I could shoot myself in the eyeballs with a bee bee gun for not taking a "before" picture of the hutch I just redid. I found this piece for $15 at a yard sale.
It was originally black, the owner had spray painted it a robin egg blue but the paint must have dripped and dried that way 'cause it had a rough texture.
I didn't care. I knew I needed it. The price was right, my computer space has been giving me anxiety attacks, and it was all wood. (BONUS)
Plus, it was in decent shape and really just needed cleaned, sanded, and repainted.
It was originally black, the owner had spray painted it a robin egg blue but the paint must have dripped and dried that way 'cause it had a rough texture.
I didn't care. I knew I needed it. The price was right, my computer space has been giving me anxiety attacks, and it was all wood. (BONUS)
Plus, it was in decent shape and really just needed cleaned, sanded, and repainted.
Here is a small look at what I was dealing with before.
(I obviously didn't document this space well either. I am sure because it always felt cluttered and messy. No matter how clean it was. A bee bee gun shot to the eye may have been better than taking a real picture of this space-haha)
Look behind these two. (Don't mind them- they were pretty excited about the football game they were watching)
Can you see all the files, etc. back there?
That is where my computer desk sat.
Here is one more to show you how cluttered it always looked.
I knew I wanted a hutch/armoire.
Armoires are great items of furniture to organize a space. They provide the option to close off the clutter and add additional space to decorate!
Armoires are great items of furniture to organize a space. They provide the option to close off the clutter and add additional space to decorate!
I am a sucker for a good armoire. I like the elegant feel and the ability to close off all the paper clutter.
You can see more armoire redo's here and here .
( I actually have before and after pictures for these)
You can see more armoire redo's here and here .
( I actually have before and after pictures for these)
So buying this piece was a no brainer.
My hubby and I simply cleaned it, sanded it down, and painted it white.
I am loving it!
More updates on the inside refinish soon!