Sweet Pea fragrance canister
These adorable birds-on-a-wire are from Z Gallerie
I love random stuff that makes me smile.

A favorite picture of Scott and I

And of course...a little candy jar.  A must when you're trying to make new friends!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lucky Ducks

Look what we've been up to!  For 15 beautiful days we were living the dream in Hawaii.
My parents planned the most amazing vacation, we loved every minute! Our first week was spent in Oahu.  

Playing in the most beautiful water!
Snorkeling at Shark's Cove
Thankfully there weren't sharks, but this is one
 of the many sea turtles we saw!
Scott and I both loved snorkeling

Our favorite sunset

A beautiful Japanese temple

The surfers! They all did awesome
My brother noticed this down the street from our place.
From the 4th pirate's movie

Kayaking in beautiful Kauai

The whole crew! Had such a wonderful time together
