
Showing posts with label lake ontario. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lake ontario. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Vacation Post Part 2: Lake Ontario

As I mentioned, Mike was interested in seeing the falls lit up at night, but we still had a few hours of daylight to burn, so we set off in search of adventure elsewhere. After browsing our maps and doing some quick Googling, we decided to head north towards Lake Ontario, hoping to check out Old Fort Niagara along the way.  Fort Niagara was another one of those things I vaguely remembered really enjoying as a kid (though, on a separate trip from Niagara Falls...)

The drive up to Lake Ontario was scenic and we really enjoyed having the open highway to ourselves. Along the way, we passed Whirlpool State Park and Devil's Hole State Park, which had also been on our possible to-see list. By that point, however, we had already done a fair amount of walking, and I wasn't sure either one of us was up for a more technical hike on top of it. The Niagara Gorge was breath taking, and we got several picturesque glimpses of it as we drove casually up the byway. We also passed the Niagara Power Vista, which caught my attention and entailed more Googling. (Seriously, you could probably do an entire week of just exploring the Niagara Gorge and surrounding attractions...)

About twenty minutes after we left Niagara Falls, we arrived at Fort Niagara, and the park was just about deserted. We were greeted by the sight of the Old Fort Niagara Light, which, if you know me, delighted me. I absolutely love lighthouses and I really want to do an entire lighthouse tour trip at some point (which is probably not exciting to other people, so I just break up my love of these buildings into little chunks...)