Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The past five or six moths...

We have had a pretty awesome year so far, I wish I would have been better about writing about it.

Since I last wrote, we had two new nephews join us!  One on each side of the family.

Scott finished up his schooling in May, graduation was a wonderful day!  I am so proud of him.

He got the wave when they called his name!
Just a few days after graduation, Scott started an internship at an awesome ad agency.  He has loved it and has done really well!

Over Memorial Day weekend, Scott and I got to make the beautiful drive to the Oregon coast!  It was an impromptu trip (to go pick something up for his dad), and we were so excited to get to go!  It was over Scott's birthday weekend, what a fun way to spend a birthday! We LOVE road trips. 

 This quaint little restaurant in Hood River Oregon had the best fish tacos!

I have always wanted to see "that beach with the big rock"...this was a dream come true! 

In June, my siblings Luke, Ash and I played in a concert together, we had a great time. It is always a privilege to perform together! My dad even joined us for a song on the guitar! 

In June I got to go to California with my parents, sister, and little brother.  We went to Disneyland and had a blast! 

By the look of it, I was the MOST terrified person on the Tower of Terror...

Cars Land had just opened and we loved it!

After getting home from Disneyland, I started to get sad because I knew that being back home meant that my little brother would be leaving on his mission in a few weeks. 

He is very close to Scott and I- he was only about ten years old when I brought Scott home for the first time.  He's pretty much grown up hanging out with the two of us. We see him a lot, so I was pretty darn sad about the prospect of him leaving. 

It was very tough, but the day came and we all said goodbye to him.  I have written him more times than I'll admit so far, and every time I hear any sort of news from him it makes my day!  He is going to Montreal, where he'll speak French. 

 It's been a busy couple of months, and we don't plan to slow down any time soon!  I'm so happy to have Scott by my side during the happy times, sad times, and everything in between.  So blessed.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our Grammy Trip!

We are such lucky ducks, we got to go to the Grammy Awards!  A lot of people have asked me why we got to go...Jenny Oaks Baker is an artist on the label I work for (Shadow Mountain Records).  Her album was nominated for a Grammy Award, and we got the amazing chance to go support her! 

It was my first time in L.A. and I really liked it. We walked just about everywhere we went, and I loved looking up at all the great architecture and over-the-top advertisements. 

On the big day, we arrived at the pre-telecast at noon. They give out 70 Grammy Awards in three hours.  On the live show, they only give out about 10 awards!
Our group had great seats at the pre-telecast, which was fun.  There aren't a lot of big stars at that one, but we did see Taylor Swift, Tony Bennett, Steve Martin, the Foo Fighters, and Weird Al Yankovic.  

Unfortunately Jenny didn't take home the trophy, but the next experience sure cheered her up...she got to walk the red carpet!

Our lucky streak continued when we found out I got to be Jenny's rep on the red carpet.  Scott took some stealth pics with his phone and captured some awesome shots!  Like the pic above...that's Jenny waiting behind Alicia Keys.

Jenny asked Scott to take her pic with Jane Seymour, I think they look alike! 

It's been fun to see Jenny's press pics showing up on websites like the Washington Post.  She looked amazing!

Can you spot Scott and I in the pic above?  It's from this clip of Billy Ray Cyrus getting interviewed. 

One of the biggest highlights for Scott came when he turned around to find himself standing right next to Sir Paul McCartney!  Somehow he quickly snapped this pic.  We promise it's him :)

All in all, it was an unbelievable weekend!  I know I have over-used this word... but we feel so LUCKY to have been able to go.

p.s. a few people asked me where I got my skirt- it's from Shabby Apple...it had six layers of tulle! (I think I lived a small part of my ballerina dream)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Just chillin...looking forward to Feb.

I love this little photo that my brother took yesterday when trying out Instagram on my mom's phone.  It's a glimpse of what we love to do on the weekends (when we can). Chill.  Take a break, put on warm socks, curl up with a phone, book, or movie, and chill. 

We are thrilled that February is finally starting this week. We have been so excited for this month to come!  We're getting a new nephew on (or about) the 15th.  Can't beat that.  We cannot wait to hold that little one in our arms! 

A few days before that, we are crazy excited that we get to fly to LA to attend this:

February is going to be epic!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas to you

In our Christmas card we also sent out a timeline highlighting our year. If you click on it, you should be able to read the whole thing.  If you read this blog regularly, you probably already know everything that it covers :)

Merry Christmas to all of you!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Times

We have been loving this time of year so far. It all started off with an early Thanksgiving/Christmas party in with Scott's side of our family. We had a blast being together and it was a great start to the holidays!

We have also been spending time with my side.  Most of it was intentional, but we did end up as refugees at my parents house for several days after the crazy windstorm that knocked out our power! My brothers family didn't have power either, so they stayed at Mom and Dad's too!  It was a lot of fun!

Our house fared very well in the storm. My parents lost several trees, unfortunately one of them was my favorite one.  Scott cut the whole thing up, he had a good time re-living his logger days.

Speaking of trees...here's one that was cut down on purpose!  We got our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving and we've loved having it in our home!

We've also been loving our fireplace.