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An Unmaker initiate by Zhu Bajie |
Wholly devoted to the Unmaker cult to which he belongs, an initiate hopes his loyalty will one day be rewarded with greater responsibilities – and the power that comes with it.
DR 12, HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 × weapon (1d6 or by weapon), AB +0, MV Near, SV F11 D12 M13 E16 S15 (A2), ML 9 (11 with prophet), XP 25, NA 1d8 (2d12), TT U
• Unmaker’s Blessing: Each initiate has 10% chance to have received an alchemical boon that increases his DR (1–2), HD (3–4), AB (5–6), or damage (7–8) by +2 (roll 1d8).
• Zealous: +2 to saves against spells or effects intended to negatively affect an initiate’s loyalty to his cult.
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An Unmaker prophet by Zhu Bajie |
The leader of a cult, a prophet is a living embodiment of the Unmaker philosophy – nihilism and material transcendence made manifest. Each prophet is unique in his particular approach to the Unmakers’ doctrines, as well as in his appearance and powers.
DR 16, HD 9*** (40hp), Att 1 × weapon (1d4 or by weapon) or 1 × spell, AB +7, MV Near, SV F8 D9 M10 E10 S12 (A2), ML 10, XP 3000, NA 1 (1), TT F
• Magic Resistance: Unaffected by mind-affecting or mind-reading spells.
• Spells: Each prophet casts spells as if he were a 9th-level sorcerer.
• Material Transcendence: A prophet has 1d3 modifications to his body, determined randomly (1d8), re-roll duplicates. Referee is encouraged to create additional modifications.
1. Displacement: Appears in different place from actual location; attacker suffers –2 to hit.
2. Energy Immunity: Unharmed by cold or electrical attacks.
3. Hardened Flesh: All attacks do –1 damage per die.
4. Heightened Awareness: Never surprised.
5. Heightened Reflexes: +2 initiative.
6. Heightened Strength: +2 melee damage.
7. Regeneration: Regain 2hp per round until slain.
8. Telepathy: As the adept discipline of the same name. Treated prophet as adept of same level as HD.