
Showing posts with the label Traditions

Blame it on the Greens (or) Why they hate me at work.

As is the tradition here in the South, I started out my New Years with a generous portion of Hoppin Johns and Collard Greens. For anyone unfamiliar with the theory behind this traditional meal, let me fill you in. The hoppin Johns bring you luck and the Collards bring you money. (two things that I could really use right about now) Anywhoo, Hoppin Johns are black eyed peas or field peas along with rice. And Collard are; well just Collard greens. I actually never ate them until I was an adult because I couldn’t get past the smell of them cooking but now I love them. Well this year I had them twice on New Year’s Day and then once more the next day. “Why tempt fate” as the saying goes. Or “I would rather be lucky than good.” I don’t know if either of those sayings apply but “Whatever.” And now the rest of the story; So around Christmas time, I had a few extra dollars in my pocket and someone asked me if I wanted to be in a football pool. I don’t usually enter many of those things because