Showing posts with label grognard's grimoire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grognard's grimoire. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Grognard's Grimoire: Omejaldalu (Unmaker)

An Unmaker initiate by Zhu Bajie
The Omejaldalu, or Unmakers, are a loose collection of cults whose leaders see the Makers as having been detached, corrupt, and, above all, stifling to the development of sha-Arthan and its inhabitants. The Unmakers, therefore, seek to free the world from the shackles imposed by the Makers by using both sorcery and science to tear down and destroy every established norm, pattern, or system, including those of reality itself. In so doing, the Unmakers hope to inaugurate an era of unparalleled liberty – or another Epoch of Strife.

(More information about the Unmakers can be found here)


Wholly devoted to the Unmaker cult to which he belongs, an initiate hopes his loyalty will one day be rewarded with greater responsibilities – and the power that comes with it.

DR 12, HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 × weapon (1d6 or by weapon), AB +0, MV Near, SV F11 D12 M13 E16 S15 (A2), ML 9 (11 with prophet), XP 25, NA 1d8 (2d12), TT U

    • Unmaker’s Blessing: Each initiate has 10% chance to have received an alchemical boon that increases his DR (1–2), HD (3–4), AB (5–6), or damage (7–8) by +2 (roll 1d8).
    • Zealous: +2 to saves against spells or effects intended to negatively affect an initiate’s loyalty to his cult.

An Unmaker prophet by Zhu Bajie


The leader of a cult, a prophet is a living embodiment of the Unmaker philosophy – nihilism and material transcendence made manifest. Each prophet is unique in his particular approach to the Unmakers’ doctrines, as well as in his appearance and powers. 

DR 16, HD 9*** (40hp), Att 1 × weapon (1d4 or by weapon) or 1 × spell, AB +7, MV Near, SV F8 D9 M10 E10 S12 (A2), ML 10, XP 3000, NA 1 (1), TT F

    • Magic Resistance: Unaffected by mind-affecting or mind-reading spells.

    • Spells: Each prophet casts spells as if he were a 9th-level sorcerer.

    • Material Transcendence: A prophet has 1d3 modifications to his body, determined randomly (1d8), re-roll duplicates. Referee is encouraged to create additional modifications.

    1. Displacement: Appears in different place from actual location; attacker suffers –2 to hit.

    2. Energy Immunity: Unharmed by cold or electrical attacks.

    3. Hardened Flesh: All attacks do –1 damage per die.

    4. Heightened Awareness: Never surprised.

    5. Heightened Reflexes: +2 initiative.

    6. Heightened Strength: +2 melee damage.

    7. Regeneration: Regain 2hp per round until slain.

    8. Telepathy: As the adept discipline of the same name. Treated prophet as adept of same level as HD.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Grognard's Grimoire: Kelthaga

Kelthaga (Hateful Dead)

A kelthaga by Zhu Bajie
A kelthaga is a mindless undead being fueled by hatred of the living. There are two known means by which a kelthaga comes to be. The first is death through obliteration (see Magic); the second is through a recondite version of necromancy known to certain sects (see Alignment). The only difference between the two types is the singular focus of the first compared to the more general malice of the second. Once a kelthaga of either type comes within 6p of living beings, it will relentlessly pursue them until it is physically unable to do so. 

DR 14, HD 3** (13hp), Att 1 × touch (1d6 + Vigor drain), AB +2, MV 18p (6p), SV F12 D13 M14 E15 S16, ML 12, XP 65, NA 1d4 (1d6), TT None (see below)

        • Undead: Makes no noise, until it attacks. Immune to effects that affect living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading disciplines and spells.
          • Mundane weapon immunity: Only harmed by spells or magic weapons.
            • Regeneration:  A damaged kelthaga regains 1hp at the start of each round, as long as it is above 0hp. Severed limbs reattach.
              • Return from death: If killed (0hp), will regenerate and fight again in 2d6 rounds.
                • Fire: Cannot regenerate damage from fire. The only way to kill a kelthaga permanently.
                  • Vigor drain: Victims lose 1 VIG per hit. Recovers after 8 turns. If reduced to 0 VIG, the victim becomes a kelthaga.
                    • Necromantic plaque: Kelthaga created by necromancy wear a plaque worth 500dm for its materials alone, possibly more to a connoisseur of the arcane.

                Thursday, November 17, 2022

                Grognard's Grimoire: Gorodaka

                Gorodaka (Haughty Dead)

                A gorodaka by Zhu Bajie
                Death knows no distinctions of power or status. This abiding truth has not stopped sorcerers throughout time from seeking a means of sidestepping it. One such means is laid out in the Kadil Sho'i ("The Breaking of the Cycle"), which provides a complex alchemical formula for extending one's life indefinitely. The successful execution of the formula arrests the process of physical decay, transforming the sorcerer into something simultaneously greater and less than human – a  gorodaka.

                Initially, a gorodaka looks no different than it did in life, except that it no longer breathes, eats, or sleeps. Over time, putrescence sets in, leading many gorodaka to hide their rot behind masks, as well as ornate suits of armor or other similar finery. Despite their unnatural origins, not all gorodaka are wicked, though nearly all see themselves as superior to the living.

                DR 19, HD 9+5**** (45hp), Att 1 × touch (1d10 + paralysis), AB +8, MV 60’ (20’), SV F8 D9 M8 E11 S4 (Sorcerer 14), ML 10, XP 3700, NA 1 (1), TT A

                • Undead: Makes no noise, until it attacks. Immune to effects that affect living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading spells.
                • Energy immunity: Unharmed by cold or electricity.
                • Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by spells or magic weapons.
                • Paralysis: For 2d4 turns (fortitude save). 
                • Spell immunity: Immune to magic causing death or polymorph.
                • Sorcerer: Casts spells as a 14th-level sorcerer.

                Thursday, October 27, 2022

                Grognard's Grimoire: Kijai

                Kijai (Slimy Scavenger)

                A kijai is a loathsome, sickly yellow mass of semi-translucent slime found throughout the middle and lower reaches of the Vaults. Sages debate whether it is a form of animal or plant life, though none dare deny its dangers. 

                DR 11, HD 5* (22hp), Att 1 × touch (2d6), AB +4, MV 30' (10'), SV F12 D13 M14 E15 S16 (3), ML 12, XP 300, NA 1 (0), TT None

                • Immunity: Unharmed by all attacks except cold and fire.
                • Division: Fulmination or attacks with weapons cause the kijai to divide into 1d4+1 2HD hijai that do half damage.
                • Acid: After a successful attack, sticks to victim and exudes acid. The acid inflicts 2d6 damage per round to flesh and destroys cloth, leather, or wood in one round (stone and metal are unaffected).
                • Seep: Can squeeze through small holes and cracks.

                A hijai by Zhu Bajie

                Thursday, August 4, 2022

                Grognard's Grimoire: Ven Mor

                Ven Mor (Beast Man)

                A ven mor by Zhu Bajie
                In the Thirty-Second Year of the Sixth Cycle, a strange affliction appeared in Rayaldama. Dubbed the Curse of the Makers, it is magical in nature. Its first victims were adventurers who had entered Rayaldama's Vaults, contrary to the Everlasting Edicts of Akamra. The Curse's first symptom is high fever, followed by violent madness, and finally unconsciousness, during which time the victim's body rapidly transforms into that of a bestial humanoid. Those so transformed retain little of their former identities. Instead, they are consumed by a desire to kill and spread the pestilence that afflicts them to others, thereby propagating their kind.

                The physical manifestation of the Curse varies from victim to victim; there is no single "standard" appearance of a ven mor. Some sages suggest a connection between the last meal of animal matter consumed by the afflicted and his bestial transformation, while others scoff at this as superstition. True or not, the peasantry of Inba Iro and surrounding lands long ago adopted a vegetarian diet as a precaution against the Curse. An outbreak of the Curse in civilized lands is thus a serious threat and no effort is spared to contain it by starving it of potential hosts.

                AC 5 [14], HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 × weapon (1d6 or by weapon), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 V13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 10, XP 25 (narahan: 50), NA 2d4 (1d6 × 10), TT D

                • Weapons: Prefer clubs and other blunt weapons. 
                • Curse of the Makers: At the beginning and end of any melee combat with one or more ven mor, save versus poison with a +2 bonus. Those who fail both rolls transform into a beast man after an illness of 1d4 days. There is no known cure, though rumors persist that the priests of Ukol possess a spell to counteract it.
                • Narahan: Groups of 20+ are led by a more powerful ven mor (called a narahan) with 3HD (16hp).
                Another ven mor

                Monday, July 18, 2022

                Grognard's Grimoire: Rashthul

                Rashthul (Hive Walker)

                A deadly pest of the deserts of sha-Arthan is the rashjalum, a flying, carnivorous insect that dwells in enormous hives. Each hive has a complex society under a single "high queen," protected by several dozen "war queens" that command swarms of insects that search for threats and food. A war queen typically parasitizes a desert-dwelling animal, such as the barkoa land-crab, hijacking its nervous system and mutating its body to serve as a mobile sub-hive from which to attack foes and defend her high queen.

                When a war queen parasitizes a Man, the result is a rashthul. Its bones unpredictably mutated into a chitinous exoskeleton and its brain consumed, a rashthul has no will of its own. It exists only as a vehicle for these terrible insects, roaming the deserts of the True World with no purpose other than to destroy whatever its controlling war queen commands.

                AC 4 [14], HD 4+1** (19hp), Att 2, 3, or 4 × weapon (1d6 or by weapon), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 90’ (30’), SV D10 V11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 10, XP 275, NA 1d6 (2d6), TT Nectar

                • Immunities: Immune to effects that affect living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading spells. 
                • Half-damage: Suffer only half-damage from sharp and/or edged weapons. 
                • Weapons: 4×1-handed, 2×1-handed and 1×2-handed, or 2×2-handed.
                • Attack multiple opponents: Up to 3 per round.
                • Rashjalum swarm: Automatically damages opponents within a 10' × 10' area surrounding the rashthul: 2hp per round if wearing armor, 4hp without.
                • Warding off: A brandished torch or other source of flame and/or smoke causes the swarm to retreat into the body of the rashthul.
                •  Nectar: 1d4 tamu of medicinal nectar may be found within each rashthul's body. Properly remedied, each tamu heals 1d6 hit points if consumed in its entirety. The presence of this nectar gives the rashthul an oddly sweet smell, detectable within 60'.
                A rashthul by Zhu Bajie

                Saturday, March 26, 2022

                Grognard's Grimoire: Lometlak

                Lometlak (Implacable Guardian)

                The Makers left behind innumerable automatons to defend and maintain their edifices, among the weakest being the single-minded lometlak. Broad and squat (5’), lometlak patrol both the Vaults and ancient sites on the surface of sha-Arthan. They relentlessly attack anyone unable to produce evidence of sanction to enter the areas they guard, employing both physical attacks and a powerful energy weapon (range 180’).

                DR 17, HD 4** (18hp), Att 2 × blow (1d8) or energy blast (2d6), AB +3, MV 90' (30'), SV F10 D11 M12 E13 S14 (4), ML 12, XP 175, NA 1d4 (1d4), TT None 

                • Detect invisible creatures: Within 60’. 
                • Spell immunity: Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading disciplines and spells.
                A lometlak by Zhu Bajiee

                Saturday, February 5, 2022

                Grognard's Grimoire: Ashalakat

                Ashalakat (Blood Creeper)

                The ashalakat is a 4'-long monstrosity possessing a flat, translucent body and eight strong tentacles. The beast is an aggressive predator that subsists entirely on blood. Its preferred habitat is dark and moist, such as the middle reaches of the Vaults beneath Nalu Hesh.

                AC 7 [12], HD 5+1** (23hp), Att 8 × tentacles (1d3), 1 × bite (1d3 + blood drain) THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 V13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 9, XP 575, NA 1d4 (1d4), TT B

                • Blood drain: Attaches to victim on a successful hit, doing 1d4 automatic damage per round.
                • Detaching: Must be killed.
                • If victim dies: Detaches and finds a dark place to digest.
                • Constriction: Tentacles grab and constrict after a hit. 1d3 automatic damage per round. 
                • Severing tentacles: Requires a hit that inflicts 3 or more damage.
                • Cling: Can move along walls and ceilings.
                An ashalakat by Zhu Bajiee

                Thursday, January 20, 2022

                Grognard's Grimoire: Tharantal

                Tharantal (Silent Deceiver)

                The Heritor Lords of the Epoch of Wonders applied their sciences to beget many strange creatures, like the shapeshifting tharantal, whom they employed as spies and assassins. Standing 7' tall, the tharantal's natural form is that of a spindly, pale-skinned humanoid with a single eye. In the present cycle, sorcerers and potentates sometimes enlist them and independent bands of them dwell in secluded locales, including, it is said, the Vaults.

                AC 5 [14], HD 4*** (18hp), Att 2 × fist (2d4), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 90’ (30’), SV D6 V7 P8 B8 S10 (10), ML 10, XP 225, NA 1d6 (1d6), TT E

                • Change Form: May take on the appearance of any person or creature observed three times per day. Takes 1 round.
                • Healing: Regains 4d4 hit points upon changing to a new form.
                • Surprise: On a 1–4, due to stealth.
                • Tracking: Without error.
                • Reversion: If killed, reverts to its original form.
                • Spell Immunity: Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading spells.
                A tharantal by Zhu Bajiee

                Friday, January 14, 2022

                Grognard's Grimoire: Dritlor

                Dritlor (Doomed Dead)

                The people of Inba Iro burn their dead, believing the soul can only return to the eternal gods if so liberated from the prison of the flesh. For this reason, the priests of Jilho the Protector deny condemned lawbreakers cremation. Through sorcery, they instead compel them to serve after execution as guardians of the upper levels of the Vaults. Only fire can permanently end a dritlor's earthly bondage or else it reanimates not long after its apparent destruction. 

                AC 7 [12], HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 × weapon (1d8 or by weapon), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 V13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 12, XP 25, NA 2d4 (4d6), TT None

                • Guardians: Always attacks on sight
                • Undead: Makes no noise, until it attacks. Immune to effects that affect living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading spells.
                • Reanimation: If destroyed (0hp), stitches itself back together and fights again in 2d6 rounds.
                • Fire: Cannot reanimate if burned after destruction.
                A dritlor by Zhu Bajiee

                Tuesday, October 5, 2021

                Grognard's Grimoire: Yeretshak

                Yeretshak (Golden Bloodsucker)

                Yeretshaks are 3’-long scuttling creatures common to subterranean locales, though they sometimes venture above ground in search of prey. These beasts use their sharp mandibles to bite and attach themselves to their quarry to suck blood. The carapace of the yeretshak is tough and possesses a sparkly sheen that makes it much prized as a material for armor and shields, particularly by the Ga’andrin.

                AC 3 [12], HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 × bite (1d4 + blood sucking), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 V13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 8, XP 25, NA 1d8 (2d6), TT Carapace

                • Blood sucking: Upon a successful attack, attaches and drains target’s blood: 1d4 automatic damage per round.
                • Carapace: Worth 1d4 × 10dm to armorers and weaponsmiths (double this amount if sold in Ga’andrin lands).
                • Disease: Bite has 1-in-20 chance of infecting the target (save versus poison). The disease has a 1-in-4 chance of being deadly (die in 2d4 days). Otherwise, the target is sick and bedridden for one month.
                • Detach: If yeretshak drains blood equal to its own hit points or if it or its target dies.

                Monday, September 20, 2021

                Grognard's Grimoire: Thedlani

                Thedlani (Horned Lumberer)

                Thedlani are large horned animals that stand 12–14 feet tall at the shoulder and support their 5–7 ton weight on four thick legs. Originating in the subtropical forests of Chametkani, domesticated thedlani can now be found across sha-Arthan, where they are used as both mounts and pack animals. Generally docile, these creatures will fight fiercely if attacked.

                AC 5 [14], HD 9 (40hp), Att 1 × bite (2d4) or 1 × trample (4d8), THAC0 12 [+7], MV 120’ (40’), SV D10 V11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 8, XP 900, NA 0 (1d20), TT Horns

                • Trample: 3-in-4 chance of trampling each round. +4 to hit human-sized or smaller creatures.
                • Maronma: The horns of the thedlani are made of a bone-like substance called maronma much valued in many lands. Each horn is worth 1d6 × 100dm.

                Thursday, September 2, 2021

                Grognard's Grimoire: Teteku

                (Much of my writing time these days is devoted to The Vaults of sha-Arthan, the science fantasy setting of my next campaign. While my focus has been on a draft of certain sections to give to prospective players, I've also been working on detailing the starting locales of the setting itself, including the native wildlife. Here's one such animal.) 

                Teteku (Scaled Strider)

                Standing between 6 and 8 feet tall at the shoulder, teteku are reptilian creatures with long, slender necks and gracile heads. These creatures walk on two muscular hind limbs, forelimbs being mostly useless outside of mating displays. Wild teteku roam in herds across all five continents of sha-Arthan, while domesticated breeds have played important roles in most societies, both human and non-human, since at least the First Cycle, if not longer.

                Riding Teteku

                Bred for swiftness, these teteku can survive on a purely vegetarian diet, such as krutha-grass or ulevanma-weeds.

                AC 6 [13], HD 2 (9hp), Att 1 × bite (1d6), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 240’ (80’), SV D12 V13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 7, XP 20, NA 0 (0), TT None

                • Beast of burden: Carry up to 40 STR worth of items unencumbered; up to 70 STR at half speed.
                • Domesticated: Not encountered in the wild.

                War Teteku

                Bred for strength and ferocity in battle, these teteku are adapted for short bursts of speed rather than long-distance riding. Some breeds of war teteku, such as the Ga’andrin yanenka, are carnivorous, but most retain herbivorous ways.

                AC 6 [13], HD 3 (13hp), Att 1 × bite (1d8), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 V13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 9, XP 35, NA 0 (0), TT None

                • Beast of burden: Carry up to 35 STR worth of items unencumbered; up to 70 STR at half speed.
                • Charge: When not in melee. Requires a clear run of at least 20 yards. Rider’s lance inflicts double damage. Teteku cannot attack when charging.
                • Domesticated: Not encountered in the wild.
                • Melee: When in melee, both rider and teteku can attack.

                Wild Teteku

                Adapted to run at high speed, these teteku still exist in large numbers on the continents of Alakun-Tenu and Beyash (and in smaller numbers elsewhere).

                AC 6 [13], HD 2 (9hp), Att 1 × bite (1d4), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 240’ (80’), SV D12 V13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 7, XP 20, NA 0 (1d10 × 10), TT None

                • Stampede: Herds of 20 or more can trample those in their path. 3-in-4 chance each round. +4 to human-sized or smaller creatures. 1D20 damage.
                • Taming: Wild teteku can be trained as mounts (riding teteku).

                Wednesday, April 28, 2021

                Grognard's Grimore: Ulthai

                Ulthai (Gloom Kraken) (Old School Essentials)

                An ulthai by Jason Sholtis

                An ulthai is a frightening, cephalopod with eight 12-foot arms covered in barbs. Originally native to the deep caves beneath the Enu Esari Highlands of central Elagal, these creatures have since become a widespread menace. Paranoid sorcerers bind ulthai to guard treasures in subterranean lakes and other bodies of water by means of a ritual first set down in the Had Anura. If an ulthai loses half or more of its arms, it will flee beneath the water, attacking again only if it is pursued or to defend any treasure it has been bound to guard.

                AC 2 [17], HD 10 (44hp), Att 8 × arms (1d8 + constriction) or bite (1d10), THAC0 11 [+8], MV 90' (30'), SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10, ML 10, AL Matter, XP 900, NA 1 (1), TT None (see above) 

                • Constriction: Arms grab and constrict after a hit. Each constricting arm inflicts: 1d8 automatic damage per round, plus a –1 penalty to attacks.
                • Severing Arms: Requires a hit with a cutting weapon inflicting 8 or more damage.  
                • Vulnerability to Magical Light: Light deals 2d6 damage if cast upon an ulthai, while continual light deals 4d6 damage. A successful saving throw versus spells indicates half damage.

                Tuesday, April 27, 2021

                Grognard's Grimoire: Barbask

                 Barbask (Swamp Lurker) (Old School Essentials)

                A barbask by Jason Sholtis

                A barbask is a colony of iryamal-plants that has gained temporary mobility and a semblance of intelligence from prolonged exposure to arcane energies. It is roughly humanoid in shape and dark green in color. The barbask typically lies in wait, submerged in water, until potential prey passes within range of its attacks.

                AC 4 [15], HD 5*** (22hp), Att 2 × fists (1d8) or pollen blast (1d6+5), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 60' (20'), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14, ML 12, AL Energy, XP 550, NA 1d4 (1d4+2), TT D 

                • Plant: Makes no noise, until it attacks. Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading spells (e.g. charm, hold, sleep), as well as paralysis, poison, polymorph, and stunning.
                • Damage Reduction: Half damage from slashing and piercing weapons. 
                • Surprise: On a 1–3, when submerged in water, due to being mistaken for a colony of iryamal-plants.
                • Pollen Blast: Once per day, deals 1d6+5 damage against up to five targets within 60'; save versus poison for half damage. 
                • Animate Plants: Can animate 2 plants (within 60'; may switch plants at will). These fight as barbasks with movement rate 30' (10').

                Thursday, January 21, 2021

                Grognard's Grimoire: Vephar

                Vephar (Old School Essentials)

                Vephar by Jason Sholtis
                AC –2 [21], HD 22**** (132hp), Att 2 × claws (1d10), 1 × tail slap (1d6), THAC0 5 [+14], MV 360' (120'), SV D2 W2 P2 B2 S2, ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 10,500, NA 1, TT I, K, N, O

                Vephar is a duke whose watery domain can be found on Demon World Dawo within the Fifth Shell. His 29 legions include many cohorts of aegaei (q.v.), as well as even more terrible aquatic demons. Vephar's preferred form is an emaciated humanoid whose grotesquely distended belly reveals his viscera. Instead of legs, he has a fish-like tail. His gangly arms end in large, clawed hands. Vephar's designation in the Grimoire Major is 01-23 Blue.

                Vephar may only be struck by +3 or better weapons. While in contact with water, he regenerates 2 hit points per round. He has the following spell-like abilities, usable at will: cause fear, control weather, detect invisible, detect magic, dispel magic, feeblemind, polymorph self, read languages, read magic, teleport, and wall of ice. Vephar can summon (with 60% chance of success) 1–6 aegaei. Damage dealt by his claws does not heal unless the spell cure disease is first applied.

                Vephar claims suzerainty over all Chaotic marine life, including amphibians. This latter point is a source of contention between himself and Bael (q.v.), as both demon lords regard the Ranine (q.v.) as their subjects alone. Evil Men sometimes beseech Vephar to cause storms at sea, an appeal he is only too happy to oblige.

                Thursday, January 7, 2021

                Grognard's Grimoire: Blighter

                Blighter (Old School Essentials)

                A blighter by Zhu Bajiee
                AC 5 [14], HD 4+3* (21hp), Att 1 × claw (1d8 + disease), 1 × bite (1d4 + disease) THAC0 15 [+4], MV 30' (10'), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14, ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 200, NA 2d4 (2d4), TT None

                A blighter is disease-ridden form of undead first seen in the catacombs beneath the monastery at St. Gaxyg-at-Urheim but subsequently reported in other nearby locales. Blighters shamble slowly and make no noise until they attack. They are immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells, as well as effects that affect living creatures (e.g. poison). Clerics have the same chance of turning blighters as they do of turning wights.

                A blighter looks like a hulking, misshapen humanoid covered in bony protrusions and tumorous excrescences, surrounded by a miasmic cloud. In combat, a blighter attacks with a clawed hand and a bite. Any target within melee range must make a saving throw versus poison each round or suffer the effects of the cause disease spell. Any targets so afflicted are themselves contagious to other living creatures they touch or with whom they come into very close contact; such creatures must save versus poison at +2 or suffer the same effects. The disease can be cured through the application of the spells bless, cure disease, or neutralize poison. Any creature slain by the blighter's contagion rises as a blighter after the next sunset.

                Thursday, December 17, 2020

                Grognard's Grimoire: Eidolon

                 Eidolon (Old School Essentials)

                An eidolon by Zhu Bajiee

                AC 4 [15], HD 4** (18hp), Att 2 × touch (1d4 + fear), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 90' (30') / 180' (60') flying, SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14, ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 175, NA 1d6 (1d6), TT C

                An eidolon is the undead spirit of a cleric who died while in the grips of despair, no longer finding solace in True Faith. Eidolons can only be hit by magical or silver weapons. They are immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells, as well as effects that affect living creatures (e.g. poison). Clerics have the same chance of turning eidolons as they do of turning wraiths.

                An eidolon appears as a ghostly, floating figure in a tattered monastic habit. In combat, the eidolon will attempt to strike with both its spectral hands against a single target. If both attacks succeed, the target must make a saving throw against spells or suffer the effects of the 1st-level cleric spell cause fear, in addition to the damage rolled. Clerics save against this effect at –2.

                Friday, November 13, 2020

                Grognard's Grimore: Kin


                A kin by Jason Sholtis
                Requirements: Minimum CHA 9

                Prime Requisite: CHA and STR

                Hit Dice: 1d6

                Maximum Level: 10

                Armor: Any, including shields

                Weapons: Any

                Languages: Alignment, Common

                Sometimes called “High Men” (or, in esoteric texts, the Terrim), kin are a secretive group of tall, attractive humanoids who attire themselves in peculiar clothing and armor. Kin are rare and few in number, typically traveling alone or in very small groups. There are rumors of a hidden kingdom of kin, but, if true, its location remains a mystery. Kin have an innate knowledge and command of magic, for which they are both well known and feared.

                Prime Requisites: A kin with at least 13 INT and STR gains a 5% bonus to experience. A kin with a WIS of at least 16 and a STR of at least 13 receives a +10% bonus.

                Thursday, October 22, 2020

                Grognard's Grimoire: Bael

                Bael (Old School Essentials)

                Bael by Jason Sholtis
                AC –7 [26], HD 23**** (184hp), Att 2 × bite (2d6), THAC0 5 [+14], MV 150' (50'), SV D2 W2 P2 B2 S2, ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 10,500, NA 1, TT R, S, T, V

                Bael is a great demon king, arguably the most powerful of his kind. From his citadel on the dark side of Aido in the Sixth Shell, he commands 66 legions. Though capable of assuming many guises, his preferred form is that of an eight-legged creature with three heads—his right one looking like a cat, his left like a toad, and his central one like a cadaverous human king wearing a two-tiered crown. When Bael speaks, it is through the mouth of his human head, which possesses a harsh and haughty voice.

                Bael may only be struck by +3 or better weapons. His human head has a charm gaze (no saving throw) that affects creatures within 300' for 1 turn. The number of creatures affected is determined by their hit dice, as follows: 3 HD or fewer, 1d10×10; 4–6 HD, 5d8; 7–9 HD, 3d8; 10–12 HD, 2d6; and 13+ HD, 1d4. Creatures possessing 15 or more hit dice are entitled to a saving throw versus spells. His toad head has a breath attack identical to the effects of a wand of cold. His cat head causes fear as a wand of fear. These two attacks are usable at will. Both the toad and cat heads may also bite, but Bael rarely stoops to such attacks, deeming it beneath him. 

                Bael may use the following spell-like abilities at will: clairvoyance, continual darkness, detect invisible, detect magic, dispel magic, ESP, invisibility, levitate, polymorph self, read languages, read magic, telekinesis (5000 coins per head), wall of ice, water breathing, web, and summon (with an 85% chance of success) any demon of the first through sixth shells. Once per day, he can use feeblemind or projected image.

                All spiders do Bael homage, as do Chaotic felines and batrachians. The Grimoire Major (which designates Bael 06-02 Red) claims there is a rivalry between the King of the East and Duke Vephar (q.v.) regarding the Ranine (q.v.), with both demon lords asserting dominion over them. On Telluria, cultists and witches make pacts with Bael to gain the powers of subtlety and invisibility.