Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Grandbaby #14 Arrived Safe & Sound

Congratulations to the Alaskans on the birth of their new son, Trevor Daniel Pratt, 7 lb 13 oz. 19 1/2" long. Born July 27, 2010. Mom and Baby are doing great. We are anxiously awaiting pictures.

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Zones

North Zone - Khabarovsk & Sakhalin
South Zone - Nakhodka, Vladivostok & Ussurisk
New Zone Leaders
Elders Hatch & Daimaru - North ZL, Elders Huffman & Kezele - South ZL
Elders Naumov and Jones as Assistants.
We are now aligned with the Handbook and Preach My Gospel.
We have 5 Districts. (Each city in the mission).

Relief Society in Ussurisk

I love to visit Ussurisk. They have the most loving Branch. They have the most faithful Sisters. We can always count on this group attending every Sunday. They welcome everyone who comes. They are great.

"Roar for Orem High"

This is Tatyana, our cleaning lady. The other day she comes to work with this T-Shirt on. I had to laugh when I saw that is was an Orem Tigers T-Shirt. I told her that was my high school. She said a missionary had given her the shirt.
I thought it was quite funny.

Sprucing Up The City

Yes.....It's Cinnabon!!! Latest and greatest addition in the city!
The President of Russia visited Vladivostok this month for the 150th Anniversary of the city, so they really went to town and clean up the city. They put in new curbing, paved many roads, painted a lot of buildings, and decorated walkways, painted cement walls and really did some nice clean up.
This is a mural they painted on one of the buildings.
This is a walkway in the middle of town that goes down to the beach.
These are real flowers that they decorated the light poles with.
They painted several of the old buildings. It was amazing to see them paint the brick. I will have to take more pictures to show the contrast between painted and unpainted. It would really look nice if they did all the buildings.
I'm totally amazed that the workers don't kill themselves. They walk on top of buildings, climb scaffolding that is way high, paint crazy buildings, and they never have safety ropes, hard hats, or protective gear. They must not be afraid of heights either.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

More Grandbaby pictures!

Adalyn is ready to leave the hospital!
Molly and the girls....Andie, Ali, Adalyn
Ali......who is this???
Proud Big Sister
Happy Dad

Adalyn Broderick

Baby Adalyn Broderick
Born June 5, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

#13 has arrived!!!

Yes, Molly had a new baby girl June 5, 2010. 7 lbs 6 oz 20 1/2" long. Tons of dark hair. Rumor has it they will name her Adalyn....but we are waiting for confirmation on that.

This makes 13 grandchildren. 9 girls and 4 boys. Life is great!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Sure would love to hear your comments!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

McDonald Knock-off

Saturday Adventure. We went to the Renok and got some yummy fresh fruit, strawberries, peaches, nectarines, plums, pears, along with tomatoes and cucumbers. We'll the Elders had taken President and I to this stand before but the Magills had never had the experience, so we treated them to McDonalds in Vladivostok. Look close at the next picture. :)
Do you see Ronald???? Now look at the arches! They are upside-down! And the sign says
I'm lovin' meat.
Mac Chocolate
Enjoying a burrito....we are told it might be dog!

Vlad Construction

They are taking out the tracks that the trolley buses used in the middle of the street.
They shut down all the roads and so the buses dead end at our church building. Now there are even less places to park. So President Pratt and I walked to work yesterday. 2 1/2 kilometers. It took us about 40 minutes. We even walked home because it's quicker by foot than bus because of all the road closures and construction.
This guy is cutting the wires that the trolley used. Amazing! He is standing on this swinging platform using cutters that you would use to cut off a tree branch. We were watching him for quite some time and one time the guy on the ground pulled the wire that he had cut before he moved and it hit him in the head and nearly knocked him off the truck. CRAZY! They don't wear hard hats or anything. No safety ropes etc.
Close up of the wire cutter. It knocked off his hat when the wire hit him. We thought for sure he was hurt but he kept on going.
Not only are they taking out the rails everywhere.....they decided to replace the curbing. All of the sudden they have ripped out all the cement curbing, along with the pavers that are next to them. They've stacked up the pavers, and are putting in granite blocks for the curbing.
Then a cement truck comes along and fills in. They don't wipe up the spills. So it is a mess.
However, the sweepers are hard at work. They are the ones who chipped away the ice in the spring, now they sweep up the roads.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

NEW Missionaries!!!

MAY 1 2010
The return of Sister Chenina! She was serving at Temple Square in SLC.
She is from Nakhodka. These are her proud parents.
Welcome back!
Elder & Sister Rahi, our new Humanitarium couple from Oregon.
They will be serving in Nakhodka.
Sister Marina Nilevkina, on her way to the MTC in Provo,
she will be serving in the Moscow West Mission.
She is from Sakhalin. She joined the church a year ago.
She has served as a branch missionary and just completed two transfers as a mini-missionary.
We will miss her!

Monday, May 24, 2010

More Mission Adventures

Yes, Russia!!!! At the American's home in Sakhalin
The Noble's work for Exon Oil and they live in a private housing development.
They had us and the missionaries over for dinner last transfer.
We had died and gone to heaven for a minute.
Thanks Sister Noble!
Sister Magill and I on apartment checks.
This is one of the many lovely elevators we venture in!
Pretty scary and stinky!
Ah, but we found some magic cleaner and now all the tubs are white.
No more rusty tubs.
The Elders love me.....the wrath of T and cleaning!
Saints in Khabarovsk enjoying some treats after church.
Elder Hall packing mattresses in the car for many of the moving trips recently.
We got a new apartment for the Churkin Elders and 2nd River Elders too.
Fresh fruit purchased at the Chinese Renok! Very good and cheap!

Mission Things

Departure of Elder Klemetson
He is from Lindon, I had him for one year as a piano student.

Oleg's Baptism. He asked Elder Magill to baptize him. He has been investigating the church for quite sometime. He turned 18 in October and his father was not in favor of his baptism.
So he waited until May.
Apartments in area in Vlad
Our mission our garage...the ceiling began leaking when the snow started melting
It caused cement stuff to get on the car, so the maintenance men at the apartment
made this make-shift repair...nice blue tarp, until they can fix it better.
Now when it rains, we have to use a mop stick to carefully push the water
to the front of the tarp and drain it.
Us in the car...heading out somewhere!

Mission Tour 2010

Sakhalin Church Building
Zone Conference in Vlad with President & Sister Schwitzer
We had missionaries from Khabarovsk, Nakhodka, Ussuirsk & Vladivostok
Front row, left to right
Elder Henderson & Rahi, Sisters Rahi & Henderson, Schwitzers, Pratts, Magills
In Sakhalin where President Price in 1999 dedicated Sakhalin
for the preaching of the gospel
President and Sister Schwitzer, Simone & President Letagin Branch President & Pratts
President & Sister Schwitzer
overlooking bay in Vladivostok Russia

More Victory Day pictures

Square in Vlad where they were going to have the Victory Day Parade
President Pratt aboard USS Blue Ridge...helicopter on board too
More entertainer on the Navy Ship

Victory Day 65th Anniversary

May 9th, 65th anniversary of end of WWII
We were invited to meet Admiral Bird and the US Consulate General Tom Armbruster
aboard this Navy Ship
Far right, Admiral Bird, center, Russian Officer, Left (bald) Consulate General Armbruster
We have met Tom Armbruster before. He invited us to the world series game at the consulate.
We are on very good terms with him and his staff. They are the ones that we get the 2nd passport from and they do all our visa work. It is important that we remain on good terms with them.
Shrimp bowl, yummy...we did enjoy!
Russian Sailor providing entertainment