Showing posts with label marsha in the middle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marsha in the middle. Show all posts


Christmas Tradition: Popovers for Breakfast

Here is the recipe from my 1943 edition of Fannie Farmer
I now ignore that "1/2 for 2" notation

cast iron "gem pan"
tip: put it in the oven while preheating

the ingredients are simple:
flour, salt, eggs, butter, milk

I mix it all in the blender

I wind up filling the cups about 2/3 full

here's how they look after 20 min @ 450˚

another 15 min @ 350˚ and they're done!

while waiting, I get out all the jams
this year's array, left to right:
Deborah's fig [too old to eat]
my Raspberry [killer]
my strawberry
Linda's + my Almond Brandy Plum
Linda's + my Plum
my Seville Marmalade from Roxanne + Ed's tree
my Mango
Trader Joe's Lemon Curd [oh, my]
Hill Orchards (RI) Apple Butter
Hash House (Las Vegas) Apple Butter [OMG]
Hash House (Las Vegas) Persimmon [insipid]
Loretta Lynn's (TN) Southern Peach Pecan [one of Sev's faves]
Vallee Blueberry [yum]

the table is set...

[2022] Linking up with Shelbee's On the Edge