Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 November 2017


In any investigation, the testimony of witnesses is key to deciding whether accounts given by them stand up to scrutiny. And the Borley Rectory story of alleged paranormality is one of them.
In terms of hard verifiable evidence, there is very little, if hardly any at all.

So the course of events from Borley`s inception to it`s later destruction rests largely on Harry Price  the incumbent clergy, and also the families and staff who lived and worked there.
This documentary attempts to place Borley into a clearer perspective by analysing these accounts and the character of those involved.

Certainly, by the time the Daily Mirror became involved, the rectory was well known locally for reported activity, and there cannot be any doubt that the rectory was spiritually active, but ..... by how much?

Throughout it`s life, the hauntings were always variable according to whoever the witnessed them. By the time of the Foysters, they seemingly reached a crescendo of activity.

I hope you enjoy this presentation as I attempt to draw some balance in the entire rectory story by focussing on the main actors, and looking more in depth at their characters and honesty.

In my mind, this is far more compelling than simple witness accounts.

I also return to the hauntings at Borley church, which not only has many reports of activity both within and outside the church, but also has some evidence provided by a paranormal investigation in the 1970`s.

Was it the most haunted house. Or was it merely an opportunity for fame and fortune?
Here all is revealed from facts surrounding this most infamous of cases.

A taster for the show

The show becomes viewable at 10pm (UK) time, tonight, November 26th 2017

Friday, 5 August 2016


Here in late July, I return to an earlier visited church at Fairstead in the county of Essex.
On this occasion I decide to chill inside the church and open up to spirit where I obtained some responses which I have shared for you today.

I previously visited this beautiful building in the quiet hamlet of Fairstead in November 2015, and you can view that visit here:

More investigations and para-documentaries coming soon.

If you haven`t already, please subscribe to my site here on Youtube and be sure to check out many other videos available here online.


Friday, 1 January 2016


Today I travel over to an incredibly remote ancient church which dates from the early Medieval period and has remained virtually unchanged for 300 years. A church where an iconoclast named as Captain William Dowsing of the Suffolk Regiment visited in 1643 to destroy and  remove anything considered to be `superstitious` to the tastes of a puritanical England during the English Civil War.

 Here Chris Halton your guide covers the history of this wonderful building and shares the story of Captain Dowsing, and some of the remaining damage left untouched after his fateful visit. Fortunately much furniture still remains literally frozen in time.

St Mary`s Church in Badley is currently a redundant church under the care of the Church of England through their wonderful charity, the Churches Conservation Trust.

Like all redundant churches, it`s long term future remains uncertain, and it is hoped that by seeing and appreciating the same beauty that I saw and experienced, you too may one day travel here to admire and support this vestige of British history and culture which is set surrounded by countryside that remains virtually unchanged.  It is so remote that it is only accessible by a one mile unmade track way which has remained for centuries.

St Mary`s at Badley is a perfect example (and victim) of historic religious bigotry and intolerance to other people`s beliefs.

As always I touch into the ambient spirituality that I sense and feel in this pleasantly historic building from the days of yore.

A truly rare and wonderful place to visit and appreciate in a fast disappearing world.

Thursday, 19 November 2015


Here I decided to visit a very early Christian church dating back to the Saxon era, and one that apart from a fantastic history, is also regarded as quite haunted. This I was able to verify later in the day ....
Another para-documentary which shares the history - both written and spiritual, with events of para-normality caught on camera.

A compelling view, especially with regards to the paranormal activity captured that day.

As always, with your guide and presenter into the unknown, Chris Halton.

The video will be live at 10pm GMT (5pm EST)
this Friday, November 20th onwards.

Be sure to bookmark this link!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014


A PAIR of paranormal investigators have captured 'video evidence' of a supernatural being in a deserted Bedfordshire church.

The UK Haunted team posted their spooky outing to St Mary's Church, Clophill, on YouTube earlier this week.

Alex Duggan and Michael York, based in Northampton, are the duo behind the footage and say they only noticed the apparition after a fan pointed it out.

Alex said: "We actually shot the video in the summer of 2012 but last week someone commented on the footage saying that they could see something. When we slowed it down it was obvious. [Watch the video below]

"At first I thought it was glare from the infra red light but it seems to be moving in a different direction from the camera.

"Slowing it down, you can see it does actually turn into the shape of the figure that turns its head, looks and then disappears."

The experienced ghosthunter says that he and the team have had other supernatural experiences in the grounds of the church.

"It's a pretty eerie place, right in the middle of a field", Alex added. “I was in the graveyard a few months ago when I heard a woman shriek. At another point I was standing on a grave - but didn’t realise it - and through my voice box gadget I heard the name ‘Frank’.
“I looked down and saw that I was standing on the grave of a man named Frank.”

For decades St Mary’s has been at the centre of haunted tales: one involves a coven of witches who supposedly held a Black Mass at the church one dark night in March 1963, and whose evil spirits still linger around the ruined building.

Reports of locals camping out on the night of Halloween night in a bid to witness these ungodly goings on are also not unheard of.

Last year, the church featured in independent feature film The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill directed by local man Kevin Gates,

”Before we came we had heard lots of stories about demonic activity at the church and we wanted to see it for ourselves”, Alex added.

When it comes to naysayers, he is adamant that the Clophill footage speaks for itself.
"I would say 'be open minded, but dont be fooled'. You see these things on TV and think 'that's a load of rubbish' but when you are in control of the environment like we were, you know what is real and what is not.

"We would never say to people 'you have to believe this', we leave it open for other people to decide."

Source: BedfordshireOnSunday

The video is excellent in as much as it shows a partial light manifestation. I`ve captured these anomalies quite a bit over the years, and I actually am able to see these anomalies clearly on any investigation when they appear, or more frequently in my own home.

Here are two videos of such anomalies that I wish to share with you.

From a haunted airfield:

Wednesday, 29 January 2014


A religious reliquary containing blood from the late Pope John Paul II has been stolen from a remote mountain church in Italy, with speculation that a Satanic group could be behind the theft.
A team of around 50 Carabinieri police officers with sniffer dogs were on Monday searching for any trace of the reliquary, which was stolen from the Church of St Peter of Ienca in the Abruzzo mountains at the weekend.
The ornate gold object contains a fragment of material, stained with blood, which was purportedly taken from the clothing worn by John Paul II after he was shot during the failed attempt on his life in St Peter’s Square in 1981.
It was donated to the church in May 2011 by Stanislaw Dzuwisz, a Polish cardinal and the Pope’s former personal secretary.
The reliquary is one of just a handful in the world that contains the blood of the Polish pope, who died in 2005 and was succeeded by Benedict XVI.
It was stolen along with a cross from the church, which lies close to Gran Sasso, a 9,550ft- high mountain in the Apennines east of Rome.
The theft was discovered on Saturday by a priest from the religious sanctuary, which is dedicated to the memory of John Paul II.
The Pope was very fond of the region and used to spend holidays there, walking, meditating and skiing at the nearby resort of Campo Imperatore.
It is also famous as the place where Benito Mussolini was interned after Italy swapped sides during the war, and from where he was rescued by a team of German paratroopers in Sept 1943 during a daring airborne raid.
“It’s possible that there could be Satanic sects behind the theft of the reliquary,” said Giovanni Panunzio, the national coordinator of an anti-occult group called Osservatorio Antiplagio.
“This period of the year is important in the Satanic calendar and culminates in the Satanic ‘new year’ on Feb 1. This sort of sacrilege often take place at this time of the year. We hope that the stolen items are recovered as quickly as possible.”
The theft of the reliquary comes as the Vatican prepares to canonise John Paul II, along with another former Pope, John XXIII, at a ceremony on April 27.
At John Paul II’s funeral in 2005, crowds of mourners cried "Santo Subito!" - "Sainthood now" - prompting the Vatican to speed up the Polish pontiff’s path to canonisation.
In Aug 2012, another relic containing a vial of the late Pope’s blood was stolen from a Catholic priest while he was travelling on a train north of Rome.
The relic was in his backpack, which was swiped by thieves but later recovered in a thicket of cane grass by police.

Story: DailyTelegraph