So says Mark Forsythe's The Kansas City Post blog.
Kansas City-MO builds and funds all the Metro's major attractions and most of it's transportation system with little or no help from surburban municipalities. Time to shut those attactions down if those entities won't help much more than they are- KC-MO can no longer afford to carry the entire load.
One suggestion is to sell the KC Zoo to private interests or to close it altogether. I'd go further- sell the adults' sports stadiums to the respective teams using them.
I suggested this before that stadium tax was voted on by area residents who obviously thought they weren't paying enough taxes to support billionare team owners and their millionaire employees.
I know these are officially owned by Jackson County- but KC-MO funnels about $2-million we don't have anymore into those corporate sports palaces. Proceeds from any sale should be generously shared with the host city (KC-MO).
Since the Chief's management- and to a lesser-extent the Royals- have pissed off so many fans in the past few years with piss-poor teams and raises in ticket prices- Now's the time to spring this one on the sheeple.
Another novel idea is a complete moratorium on ANY tax breaks for developers- let's do it like the OLD DAYS for awhile.
If a developer thinks their project is so damn attractive- let them pay for building it WITHOUT tax breaks. And let them pay FULL property taxes like the rest of us poor- and getting poorer- smucks do.