I know, I know... I rarely feature "metal" guitars or those designed purely for shredding as it's not really my area of interest in the guitar world and I feel that plenty of other guitar blogs already more than adequately cover these type of instruments.
However, this particular
ESP Ltd EC-CZ II Clockwork Zombie, currently being offered for sale on eBay UK at a knock-down Buy It Now price of £499, caught my eye. It's a limited edition issued as part of
ESP Ltd's Graphic Series and features original artwork by
Sam Shearon, a.k.a. dark artist
Mr Sam.
Almost exactly two years ago as I write this, I spent some time in the company of Sam Shearon, who is an absolutely charming fellow with a seemingly endless supply of stories and anecdotes on all matter of subjects, and from having had a close-up look at his artwork I can testify to his considerable talents. We did speak about doing an interview for
Guitarz about Sam's work for ESP Guitars among others, but there were so many other distractions that weekend, some involving sampling the delights of various alchoholic beverages, that sadly we never got around to it.
One thing that amazed me was that although Sam's intricate artwork looks airbrushed, he said that he does all his artwork on a PC using a mouse! Wow, he must have a very steady hand.
I'm told that Sam's designs on ESP Ltd guitars often sell out nearly as soon as they are released. The particular model had a retail price of £849 in the UK, so at this eBay seller's price of £499 some lucky shredder could get themselves a bargain.
G L Wilson
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