Sunday, November 14, 2010

More Youth Conference Fun

Looking for clues on the treasure hunt
Swinging -- break time

Holding up hand painted temple pictures they received after Sister Ray's workshop.
Her message was on Hero's hearts. A sister in her ward at home was in a car accident right before she was to be married. She is totally paralized but has learned to paint by hold the brush in her teeth. She paints pictures of the Temples. Truely amazing.
The youth were so touched that they wanted to take their picture with her picture and then send her a thank you via email.

Sister Ray and Anna Vlasava (Anna is a returned missionary....speaks great english and is a wonderful translator. She also chaired organizing the conference.)

The Returned Sister Missionaries did a class on preparing your hearts to serve a mission. They had the young men demonstrate tying a tie. It was fun.

1 comment:

Molly said...

WOW! I could kind of see the details of the picture of the temple, they look nice. Did she end up getting married?