Thankful Thursday #68

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: Where does the time go? It is hard to believe that it is Thursday already. But I made it here as you did so "we" already have one thing to be thankful for:

I am thankful just to be alive. That in itself is a blessing and I thank God for every day He gives me here on earth. When I hear about all the people dying, the pain and suffering and all the drama going on, it makes me thankful just to be me.

I am thankful for my children. My youngest turned 13 on Wednesday which makes him officially a teenager. That also makes me officially OLD. But then old is better than the other option. Not that I am afraid of dying or anything like that, I am just happy to be here.

I am thankful for my sense of humor. I know the people I work with appreciate it too. Otherwise things would be really dull at work. I guess it takes all kinds but I really don't know why people mope around when they have it so good. And speaking of humor; If you think the last four words of the National Anthem are; “Gentlemen start your engines”…..You might be a redneck. (that’s what my son’s birthday card said) I said; What’s so funny those are the last 4 words.

I am thankful that I was able to figure out a really difficult program at work yesterday. My boss gave me two documents to transpose into the new program. He returned about a half hour later and said; Sorry to load you up but here is one more. I said; That’s ok I finished the first two already. He said; wow and I said; sounds like raise time. More of my work humor.

I am thankful for springtime which seems to be here. It was a really cold winter and winter is not my favorite season. All my trees are budding and my other plants are growing rapidly. You should see how good they all look. Wait, you will in a short while when I post pictures. Time to break out the camera.

So now I challenge you to find something to be thankful for this Thursday. No matter how bad you may have it, I am sure you can find something. Please join in by linking up below.

And have a great Thankful Thursday,



Always look forward to your Thursday post, Greg. I'd never heard that "redneck" joke -- pretty darn funny!
Heckety said…
I especially agree with you on humour and children, both are necessary, don't have to be one's own children though...I get a real kick out of the ones in school when I'm there. For instance, yesterday I commented that a lot of 6th class were missing and one boy answered: 'Yes, we're going extinct!' I laughed!!
I am thankful for your humor as well!! I am thankful for being happy, refer to my post yesterday and of course i am thankful for having you as a BFF!! Have a great Thursday! :o)
achildoftheking said…
Thanks Greg. Happy Thursday! You always list just great posts.
Edie said…
I started my engine! Just a little later than the rest of the crew. :)
That means I am joining you this week. You are the first blog I visited today.

I very much appreciate your humor too! Laughter is good medicine.

Now I have to get back to work. Happy Thursday!
Amy said…
Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier and commenting. It's refreshing to see a man's comments in the midst of all the women's :) I enjoyed your blog, I invite you to return and perhaps become a follower. Blessings to you! ~Amy
Beth Herring said…
Great post, Greg. I definitely think it is time for a raise!
Terri Tiffany said…
I wish you worked where I do!! I need your humor:)
I'm thankful that even though I am sick right now, I'm in my own bed and house!
Great list Greg. I didn't know you had a linky for TT, I'll join in next week!
Heart2Heart said…
Another blessed list of yours and thanks for hosting this each Thursday! I bet your humor gets you through those difficult days at work and gives you something to smile about.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Hi Greg!

This was a great list. I'm thankful for your sense of humor, too!

I'm also excited that your baby is 13. My oldest is 14 (youngest is 4) so it will be quite some time before I'm thinking about the empty nest stuff.

Sorry I didn't do a TT post, but I've been consumed with helping my hubby with a project. I think I'm done now, though. Phew. So, I'll be thankful to be finished with it!

Have a great spring weekend. We are getting spring rains all weekend. That means the spring growth should start up here soon!

Tina said…
Hey Greg! Now I understand. I was confused yesterday. I didn't know if you were a "guest" host. Now I get that you took over the "Thankful Thursdays!" It has been quite awhile since I last posted one.

The next time I post one (which will hopefully be next Thursday), I will make sure to give credit where credit is due! Sorry about that! Thanks for being so understanding!!!!
Just came across your blog today.I look forward to more posts.
gramma2many said…
Greg, thank you for stopping by today. It is always fun to meet new people. The wonders of the blogging world:)
Especially in light of losing a dear childhood friend this week, I am also very thankful for my life. I am not afraid either, but there is so much left undone and I hope He lets me get it all done first:)
Hope to see you over visiting again.
Thanks for your encouragement Greg, it's timely. I'm glad you like my little labor of love- it truly does make me proud to "makeover" my blog on my own. Once I get it to the point of complete personalized satisfaction- then I'll focus strictly on the content. But for now, I'm changing backgrounds just about every other day!

Whoever came up with TT's deserves a big hug and pat on the back...I know, sounds like a Barney episode but simply put it's a great idea for all Christians and non-Christians alike. I'll try and remember to check your blog every Thu just to see what other things people are thankful for. It's like having Thanksgiving every week (minus the food) on the longest table known to man-- cyber web. And if you want to be super deep, we are ACTUALLY feeding each other figuratively with our testimonies. Praise God!
Susan Skitt said…
Loved the post Greg. Yes, there is always something to be thankful for and I do enjoy your humor - brightens my day!

Have a great weekend! (And happy birthday to you son!)
Beverlydru said…
Hi Greg! You are so not old. If you were, that would make me old-er! My baby is 19 and it's all good. You know, some people aren't afraid of dying but are truly afraid of growing old. Not me! (some freak out when they turn 30. What?!)The trade-off of experience and wisdom is a good trade. Blessings to you.
Amy said…
I appreciate your PO very much the picture with the article. Continues to refuel!!
Anonymous said…
hi, thank you for the nice work on thanking the lord and i have started to do the same thing daily now, that is a really an awesome posts and you have a great collection...
Work From Home India

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