Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Our Chrome Book use and learning about Google Classroom features are going well.  Today students took a reading quiz through Google classroom.  I was able to assign each student a copy of the test that he or she could type on directly to answer and then submit to me.  (I haven't read them yet to grade them but am excited about some paperless options from time to time.  I will even be able to set up some quizzes that Google will grade for me!)

HW: Finish spelling and/or vocabulary choice if you didn't turn it in today.
Math WB p. 115 (p. 116 is a bonus).
Finish IRA (4 total summaries).  These can be typed and submitted to me via email if you prefer.

Don't forget about the cell project that is due by Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Google Apps & Accounts

Students now have their Google accounts and will be able to begin using the suite of applications.  Here's a link to the Google Training Center Resources where they give an overview and offer help for each app. 

How to log in to Gmail or Drive:
  1. Go to
  2. Type in your complete Google Gmail account (
  3. In the password box type in the password you were given.
  4. Click on the "waffle" (9 boxes near the top right) to access your Drive, etc.
*You can also start at

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

*IMPORTANT!* Inclement Weather Packets & More

Today your child is bringing home several important items!
  1. Please sign and return the UCS Acceptable Use Agreement for student email and drive space so that we get online and can start using them in class tomorrow.  Thanks!
  2. Students each received a purple folder with THREE Inclement Weather Packets.  Please read the letter carefully, but the packets will make up three inclement weather days.  Completed packets are due NO LATER THAN 3/9/16.  (The letter says 2/17 but we have permission to extend the date to the 9th.)  I told the students that they may turn in one completed packet at a time; they do not have to wait until all three packets are finished.  Please let me know if you have any questions.
  3. Please sign and return progress reports.  
Finish math WB p. 117 (2 in each row) & p. 118 (assigned Monday).
Write tonight's reading summary.
Work on spelling and vocabulary choice(s) if you made less than 85% on the respective test(s).