Showing posts with label Laugh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laugh. Show all posts


Feelin' Sexy Friday -- Lighten Up

Have you ever known someone who you've thought needs to take the stick out of their rear?(Sorry, I couldn't think of a better way to say it.) How in the world are you to feel sexy when you are so dang serious all the time? Don't you want to feel sexy?

Oh wait -- that's you!? Oh dear. Quick. Here's a song. Dance. Smile. Let your guard down.


Husband's Very Own Calendar Girl

Some days, don't you just wish you could be a steamy calendar girl? They're so confident and sassy. Of course you would be strictly husband's calendar girl, but a calendar girl just the same. So why not? Do something crazy and out of the ordinary. Let your hair down. Tonight, be husband's star!

Pick out something sassy, throw on your lip gloss, and take husband on the hottest photo shoot he'll ever attend. Be sure to stay on the right side of pornographic so you can comfortably upload them on to create and order your calendar for FREE! (Don't worry girls, I verified this one ;) only pay $5.67 for shipping.)

{F.Y.I is celebrating their 10th anniversary by offering 10 free products: business cards, self inking rubber stamps, photo flip books, totes, mugs, and a mouse pad. But they had me at Calendar Girl. *Two day promotion, so hurry!}

Thanks for the heads up Krazy Coupon Ladies :)


Feelin' Sexy Friday -- Girls' Night Out

In the book, Grown-Up Marriage: What We Know, Wish We Had Known, and Still Need to Know About Being Married, author Judith Viorst says, "A grown-up marriage allows one to find a balance between autonomy and connection."

In other words, you need a girls' night out.

Seriously. We can't do everything with our man all of the time. It's important that both members of the relationship feel free to have different likes and interests. Husband can prove his manhood in a game of basketball and you can go watch America's Next Top Model with the girls. Be silly and let loose. When you come home at the end of the night he'll feel masculine and you'll feel feminine. You can show off what you've learned from your girls' night and strut down the hall in your favorite bra and panties.

You'll feel sexy, I promise.

P.S. A dollar says he won't even notice the fat roll :)


Slice of Advice: Laugh

"Laugh a lot. Never take life too seriously."

Growing up shouldn't = lame. Remember when you were dating and you had fun? Take a tip from Katie and lighten up. Smile. Laugh. Now turn off your computer and go tickle your honey till he laughs his socks off. But only after you take the new poll on the sidebar :)


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