Showing posts with label Pure Awesome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pure Awesome. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Acheivement Unlocked

Sit in the flight deck of a C17 in flight and chat with the pilot.  Pics when I have better than the worlds slowest interwebs.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

MHIEHBRPG Kickstarter is Live!

That's the Monster Hunter International Employee's Handbook and Roll Playing Game is live on Kickstarter.  Some of the mid-level packages are going fast!  I couldn't resist the patch, but really wish I could have shelled out the $500 for red-shirting.  Oh well, some day I'll achieve that.

Anyway, go support the Awesome!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Reach out and touch someone...

Marines set new Artillery range record.
Golf Battery, 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines, out of Camp Pendleton, Calif., dropped the 155mm M982 Excalibur round on insurgents 36 kilometers away — more than 22 miles — in Helmand province. The strike was launched Feb. 12 from an M777 howitzer on a mountainside at Forward Operating Base Zeebrugge, in Kajaki, to neighboring Musa Qala district, Marines said.

It marks the longest operational artillery shot in history for the Marine Corps, said Capt. Joshua Kling, the battery commander.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Owls, that's who!

On Sunday the park put on a "Live Birds of Prey" presentation, so the newly minted fiancee and I took my grandmother out to see some birds.

In my opinion, they started with the stars of the show and brought the owls out first.  I think owls are about the only predator that can give felines a run for their money on purpose-built killing machines.  I mean they have special feathers that only exist to silence the airflow around their claws...

In order of size, they had a Northern Saw Whet that was both tiny, and greatly upset about being awake at 3 in the afternoon.

Upping the level in both size and badass looks was the Screech Owl.

Possibly one of the prettiest owls, and quite common around here, the Barred Owl-

And for the show-stealing intimidation in bird form, they had a Great Horned Owl, and he was not at all happy about being out.

It seems that they do the whole "stand up straight" thing when they're calm and relaxed.  If they're feeling frisky and mad with something, that's the look you get.  Thankfully they're still attracted to the flip on an SLR's mirror, and the people with the birds were kind enough to pause a little longer in front of a "real" camera.

They also had some daytime killers, photos of those tomorrow.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Feels more like summer.  The highs this last week have been pushing the 80s, and the "rain" they keep speaking of keeps getting pushed further and further back (50% today as of last night, currently bright and sunny and only partially cloudy.)

This does not help with the bloggage.

Yesterday afternoon/evening I rolled up to the gun shop to pick up a free hat for being awesome, and fondle my probably BAG Day purchase.  Speaking of, BAG Day is a Sunday, and the shop's closed, but I'm looking at a handgun, so I'll most likely pay and do the paperwork on Saturday and pick it up Monday after the stupid waiting period.  I figure that should be close enough for .gov work.

While I was there, I also got to handle an NFA Kriss carbine and a Serbu breacher.  The Serbu seems like it would be fun for about 5 minutes, then unless you're actually using it as a breacher, you'd be wondering why you went AOW and not SBS (I'm still very much wanting an 870 with a 12" barrel... ends right at the factory mag tube, how awesome is that?)  The Kriss on the other hand... well, I'm glad I didn't look at the price tag, or I'd be doing math to figure out when I could start paperwork.

On a more positive note, they're also carrying converted Saiga 12s and stock drums for the same.  That could end up costing me a bit (although I'd be constantly tempted to mount a launcher of some sort to the bottom...)

Start three nights of overnights tonight, so maybe there'll be some stuff up here with more content in the morning.

Friday, March 16, 2012


I love the fact that I just picked this up at a local retailer...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Muzzle Flash Photography

Since I'll be busy all day, here's a gun video from Destin to keep you occupied.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Rally Fighter

I found my dream car...

Local Motors Rally Fighter

$75k, which includes going to their place for 6 days to actually build your car.  Badass.

Spike's Tactical got one, and the vinyl wrap on theirs is pretty sweet too.