
Gluttony in NYC - 99 Cent Fresh Pizza

It's 2am, you're in Murray Hill and you're hungry. Where to go?
99 Cent Fresh Pizza!
201 E 34th St #B, New York, NY 10016
Where else can you get a decent 18" pie for $8?
But sorry, no anchovies.


Woooooosh... Very quiet over here on The Glutton... Tumbleweeds roll across the information highway...

The gluttony has not ceased, I've just been all enthralled with SpyGirl, my fashion blog. I really do need/want to catch up on posts -- especially the New York gluttony from last January! I might want to utilize some of that info during my upcoming trip in a week and a half. Maybe I'll work on it during the red-eye flight, since I never manage to sleep on those things. We'll see. Meanwhile, the month is almost up and Chantelle, of Fat Mum Slim, has posted the August Photo-a-Day themes:
Here's what I shot for July (with two days still to go)
Oops - text rather miniscule. You can see them all on Flickr HERE.


This photo-a-day Thing

Yep. I'm completely enthralled by photo-a-day challenges.
I believe Chantelle, of Fat Mum Slim, originated them and here is her July list:
source, FatMumSlim
Last month I created a music-themed Photo a Day project.
I took pictures on most of the days, all by my lonesome. (On Instagram look up #musicphotoed062012, or go here)

from June 15

I also joined a fashion-themed one, created by Katy, of Modly Chic.
from June 26
And, last but not least, I've been shooting pictures of my jewelry every day since January.
from today, an unusual session
I'm going to join Chantelle this month.
She wrote a great post called "5 ways photo-a-day will change your life for the better"
Go read it, grab the list up top, and then join in too.
You can shoot your pictures an any manner and upload them wherever.
If you're confused about how it works, Chantelle explains the process here.

Sound like a plan? Let me know where I can find YOUR photos this month below in the comments!