
Saturday, July 4, 2020

Yoga Things

I was worried that yoga would end up on the back burner as things got a little busier. While I am still far, far, far from my previously normal level of activity, I am still pleased with how easily yoga has continued to fit into my daily routine. 

I'm going to start this entry by sharing a not-really-funny story from two weeks ago. It was 95 degrees when I headed to Emily's barn. I have been going there for years now and I consider most of the girls friends as well as clients. I mean, once you get drunk at the beach for your birthday with someone, the professional relationship blurs. Those of you who read the blog probably know that I have some body image issues, particularly when it comes to my legs. But, like I said, I know these girls really well, and it's disgustingly hot out, so I wore shorts to the barn since I wouldn't be riding. The shorts in question were Nike running shorts, the kind with the under liner, like this.

Emily was riding Shadow that day, and his owner, who I've never formally met, was watching. After Emily dismounted, this woman walks up to me and, without so much as a "hi, nice to meet you", she blurts out, "What are you wearing?"
I was honestly a little stunned and I stammered, "Um, shorts and a t-shirt?" I wasn't really sure what she was referring to. It's not like I was in a coconut bra.
"What is this little black thing you've got going on?" she continued, gesturing at my lower half. At this point, I was actively backing away from her because she wasn't wearing a mask and was getting to be too close to me.
"They're running shorts," I answered, while internally telling myself that I didn't actually owe this woman an explanation.
"Oh, from behind, I thought it was a thong." And with that she shrugged and walked away.

You guys, I was mortified. I frantically checked to see if my ass was hanging out, even though I feel like that's something I would have noticed (and Jess and Jocelyn both assured me that they would have pointed it out if I didn't). I wasn't even wearing a thong underneath the shorts, not that it's any of anyone's business.

So then I went home and did my daily yoga while wearing yoga shorts. For the record, these I would not wear out in public, even though I love seeing them on other girls.

I sort of accidentally did peacock pose, which surprised the heck out of me. I don't normally post yoga pictures on Facebook, but I was pretty proud of myself so I shared this one:

And then someone on IG, who I have never met, commented, "You need to work on your tan." Well, I tried and got judged for it soooo..

Anyway, my point is that it's 2020 and I was under the impression that we don't judge people for their bodies or their choice of outfit. Like, go to any given beach and look at the bathing suits that are on the market (and good for them!) Or go to any yoga page and check out the super cute body suits and sports bras.  It's literally none of anybody's business what I wear in my own living room! I'm tempted to post a picture of myself doing some weird pose actually in a thong with my ass facing right at the camera.

New rule, you're not allowed to judge my shorts unless you're in the pose I'm wearing them in. And even then, I don't want to hear it! Yeesh.

And now, some more yoga photos and notes.

Working on dancer's pose. I realized after that my hips are twisting way to the side, which they are not supposed to do. 

A much more correct dancer's pose.
And the long-term goal is to do this!! 

I am continuously working on getting more control in my handstand transition. I took gymnastics as a kid and even though it has been more than twenty years, that "kicking up" muscle memory is a powerful thing. 

Camel pose, which felt super good on this day! I'm hoping to gain some more flexibility in my lower back.

And then there's this...

Baby crow was a fun variation!!

I happened to accidentally do a half-assed flying crow in my PJ's. I have not been able to replicate this since.

I spend a lot of time hanging out in crow these days.

Eight angle pose is getting easier and more correct.

Eryca had me play with reversed wrists. The first several times I tried to do a push up in this position, I flat out fell down. I modified by putting my knees down and that did the trick. I was originally just doing planks and push ups this way, but then I had an aha moment with my center of gravity and started to play with peacock.

We did some more playing with binds and worked up to bird of paradise. I need to get my shoulders back and my torso more upright, but I was pleased with how much I straightened my leg. Also, my yoga face is even worse than my jumping face!

Dancer's pose with better hips. Herbie assists.

First attempt at working on splits. My blocks had not arrived yet. 

New type of headstand that forces me to go slow and engage my core. There's no way I can kick into this. I have to draw my legs up slowly. Yesterday I was able to do it all the way up without a spotter for the first time, and then stay there indefinitely which was cool.

I love sleeping pigeon. It feels so good.

I probably should not do this yet. My back doesn't approve.

Julio likes it though.

My husband is very supportive. Literally.

Blocks make all the difference. A full split is a lifetime goal for me.

Always working on a better forward fold. 
This was in April.

We were working on cow legs and I surprised the heck out of myself by actually touching my fingers! Just on one side, but it's a start!

This is another pose I really enjoy. It feels awesome.

Candy cane pose was new this week. I thought for sure I would fall over when I saw a picture. 

Mermaid pose!  Again, I need to open my shoulders more so I can sit up better, but I can't believe I did it at all! I do still need a block under one hip to get it. Meanwhile, my husband just casually did it without even warming up. -_- (Also, this is my "thong".)

Other people look much more elegant and graceful when they do it.

I'm pretty pleased so far. My first official class with Eryca was April 26th, and I'd only done a handful of videos before that, so I've only been doing this seriously for about two and a half months. While I still feel very much like a beginner, it's really cool to see the changes already. I'm definitely getting stronger, especially in my arms and core, and both my balance and flexibility are slowly improving. Plus, yoga is 100% effective at clearing up my back pain (which I can thank horseback riding for). 

One of the things I'm looking forward to the most is being able to do this with Eryca in person some day in the distant post-corona future... 


  1. People will say anything. Need to work on your tan?! For whom? Anyway, you look as if you're doing great with yoga. I wish I could bend like that!

    1. Seriously! Mike's tan lines are even more dramatic than mine and he's the only one whose opinion I care about. I literally couldn't touch my toes without pain in March so I'm pretty pleased with how this journey is progressing :)

  2. Anyone who's commenting on your shorts while you yoga is probably envious of the position you're in while wearing them. The butt shot in thong idea made me laugh out loud! Seriously, people have been cooped up WAY too long and have been lead to believe every opinion they have matters and needs to be "heard". . . you do YOU!

    1. I'm getting a lot of comments that feel like they're being super critical and I really want to respond, "Let's see you do better!" I don't understand why people have to tear each other down all the time.

  3. Even at the sausage you're at right now your strength and flexibility are #goals.

    Keep up the fantastic work.

    1. Rereading and I see my typo. "even at the stage you're at...."

      Sorry about that.

    2. I didn't think you were calling me a sausage ;) I thought maybe it was voice-to-text for "even as self conscious as you are". Pretty funny typo though, given the content!!

    3. I face-palmed. And glad you assumed the best of my inability to type.

  4. Omg, what is wrong with people?! You look great, and keep posting the pictures, ignore the naysayers! I have a lot of body image problems, hence there are almost no photos of me. I’m probably going to regret that later...

    1. Thank you. I am doing my best because I know you can't post before and after photos if you don't take before photos, but good god people know how to shoot holes in my ego without even trying!

  5. You're totally rocking it!

    1. Thank you! Your old yoga posts are what got me interested in it to begin with. It only took me several years to actually try it!

  6. It's taking every ounce of my self control to not comment on that idiot from instagram, you're a far nicer person than I am for the way you replied. Screw all of them, you are a badass yogi I can't believe how awesome you are in such a short time!

    1. I mean... I'm past the point of being nice to people so you don't need to practice self control on my behalf. After all, make stupid comments, win stupid prizes...

  7. I always love when I get the comments on my or other women's appearance from some heavy set guy in a dirty tshirt.

    Dude. Your double standard is sticking out. MIGHT WANT TO TUCK THAT BACK IN BEFORE SOMEONE NOTICES.

    1. O M G!!!!

      On the list of reasons I unfriended my brother on FB is this ^^. Dude is definitely overweight and will post pics of women, smaller than me, and deride their appearance. Hard pass dude. Hard pass.

      My only hope is that he stays single and angry about it.

    2. This is a whole entire thing in the fitness industry. Basically if you are doing anything correctly, you WILL get harassed by men (and women)about it at some point or another. You have the unfit dudes like the one described above, putting down women with a 200 lb bench press saying they could bench that amount in high school, therefore you are not strong. (But they look like they would have a literal heart attack now if they tried to pick up the 25s.) They criticize women for not being small enough, or for being too muscular ("you look like a man") get the kinks who want to know if you could pick them up or punch them.

      Like, you know you've made it when some rando asks on your IG if you could pick up his 60 kg ass. (And you tell you no, you let your husband lift the dudes...and he still insists on wanting to know if you could do it. Bye dude. *Block*)

      Dom, there's an entire IG account dedicated to this. It's called and it was started by a record-holding female Strongman athlete who was done with the comments and bullying and stereotyping. The account is amazing: it's about girl power and calling out the Garys and Garyannas of the fitness world that try to obscure our fire.

    3. I've noticed a lot of that in the comments on pretty much any fitness related post ever. It's gross. And I love that IG...

  8. You're looking awesome! And yeah, fuck those people who are judging what you wear or your tan or lack of tan. The older I get, the more I realize having a tan isn't a good or healthy thing for your skin.

    1. Right? I'm probably going to die of skin cancer from baking out in the arena and on trail for decades on end, but sure, let's comment on my pasty legs!

  9. Impressive! I love seeing your yoga poses on IG. Some of those are wicked cool looking. And uh...that lady needs to go F off. Seriously what is wrong with people?! Who cares what you are wearing and it isn't her place to walk up to you and say something. Ugh, my blood is boiling just thinking about her.

    1. I was so shell shocked that I didn't even have a good response. Someone later pointed out to me that she has one "tree trunk leg" (cellulitis I'd imagine). I didn't even notice it, to be honest, but can you imagine if I'd just walked up to her and been like, "What the fuck is with your leg?" How rude would that have been?

  10. Why is shorts shaming a thing?! The woman who thought you were wearing a thong clearly doesn't know what a thong is because wtf! She's just trying to be mean, that's all there is to it. And I love the booty shorts you do yoga in! They're so cute! I have a few pairs myself for lifting and know many women who run races in them. They're friggin shorts and unless someone is complimenting them or asking where you got them, nothing needs to be said. No dirty looks either.

    ...okay now that that's over. I'm loving these updates! I can't believe how quickly you've progressed in such a short time, it's awesome! I could do a full split when I was younger and in tumbling class but that's been uh, a few years. Something I want to get back to for sure. 🙂

    1. Shorts shaming... shirt shaming... bathing suit shaming. I do not understand this prude culture over here. If you don't like the way someone looks a) fuck off and b) don't look at them. We're all born naked. Nothing to see. Move along. Good god. I literally bought these shorts because it's hot, they're comfy... and, oh yeah, elephants!!!


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