I {heart} the LDS General Women's Conference. I always leave feeling so uplifted and renewed, ready to tackle life's worries and woes, and more willing to serve others around me.
All the talks were wonderfully delightful.
I also {heart} printables.
So I made a few from my favorite quotes from the evening.
Feel free to right click on the image/s of your choice and "save image as" . Then upload them to your favorite site to print .
So I made a few from my favorite quotes from the evening.
Feel free to right click on the image/s of your choice and "save image as" . Then upload them to your favorite site to print .
This first one was from Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk, you can find his beautiful message here
4x6 File Size
5X7 File Size
8x10 File Size
This quote was taken from Carol F. McConkie's talk - you can listen to it here.
4x6 or 5x7 print
And one more from Rosemary M. Wixom - you can listen to her remarks here.
4x6 file size
Hope your day is fabulous.