Friday, April 22, 2011

Williamsen got Married!!!!!

My good friend Amy Williamsen got married I am so happy for her! We met up in Yellowstone, and have been friends since although we rarely get to hang out. The craziest part of her wedding is she ended up marrying a guy named Karl who I actually grew up with. His older sister was my age and his parents have actaully known my Mom and Dad since they were in college at BYU. It is such a small world! I find it really ironic what I wrote in my previous two post because of what happened at this reception. First, I was really grouchy getting ready to go to the reception and could not figure out why until I finally put my dress on. This was the first time going to a wedding solo I guess without a date or without being able to have my kids come along. Usually I'm alright with that at least I thought I was? Until I walked into a room filled with people that I only remember from my childhood especially people who at one point were some of my mother's best friends yet after my parents divorce they have stayed friends with my father and I watched as my mmother cried about losing her best friends even though she did nothing wrong? My father made some horrible choices yet people stood by his side and shun my mother? I will never understand that, especially since I too have had to experience it? I wandered around feeling lost wondering where to sit luckily an old neighbor nicely said I could sit with her family. And then her husband once he figured out who I was asked "So how is your Dad, does he still play poker every month with 'the guys'" My reply was your guess is as good as mine? Then the reply was "I'm pretty sure he does I see him over there often." GREAT! Just what I want to talk about my Father! So long story short final words to some of these people were if you see my father tell him his daughter said hello since you will probably see him before I will. Then I turned and saw how Happy my friend Amy was and smiled and gave her the biggest hug and told her how Happy I was for her. Timing on some things is a very strange thing.

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