Showing posts with label class news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label class news. Show all posts

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Moving to 3rd Grade!

Next year (2016-17) I will be teaching 3rd grade!  My email is still if anyone needs me over the summer.  You can find my 3rd grade website HERE.  (It is a work in progress!)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

So Long but not Goodbye

The end of the year is such a bittersweet time.  We're all looking forward to summer break, but we're going to miss the friends we're leaving behind.  I wish the very best to my dear, precious students and their families as you journey from the elementary school over to the middle school.  It has been my pleasure and my honor to be your teacher this year.  You all mean so much to me!  I hope that you will keep in touch, because you will always be a part of me.  I think the following poem may say it best.

Best wishes to you all!  Thank you for a great year!

Monday, May 23, 2016

PJs & Electronics Tuesday!

Today we went through our signed papers and are bringing home some of our favorite work.  Please clean out backpacks daily (and send backpacks to school each day).  Thanks!

The students have earned pajamas tomorrow and they may bring electronics for some game time at school tomorrow also. 

Don't forget that Wednesday is the last day of school and that dismissal will begin about 11:30.  Thank you for such a great year!

Friday, May 20, 2016


Thank you to everyone who sent in party items and/or came and helped!  We had a nice celebration to begin winding down our school year.

Please remember that Wednesday is the last day of school and is an early release day.  Dismissal will be around 11:30.

Friday, May 13, 2016

SS & Science Brainpop Extra Credit

Here are some extra credit Brainpop opportunities to be completed no later than Thursday, 5/19.

Science: Cellular Life & Genetics:
  • Heredity
  • Mitosis
  • DNA
  • Genetic Mutations
 Diversity of Life:
  • Seedless Plants
  • Seed Plants
  • Amphibians
  • Fish
  • Insects
  • Invertebrates
  • Mammals
  • Vertebrates
  • Reptiles
Social Studies: Economics:
  • Assembly Line
  • Banking
  • Budgets
  • Interest
  • Stocks & Shares
  • Taxes

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Middle School Accelerated Forms

If you would like to participate in the UCMS Accelerated Program, please turn in your purple form NO LATER THAN Monday, 5/16.  I realize the form says Tuesday, but that is the day of our field trip.  I do not want the kids to miss the opportunity to sign up because we won't be on campus.  Thank you!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


I will continue to copy & paste our info and update as needed with updates in red.

Th: Mod 17 quiz & ch. 7 science test
7:15 AM Parent Review Meeting
Thursday 5/12 is our FIELD DAY (12-2).  Popsicles are $0.50 and gatorade is $1.  Please bring a bottle of water.  We may get wet so dry clothes and shoes might be appropriate.  (Students will get their field day shirts to change into Thursday morning.)
Study socio & therm spelling & vocab for tests Friday.

6:00 PM Rising 6th Parent Night @ UCMS

Fri: Mod 18 quiz

Mon 5/16: Mod 19 quiz

Tues 5/17: Big Field Trip to Atlanta!  Arrive at school NO LATER THAN 7 AM!  PICK UP AROUND 6:45 PM!

Th 5/19: Unit 7 Test


Tuesday, May 10, 2016


As you noticed if you checked your child's agenda, we are making up math assessments that we didn't take before the Milestones.  All of the math material has been taught and is being reviewed and assessed.  Here is the schedule for the week.  Tests are for math unless otherwise indicated

Mon: Unit 5 Test

Tues: Unit 4 Test
Study for Ch. 7 science test Thurs.
Study socio & therm spelling & vocab for tests Friday.
*You are receiving a ton of info about 6th grade in signed papers.  Parent Night @ UCMS Thursday @ 6!

Wed: Unit 6 Test
Study for Ch. 7 science test Thurs. 
Study socio & therm spelling & vocab for tests Friday.
BONUS spelling and vocabulary choice(s) are due by Thursday 5/12.

Th: Mod 17 quiz & ch. 7 science test
7:15 AM Parent Review Meeting
Thursday 5/12 is our FIELD DAY (12-2).  Popsicles are $0.50 and gatorade is $1.  Please bring a bottle of water.  We may get wet so dry clothes and shoes might be appropriate.  (Students will get their field day shirts to change into Thursday morning.)
Study socio & therm spelling & vocab for tests Friday.

6:00 PM Rising 6th Parent Night @ UCMS

Fri: Mod 18 quiz

Mon 5/16: Mod 19 quiz

Tues 5/17: Big Field Trip to Atlanta!  Arrive at school NO LATER THAN 7 AM!  PICK UP AROUND 6:45 PM!

Th 5/19: Unit 7 Test


Friday, May 6, 2016


Today the UCMS 7th/8th grade Panther band treated us to a fun performance.
Fifth graders will have the opportunity to sign up for band, chorus, and other "connections" over the next two weeks.  More info will be coming home Tuesday.

*Today's tests got bumped to Monday.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!  Thanks for the great job that you're doing with your (our) children.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


According to Dr. Martin, our testing proctor, the students worked really hard today on their math Milestones and followed directions well.  I am so proud of them!

We will take our science Milestones on Wednesday afternoon and social studies on Thursday.

Finish sci. WB p. 28-31.
Study SS ch. 9-12.

Monday, April 25, 2016


ELA Milestones test is tomorrow morning!  Please go to bed early and eat a hearty, healthy breakfast.  We take the Writing portion Wednesday and Math on Thursday (in the mornings).

*Work on AM.
*SS WB p. 102 and study/review chapters 1-4.
*Sci WB p. 144-149 is due Wednesday.


Milestones Testing Schedule

Here is the REVISED 5th grade Milestones testing schedule.  (I am reposting this for you; no changes from the last posting.)  I don't have exact times yet but this will give you a general idea.  Please do everything in your power to have your children here well rested and fed!  Thank you!  (Please note that our schedule matches the 8th grade schedule but is quite different from the other grades.  If you have children in multiple grades 3-8, you will want to note that we are not all testing the same subjects on the same days.)

Tues. 4/26 morning: English Language Arts
Wed. 4/27 morning: ELA Writing
Thurs. 4/28 morning: Math
Wed. 5/4 afternoon: Science
Thurs. 5/5 afternoon: Social Studies

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Today we got to go to the BOGO FREE Book Fair!  The students had a great time picking out new books.  Here they are in the hall enjoying their new selections while waiting on their classmates to complete their purchases.  Thank you to the UC Board of Education for funding this worthy project!

After school today I will be going to New York as a chaperone for my daughters' high school band and chorus trip.  Thanks for your understanding and patience these two days that I am gone!  Please check agendas Thursday & Friday because I may not be able to post to the blog.

Work on AM!  Finish "My Little Book of Big Math Secrets" if you didn't finish in class.
Finish SS p. 93-96 if not finished.
Read your new book!

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Today the fifth grade had the amazing privilege of "Skype-ing" with Diary of a Wimpy Kid author, Jeff Kinney.  Thank you, Mrs. Maddaleni, for arranging this event and allowing the fifth graders to participate.  In addition to a Q & A session, he took us on a tour of his really cool writing studio.  Be sure to ask your kids about this cool event!

*Study Amendments 1-5 for quiz.
*Finish SS WB p. 85-86.
*Study spelling and vocabulary!

Friday, April 1, 2016


Parents, the only thing that would have made today (April Fool's Day and the day before Spring Break) any worse would have been a full moon!  I am confident that students will be better behaved when they return from the break.  Thanks for your help in setting high expectations for behavior and learning.

I wish you a safe and happy holiday!  See you again on Monday, 4/11!

{By the way, April Fool's!  The kids were awesome today!!!}
Thanks to Andrew Y. for the funny and delicious prank!  They sent in doughnut boxes with a veggie and fruit tray inside instead of doughnuts.  (They did also sent in doughnuts.)

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Congratulations to our Science Olympians!

We are so very proud of our school's Science Olympiad team!  They competed at a regional competition on Saturday and placed 5th.  That means that they are going to the State competition in May.  We are so proud of our school team and especially our classmates Andrew Y., Mattie, and Lexi.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Class Pictures

If you did not order a class picture and would like one, they can be ordered through Friday.  They are $13 payable to Life Touch.

Monday, March 14, 2016


If you did not order a yearbook and would like to, you can still order online (only).

Go to > Union County Elementary School > News > What's New > Yearbook Orders > Enter  Yearbook ID Code (11743616) > Order Yearbook.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


We have several students who are sick!  Two went home with fevers today.  I am being vigilant with hand sanitizer, but please remind your kids to wash, not touch their faces, etc.  Thank you!

*Finish inclement weather packets (due tomorrow).
*Work on AM if you need to.
*Finish spelling and/or vocabulary choices as needed.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Puppy Visit

Yesterday we had a visit from two of Jackson's puppies to learn a little about genetics and to help socialize the puppies.  I think everyone had fun!