Monday, May 24, 2010

More Mission Adventures

Yes, Russia!!!! At the American's home in Sakhalin
The Noble's work for Exon Oil and they live in a private housing development.
They had us and the missionaries over for dinner last transfer.
We had died and gone to heaven for a minute.
Thanks Sister Noble!
Sister Magill and I on apartment checks.
This is one of the many lovely elevators we venture in!
Pretty scary and stinky!
Ah, but we found some magic cleaner and now all the tubs are white.
No more rusty tubs.
The Elders love me.....the wrath of T and cleaning!
Saints in Khabarovsk enjoying some treats after church.
Elder Hall packing mattresses in the car for many of the moving trips recently.
We got a new apartment for the Churkin Elders and 2nd River Elders too.
Fresh fruit purchased at the Chinese Renok! Very good and cheap!


sdbroder said...

T! You have done a lot of posts and I've enjoyed reading each one. Thanks a lot for the pictures, too. I hope that you are enjoying the mission and the people that you work with. It's nice to hear from you once in a while on skype. We love you and miss you, but we know that you are engaged in the work of the Lord and we are so pleased! Thanks for being such a good example for us.

Jill said...

Thanks for all the great pictures. Sounds like you are busy, but doing well. Keep us posted. Also, thanks for the great emails. Talk to you soon. We love you!

The Pratts said...

There house looks like somewhere that doesn't belong in Russia - does it remind you of being home in normal homes? :) Love the pictures and updates!

Pratt Family said...

Good job on being the cleaning Nazi...the elders will forever thank you. Yummy looking fruit too!!!