Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A girly week

Well I made it through a marathon week of nutcracker. This is my 4th year playing for it. I fall in love with ballet all over again every year. The music is so beautiful, I love getting to play it.

It was extra fun this year too because my brother Luke was in the orchestra with me! At 16, I think he is one of the youngest to ever play with them- he did great and was excited to actually get PAID for playing :)

I was so tired by the end of the run. My days consisted of SITTING at work for 8 hours, SITTING in the car to drive a 1/2 hour, SITTING while playing for 2 hours, and SITTING in the car again to drive home. How can sitting be so exhausting???

Scott came to see the show on Friday night, what a good supporter! Ballet isn't his favorite thing on earth. He doesn't understand why the men dance in tights. But he didn't fall asleep, he claims he watched the whole show.

So after a lovely ballet on Friday, he came with me to see Twilight in between my performances on Saturday! Ha ha, poor guy didn't have a choice. I bought him the movie ticket while he was hunting in South Dakota. I'm good :) We saw it with Marilyn and Jeremy, and yes...even Luke came too. He didn't have much choice either.

We saw it at the Junction in Ogden- can you say RESERVED SEATING?! That made it so nice. We didn't have to go early at all. The boys were ok with the movie. They thought the cars were cool and liked the baseball scene.

Before you think I'm completely mean...let me mention that I DID watch the 2 hour premiere of 24 on Sunday with Scott. Child soldiers in Africa- it was pretty intense.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Band of Brothers

I recently returned home from South Dakota on a pheasant hunting trip. I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent with Jeff, Brad, and Dad. It was awesome to see how similar we each thought while in the same situations. We each had a similar safety regiment, I'm sure passed down from Dad. As we drove from field to field we would talk about what went through our minds at the last location and we found that we all had similar thoughts about events that took place. The moment that stands out to me was when Brad got off a shot at a bird that Dad and I also had our sights on. We were just too slow. But we could tell it was only wounded. In less than a second we both realized that if we didn't add a little more lead to the fire the pheasant would hit the ground running and be lost. So we each did our due diligence. In that moment I realized how close we all really were connected. I appreciated our time together and I learned a lot about how important our relationships are. I only wish our 3 other brothers could have been there to help finish our sentences, or rather, our birds.

Friday, November 14, 2008


If you're sick of might want to skip this one.

This week Scott got to go pheasant hunting in South Dakota with some family and had a blast! (Ha ha. Blast. Guns. Get it?) I was excited he got to go, I'm sure it was nice for him to take a break from work and hang with the boys.

Yes, we were apart for three 1/2 days. Ha ha. Seriously though, it is kind of strange the first time you separate. I thought it would be soooo easy for me since we had a long distance relationship for FIVE years. We would sometimes go a month without seeing each other.

Well we have been married 3 months now, and I can't believe how fast I got used to seeing him every day. I did miss him a bit. I did sleep at my parents house once. I did leave a 'welcome home' post it note on the door for him.

Now here's something amazing...(I'm telling on you JerMar). My brother and sis in law have NEVER spent a day apart since getting married 2 1/2 years ago!!! Amazing! I'm curious what your stories are? When was the first time you and your spouse were apart...can anyone beat 2 1/2 years???

Sunday, November 2, 2008

This is the life...

(Scott's first post)

Being married is where its at! It could be because I am married to the most adorable girl in the world. It also could be so comfortable due to all the support we have had from friends and family.

This last week was a bitter sweet week for me. We spent the last of our gift cards from the wedding. However, we went out with a bang by purchasing 5 things that we both really wanted.
1st we bought a wedding gift for some friends (we know how fun it is to get gifts).
2nd we purchased a phone charging station that I had my eye on for a while.
3rd we got a "coca motion" to have hot chocolate nightly (this is a great alarm clock).
4th we chose a robe to replace Heathers well worn one.
5th we got a crepe maker (my favorite food).

I cannot begin to express how exciting married life is. We have a blast cuddling on our couches, floor, or blow up mattress while watching a movie in the living room. Its so nice to sit down to dinner and listen to Heather talk about her day. Hearing her laugh out loud while she is reading a book or watching a show with no one around is hilarious. Hearing her scream too loud while playing Mario Cart on the wii is equally hilarious. Joy is even found in cleaning the house together. This truly is the life!

We are just trying to create a habit of slowing life down enough to appreciate the small moments that otherwise might escape us.