Showing posts with label Islamic Extremism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Extremism. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Moderate Muslims exhibit some much needed sanity.

Ha! You didn't think I was actually serious did you?

Police arrest 15 at Playland in dispute over Muslim headwear

A melee broke out Tuesday afternoon at Playland Amusement Park when Muslim visitors became angry that the park was enforcing its ban on headgear by prohibiting the women from wearing their traditional head coverings on some rides.

Police from at least nine agencies converged on the park beginning at 3 p.m. after county police sought assistance in responding to the disturbance, which involved 30 to 40 people.


The park was crowded with Muslims celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr, one of Islam’s two major holidays. Most were from community groups in Westchester and New York City as part of a daylong event arranged by the Muslim American Society of New York.

“It’s unfortunate because everybody just wants to be home with their families today,” said Zead Ramadan of the Council on American Islamic Relations.


Earlier, a park cashier told a Journal News reporter that a woman wearing a hijab either pushed or hit a ride operator who forbade her from going on the ride. She said a police officer tried to restrain the woman and the woman’s husband took offense, at which point a multiple-person fight broke out.

Yet again, we see that the "moderate" American Muslim is no more than a conjured character of the left in order to further deny the threat of Islam. No, these Muslims are not killing anybody. But what does behavior like this tell you? It tells me that they believe they are above the law, that their "religion" makes them superior to all others, and that if anyone questions them, disagrees with them, or tells them they cannot do something they want to do then they are a victim. Like I have said before, Islam is incompatible with American society, and the West in general.  Muslims are consciously using our Constitution and leniency against us.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama kill aftermath: Hypocrisy of the left

The Osama bin Laden kill is a victory for America and I couldn't be happier for our country. Now that that is out of the way, I'd like to touch base on a few issues that surround the kill; disgusting, repulsive political issues that shouldn't exist, yet do. I did not want to write this but yet again, the left forces me to.

According to every news source covering this, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad was the key to finding the bin Laden compound in Pakistan by giving up information on Osama bin Laden's personal courier. How did we obtain this information? Bush era "enhanced interrogation techniques" as the media likes to call it. You and I know it as waterboarding. According to Wikipedia, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad was waterboarded 183 times by the CIA until President Obama discontinued the practice in 2009. Until then, the mastermind of 9/11 had confessed to involvement in at least 31 terror plots and other bits of intelligence, including vital clues about Osama bin Laden's personal courier. Every person in this country with common sense knows the intelligence we obtained over the years to find and kill Osama bin Laden was the result of hard nosed interrogation tactics, including waterboarding. The only people who continue to deny this are those on the left who so adamantly opposed the practice, and likely still do despite the benefits to our country. I suppose Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and others just voluntarily gave up clues to the whereabouts of their most revered leader when we asked them! After hearing incessant whining from liberals during the tumultuous Bush years about how awful it is to "torture" those who would do harm to our country, we now hear nothing but denial from them about its role in capturing and killing Osama bin Laden. Our very own Nobel Peace Prize winning President Barack Obama, the man standing high and mighty with his hands on his hips and flash of the camera in his face can take all the credit he wants. But the facts state otherwise. Not one day into his presidency, and he ordered the shut down of the very prisons where this intelligence was gathered, and the very tactics by which it was gathered. An irony for the ages if you ask this American.

Now, if that isn't enough, we have to listen to this continuous stream of politically correct garbage coming from the left about "Islamic sensitivities". "We don't want to spike the football" says Mr. President. I say, spike the football and boot it into the stands! I say release the photos of bin Laden's carcass for all the world to see! Douse the body in pig blood, and shove a big, fat pork chop in his mouth for all of the Muslim world to see. The American people want to see the evidence. We aren't satisfied with hearing about Osama bin Laden's body being dumped into the sea after being given "a proper Islamic burial". We were able to flip on our TV's on September 11th and watch burning New Yorkers jumping to their deaths from the billowing smoke of the towers but we can't see photos of bin Laden dead? Like the issue of Guantanimo and torture, again Obama is on the wrong side on this as well. Let us drift back to 2009 yet again, when a then newly elected President Obama decided it would be ok to release 2000 photos of prisoner abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan to the public. That is ok, but this isn't?

While the left goes gaga over Obama's achievement they dismiss all the facts as usual. We need a savage in the White House. We need a President who is afraid of no one. I want someone in the white house who will get behind that microphone and metaphorically hold up bin Ladens severed head! Instead we have someone who flinches at the sight of a drop of blood, and a press who encourages it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama is finally dead. Where do we go from here?

I got news of Osama bin Laden's death early this morning. It couldn't have put me in a better mood. Morale is high here among the troops; many soldiers I know who were once distraught are now pumped up. The fire we had after 9/11 is back. I have just a few things I want to say about this recent event.

I keep seeing images and videos of half drunk, jubilant Americans shouting and partying in the streets over this. Tomorrow they will be silent. Just like the memory of September 11th faded from so many Americans' minds, so will this. It's just another vain way for people to feel good and patriotic again. Chanting "USA, USA, USA" in the street for a day will do nothing to help the war effort, especially following that up with a chant of "Obama, Obama Obama". A real way you, as an American, can celebrate this is to begin supporting political candidates who sincerely believe in what we are doing, not two faced liars who say one thing, do another, and then claim credit for something they are totally against. While we are on the subject of Americans celebrating I would like to encourage every last person who did not support the war in Afghanistan, or decided it was time for us to retreat even once these past years, to please SIT DOWN and SHUT UP. I don't want to hear a peep from you. If we had your way and accepted defeat, we never would have scored this victory. So for all the defeatists, you should have nothing to say.

Osama bin Laden may be dead, but the War on Terrorism (War on Islamofacsism) is not, nor will it ever be. There are thousands upon thousands of radical Islamic terrorists in the Middle East, in Europe, and likely even in America who are still eager to attack us, if not more so now. It is common knowledge here in Iraq that attacks will now step up because of this. They likely will in Afghanistan too. Expect more terror attacks and general increases in Islamic terror activity in Europe as well. This fight isn't over. I keep hearing people saying how now that Osama is dead the war is magically over and we should pull out of Afghanistan. This is naive and foolish. The enemy is now more emboldened than ever. The American people need to understand this. We do here.

Next, let's get something straight and give credit where it is due. To give President Barack Obama credit for this is completely idiotic. Credit goes to our military, whom Obama has not supported,

as well as President Bush. Like him or not, President Bush laid the groundwork for this kill, while a then Senator Obama did nothing but criticize and whine. Now we watch on CNN as King Obama puffs his chest out for this monumental achievement, "I, I, I." Likely he views it as nothing more than an addition to his war chest for the upcoming campaign.

I know the truth. And the truth is this. The death of Osama bin Laden is only symbolic. We can rejoice as Americans today. But the war isn't over. This very moment, motivated and angered Muslims are preparing plans for their next attacks on Westerners. The worst thing we can do is let up. The best thing we can do is ratchet up the offensive and continue to show the enemy that we are just as motivated, determined, and willing to continue killing them!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What else is new? Muslim man caught before carrying out Jihad.

Saudi man charged with plotting terrorist attack

A college student from Saudi Arabia who studied chemical engineering in Texas bought explosive chemicals online as part of a plan to hide bomb materials inside dolls and baby carriages to blow up dams, nuclear plants or the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush, the Justice Department said Thursday.

"After mastering the English language, learning how to build explosives and continuous planning to target the infidel Americans, it is time for jihad," or holy war, Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari wrote in his private journal, according to court documents.

The 20-year-old Aldawsari wrote that he was planning an attack in the United States for years, even before coming to the U.S. on a scholarship. He said he was influenced by Osama bin Laden's speeches and that he bemoaned the plight of Muslims.

Yet another piece of evidence proving that we are at war with the religion of "piece". Another addition to the long list of violent attacks and attempted attacks by a specific demographic. 18-30 year old Muslim males.

I don't need to sit here and waste my breathe trying to prove to those in denial that the threat isn't there. It's clear, cut and dried. If you are unable to process this information then I pray for you.

It is no wonder the North Carolina based chemical company called the FBI immediately after they received a call from a Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari. What did he expect?

Now, the media is bending over backwards to label this man a "lone wolf", just as they did the shoe bomber, underwear bomber, and Fort Hood gunman. It seems the term is as prevalent to satisfy the politically correct left wing media cravings, as the term "quagmire" was during the Iraq War. Utterly ridiculous.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

CBS News reporter Lara Logan gets a taste of Islam.

Earlier this week reports of the horrific attack on CBS News anchor Lara Logan by a mob of Muslim men in Egypt rocked the Western world.

“She and her team and their security were surrounded by dangerous elements amidst the celebration. It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into a frenzy,” CBS said. She “was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers.”

A mob of fanatic Muslim men brutally rape and beat an innocent woman, and where are the outcries from the feminists in America? Not a peep. Why? I can think of no other reason other than the fact the perpetrators were Muslim men.

The attack on Lara Logan offers the ignorant layman a glimpse into the Islamic world, and the Islamic attitude towards women. We all know the brutality and oppression Islamic women face in the Middle East and elsewhere. But the treatment towards foreign women (khaffirs) by Muslims is even worse, as we all have seen. Left wingers and feminists in America love to tout their record of fighting for the oppressed, yet they never call out the Muslim world for their barbarity, and sometimes ignore it altogether. It is despicable. It is a crime. In addition to the gangrape of Lara Logan by the religion of Islam, other women in the crowds report being assaulted by Muslim men as well.

In some areas, men formed human chains, cordoning off groups of women and children from pushing hordes. But it wasn't enough protection, and women reported later that they were sexually harassed — stared at, shouted at, and groped — that night.
"All the men were very respectful during the revolution," said Nawla Darwiche, an Egyptian feminist. "Sexual harassment didn't occur during the revolt. It occurred during that night. I was personally harassed that night."

Currently, Muslim radicals are rioting in Iran, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt. Iraq is next. What is the real reason behind the revolution rocking the Middle East? Is it because they all of a sudden really want democracy? That's a first! No, my friends. Don't get caught up in Western ignorance, denial, and stupidity. Muslims do not want democracy, nor do they like it. It is the antithesis of their religion and way of life. I speculate the riots sweeping across the region are the result of two things. One, the final straw between ongoing conflicts between Shia and Sunni, obviously. And two, inherent violence present within the Muslim peoples of the Middle East.

Like the brutal rape of Lara Logan by a gang of 200 Muslim men, Muslims continue to show the world what kind of people they are. Violence and Islam go hand in hand. It has been so since the 7th century. It is my belief that every Muslim man has a deep seeded desire to engage in violence for Allah, and the riots taking place are evidence of this. The bloodthirsty tendencies of Islam have intersected with the modern era of social media and has enabled the message of jihadists like the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qeada to spread like wildfire and spawn demonstrations across the entire region. This is a revolution, an Islamic revolution with a common tie that spans nations and borders. Islamic terrorists support this revolution. Words of praise from both Al Qeada and Iranian dictator Ahmedinejad have been spewed. Just today, over a hundred Islamic terrorists were released from prison in Libya. Is this a good thing? Is this democracy? Hardly. Islamic radicals will take the reigns of these demonstrations and torch the Middle East in radicalism. Mubarak, Ghaddfi, and others may be bad guys. But they are about to be replaced by even worse bad guys.

We can only pray it doesn't get worse. As far as the attack on Lara Logan and other women in Egypt, I don't expect a response or condemnation from Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Code Pink, or any other feminist in this country. It would go against their complete acceptance of Islam and all of its brutal practices.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Egypt: Muslims massacre Christians attending church

My, my what a surprise!

Suspected suicide bomber kills 21 at Egypt church

A bomb killed at least 21 people outside a church in the Egyptian city of Alexandria early on New Year's Day and the Interior Ministry said a foreign-backed suicide bomber may have been responsible.

Dozens of people were wounded by the blast, which scattered body parts, destroyed cars and smashed windows. The attack prompted Christians to protest on the streets, and some Christians and Muslims hurled stones at each other.

Egypt has stepped up security around churches, banning cars from parking outside them, since an al Qaeda-linked group in Iraq issued a threat against the Church in Egypt in November.

"The last thing I heard was a powerful explosion and then my ears went deaf," Marco Boutros, a 17-year-old survivor, said from his hospital bed. "All I could see were body parts scattered all over — legs and bits of flesh."

Blood splattered the facade of the church, a painting of Jesus inside, and a mosque across the street. The blast mangled at least six cars on the street, setting some ablaze. As bodies were taken away after daybreak, some in the congregation waved white sheets with the sign of the cross emblazoned on them with what appeared to be the victim's blood.

Muslims doing what they do best!

Friday, September 24, 2010

PURE TYRANNY in England. Muslims now own Britain.

Listen up Brits! You better get a hold of your country and fast.

Great Britain is now a nation where freedom of speech is no longer honored. Unless you are a Muslim! Then you can say all kinds of things such as, "Bomb, bomb UK!" and "Bomb, bomb USA!".


Six arrested in Gateshead over 'Koran burning'

Officers detained two men on September 15 and four more yesterday and all six were bailed pending further inquiries, Northumbria Police said.

''The arrests followed the burning of what are believed to have been two Korans in Gateshead on September 11,'' the spokesman said.

''The incident was recorded and a video placed on the internet.''

In a video still accessible on YouTube, six young men in hooded tops or wearing scarves over their faces can be seen pouring petrol on a book and setting it alight, before burning another.
On the video, which appeared to have been filmed behind a pub, they cheer as the first book bursts into flames.

Northumbria Police said the men were not arrested for watching or distributing the video, but on suspicion of burning the Koran.

Here's the video...

So they are burning a book that inspires violence worldwide. They should be given medals not a prison sentence! If you boys ever read this, BRAVO for doing your duty! Oh, and shall I remind you what the Muslims were allowed to do that very same day with not a hint of police opposition?

The West needs to realize something. Western ideas, culture, and governance are absolutely 100% INCOMPATIBLE with Islam. The two cannot co-exist. It is like oil and water. Or maybe blood and water would be a better analogy. Why is it we see conflict arise wherever Muslims exist? Because to Muslims, Islam is the only way, period, and any other form of government or lifestyle is wrong if it doesn't strictly adhere to the principles of Islam. How does a country like Britain allow such a menacing danger to linger within their borders? Why does any Western nation?

I am going to make a statement here and now that not many will like or agree with. I firmly believe that the best course of action to combat Islam (note, not Islamic extremism...ISLAM) is to ban ALL Muslims from entering the country. This is to include every Western nation. In addition, I believe ALL Muslims should be immediately deported. Extremist? Absolutely! But extreme times call for extreme views. And you know that supposed "Blowback" theory the leftists love to use? (American imperialism caused the Muslims to hate us and attack us on 9/11) Well take this Islam hate coming from one angry American as blowback from what they did to us then! And what they continue to do today!

But what about the "moderate" Muslims?!?

There are no moderate Muslims. There are people that practice the religion like it is written, such as the terrorists above and the 9/11 hijackers. Then there are half ass Muslims like the ones in America that don't really know anything other than pray to Mecca 5 times a day in between playing Xbox and surfing the web. Too bad. You made the decision to follow a religion conjured up by a murderous pedophile which slaughters people worldwide and has been since its inception. That in itself is a breach of moral character and dignity. I don't care how "moderate" you are! Anyone who willingly chooses to follow the cult of Islam is not moderate. Just like any German who willingly chose to follow Adolf Hitler was not moderate. To many of them, murdering Jews was the furthest thing from their mind, but they followed the Nazis nonetheless! They are not innocent, nor moderate. The modern day American Muslim is not innocent or moderate.

People need to realize something. We are at war with Islam. Whether you want to accept this or not is irrelevant. The Muslims know it. They demonstrate it every day. The only way to fight back is to deport every last one of them. Hate speech? You bet. Islam is a cult of death. It is my duty as a human being to hate it. And any person who does not......well then, I'd say you are the one in a moral conundrum.

Do I hate Muslims? Of course not. I could never hate any person. I hate Islam and the Q'uran from cover to cover.

Ban Muslim immigration now. And deport all of them.

As wrong as it sounds, you know I'm right.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Those bloodthirsty Jews...

The media loves to paint Israel as the bad guy. Take this headline...

Israeli jets bomb Gaza targets as leaders hold peace talks

Now go to the actual article and the first paragraphs you'll read are:

Militants launched mortar shells into Israel and Israeli jets bombed targets in Gaza on Wednesday, just as Israeli and Palestinian leaders held peace talks in Jerusalem with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Gaza militants opposed to peace with Israel have threatened to derail the fledgling negotiations, and the Israeli military said eight mortars and one rocket hit Israel by mid-afternoon on the day of the talks — the highest daily total since March 2009. There were no injuries.
Police said two of the mortar shells had phosphorous warheads, which can set fires or severely burn people.

Shouldn't the headline read 'Militants fire rockets into Israel as leaders hold peace talks'? I guess not. I mean, obviously Israel started it! (like always)