Thursday, September 24, 2009

bad blogger.

So very, very bad.

It's looking like my blog is approaching a hiatus.

Work is going well, but I have A LOT to do. I'm grateful to be useful and employed, though, so I can't complain. The thing is, when I get home, I'm not exactly pining for my laptop... so, for now, the blog is going on the back burner. I might drop in now and again for a shout out, but the frequency of my posts (as you've already seen) is going to be greatly diminished. I'm still reading all of you guys, and will try to be a better commenter (I've even been letting that slide -- for shame!!).

But let me leave you (for now) on a high note: I've been going to the gym every day after work and I feel fan-freaking-tastic. I'm tracking my calories, fighting the work-out induced hunger, and reminding myself to hydrate throughout the day.

I'm finding my groove -- here's hoping I return to blogland with a victory to report!


  1. Hey Haley! So good to see you are doing well and busy! Awesome on the gym. You are not a bad blogger...just a busy blogger!

  2. Glad you checked in. I follow your blog, so I'll keep an eye out for when you pop up again. Take care!

  3. No worries. Just keep us posted when you can. Glad it's all going well. :)

  4. :)

    We'll keep checking in!
    I'm glad you found a groove...

  5. I've been so bad, too. Life just gets so busy! Best wishes for wellness. Keep it up! :)

  6. Miss you. If you're out here, see my post today. Making shameless pleas to all connections (regardless of how remote) I know. Hope all is well with you!
