Showing posts with label artists medium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artists medium. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ghost Stories Assemblage Class this SATURDAY 10/29.

If you didn't get a chance to take my Assemblage classes @ Art-Is-You, you can catch it ONE last time @ Artist's Medium, here in beautiful Williston, VT. 
Space is limited. Registration closes @ the end of the day tomorrow, so don't delay. This is probably the last time that I will be teaching this workshop in a while.

Here's all the important details:

Ghost Stories
10:30am to 4:30 pm
Artists' Medium 
Williston, VT
(802) 879-1236 or toll free (800) 255-1290
with a break for lunch.
$60.00 per student
Ages 16 and up.

Pre-pay sign ups required by Wed. October 26th

Whether it’s an old family photo or a piece of old lace; we’ve all felt the presence of someone long gone when we encounter their things - the imprint they leave behind after possessing an object for a long period of time. These objects once had owners. They were bought and sold, made and broken. Some of them were kept and treasured, while others were forgotten in attics.

Each has a story to tell. This workshop will teach you the basics needed to construct a box assemblage that speaks the ghost stories of the past.

Supply List

A hinged box, like a cigarbox, jewelry box,  small doll truck (as seen to left) Doesn't need to be fancy. You can even by an unfinished one @ AC Moore or Michael's.

Found objects: examples: clock parts, gears, typewriter parts, small figurines, dolls parts, game pieces, toys, household items, scraps of fabric, jewelry bits, picture frames, etc. Bring what you have... clean out a junk drawer or a corner of your attic...

Old photos: originals or good quality color copies

Paper of any and all kind scrap booking papers, old ephemera,

Paint brushes to use for paint and for glue

Matte Gel Medium

Craft knife with fresh blades


Acrylic paints of your choice and color.

Various other favorite drawing supplies: ie, colored pencils, markers, oil pastels, etc…

I will supply:

Additional found objects, frames, rusty bits, etc.  

Strong glue like E6000

Other Adhesives

Some paints: black, white, van dyke brown

Additional paper, images and ephemera


Other tools: hammer, drill, dremel, etc

Screws, nails and other bits

Hope to see you there!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

ARTFEST 2012, updated teaching schedule and other news....

I can't believe I forgot to post this?!   I suppose there has been so much going on lately. Sometimes I think I would forget my head if it was not attached to my body.  My blog, definitely has Facebook envy, so I should give it a little more love, I know.

Here's the scoop.... I am teaching @ ARTFEST, in beautiful Port Townsend in 2012!!!

Can you tell, how excited I am. 

first- I am so in awe of Teesha Moore and everything she does. It is such an honor to be asked to teach at this amazing art retreat that she and Tracy put together every year. This is their 13th year!!

second- I have three terrific classes lined up....
Soul Houses
Books Unbound and... a brand new class.... Sailor's Valentines....
It's going to be so much fun to meet a new group of talented people and make art together!

third- I have never been to Washington state. I can't wait to get there and see everything the Seattle area has to offer.

I'm hoping you will join me in this creative exploration... find out more about the classes, registration and ARTFEST in general at the ARTFEST12 website.

There's a ton of stuff going on in the next two months, so stay tuned for all the updates to come....There's new classes in Williston @ Artist's Medium, The annual Art of Horror show  @ the SPACE gallery,  Art-Is-You in Danbury, CT, and a solo exhibition @ Black Cap Coffee roasters in Stowe (which opens next weekend!)

and.... don't forget... if you live in the Burlington area.... you still have a week to get in some last minute art-hopping. There's one week left to see the Art Hop juried show  @ SEABA's office @ 404 Pine Street.  My piece, Litany of Fear, is in the running for the people's choice award. Make sure to get down there and check it out!

Ok, glad we got to get caught up....
Time to get back to work!

Creatively yours! 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Winners and Losers

Yesterday, I spent the day at Artists Medium, teaching some incredible women how to make altered books. It was a great group and I am so inspired by their creativity and energy. I want to give a special shout out to Chelsea, Kristen and the entire staff at AM, who always make me feel so at home when I teach in their space! Thank you!
Also, I am sure you all want to know who is getting the Altered Book Kit.... Can I have a drum roll please.....

The winner of my altered book giveaway is Carol Berger... Miss Queen Bee, herself! Thank you, Carol for sharing the love of Glimmering Prize too all your peeps on Facebook. Carol is a terrific mixed media artist, herself. I can't wait to see what she makes from all the great paper and materials I'm sending her.

If you didn't win this time, don't worry, I am doing another very special giveaway at the end of the month. I'll give you a hint... it has something to do with boxes...and another class that I am teaching @ Art-Is-You in Danbury, CT.

After pulling together all the materials for Carol's prize I realized just how much "stuff" I have filling the shelves in my workroom. 

I've been busy working on new pieces for up coming shows and I have no where to put the completed work. So I have to clear out some space in the workroom. I spent a good portion of the morning photographing tons of great ephemera packs and old photos, that I just don't have the space for. 

My loss is your gain. Check out my ETSY site all this week. I will be listing like crazy.  There will be new stuff added daily.  This is just a teaser of some of the stuff I am listing....There will be lots of old photo lots, Ephemera paper collage packs, beautiful old sheet music, vibrant children's books with wonderful illustrations, and lots of rusty bits.  There might even be an odd curiosity or two. Wonderful stuff for all your mixed media projects.  Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have an artful day!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

2 days left to register for the Altered Book Kit Giveaway!

Yes, it's true you only have 2 days left to sign up for the altered book kit giveaway.
How do you sign up?
It's easy. All you have to do is post something about my blog to your facebook page, twitter, blog, etc. then comment to this post with the link, and tada! You in the running for this great kit to get you started on your very own altered book.

The kit includes... an old book to alter, (great title: "humankind") lots of ephemera and old photos, and found objects for embellishments. All you need is glue and your imagination. the winner will be drawn at random after i teach my altered book class at Artists Medium this Saturday.

Anyone registered for the class is automatically entered. In fact, I am going to open it up even further, if you are registered for  any of my upcoming classes, @ Artists Medium, Art is You - Danbury or ARTFEST12, send me an email, let me know what venue and class your are registered for and you will be in the drawing too.

Here's to being creatively brave! Have an artful day!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Altered Books, Art Auctions and other amazing things and a giveaway!

There's so much going on right now, I don't know quite were to start.
Let's see...
Two of my altered books...
angels have wings - detail- altered book
'angels have wings' and 'The Messenger of Truth' and are in a juried show at the Artistree Gallery in Woodstock, VT. The show is called "Unbound". Its a show that challenges the concept of "books" and features the work of 30 artists. 

When Jack and I drove down there a few weeks ago to drop of my pieces, I was overwhelmed by the quality of the work. There are some INCREDIBLE pieces of art in this show.

Messenger of Truth & 3 Marys Altered Books
The gallery had a kick off reception last week that I was unable to attend. But, I was told that despite the rainy weather, the turnout was the biggest they have ever had. 

The really exciting new is is that 'angels have wings' took won 3rd place! When I found out yesterday, I was so ecstatic and amazed. It is the first time I have ever won a jury prize. It is also the 100th year anniversary of the Triangle Fire. The events surrounding this historic event is the basis of my altered book, so in a way the prize honors the 146 who died in the fire as well. 

I want to thank Adrian Tans, Gallery Director, Tayo Skarrow, Executive Director of Artistree Gallery as well as the juror Deborah Davidson. I am extremely grateful and appreciative of this acknowledgment and honor.

waiting to grow
Secondly, I am so excited to have a piece of art in the Annual August Art Auction at the S.P.A.C.E. gallery on Pine Street in Burlington. Christy Mitchell approached me last month about donating a piece of art to help raise fund to support the S.P.A.C.E. gallery.  I was more than willing to help out for this great cause. My piece "waiting to grow" is on the auction block. This piece was feature a while back in Somerset Studio Magazine. You can bid online by visiting the auction website via this link.

The auction kicked off this past August 12 and bidding ends at 8pm on August 26th during the closing reception at the S.P.A.C.E. Gallery.  You can also vote for your favorite work while you visit the website! Artists have been entered to win gift certificates to Artist Mediums for People’s Choice Award and Art Map / Kasini House has donated a weekend in Montreal to the artist with the highest bid. Won't help out this amazing local art's organization?

Reliquary of Faith- altered book
Lastly, I've added some more teaching dates to my calendar. This coming Saturday 8/20, I will be teaching my altered books workshop at Artist's Medium in Williston. There are still a few spots left in this very popular class. Contact Artists Medium @ (802) 879-1236.

I am also very excited to announce that I will be teaching at Artfest 2012 in Port Townsend, WA.  2012 marks the 13th anniversary of this art retreat that continues to get better and better every year. Put together by Teesha and Tracy Moore, Artfest is the original alternative arts retreat. The workshops are considered the "the cream of the crop" and the evening events, the location and the attendees who come set Artfest apart from other events. The teachers come from all over the United States, Canada, England & Australia and represent some of the best in their fields.I am so excited to be teaching three classes there next March: Soul Houses Books Unbound, Sailor's Valentines.

To celebrate all these exciting events I have decide to do a giveaway. Post a link to my blog to your Facebook page, Twitter or Blog, mention this giveaway and my classes and you will be entered to win an altered book kit, that includes: and old book, photos, ephemera, fabric embellishments, and all sorts of other things that will inspire you to create your own altered book.Easy? right?

Make sure you add a comment to this blog post with your link.

The drawing takes place on Sunday, 8/21, so don't delay. Post away.

Have a creative week!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Build a little bird house in your soul

I had an amazing weekend. On top of some crazy weather and record snow fall. I spent a  rainy Saturday @ Artists' Medium creating Birdhouse Shrines with four amazing ladies. All the students in my class really stepped it up and produced beautiful work. To listen to them at the end of the class, talking about their 6 hour artistic journey and beaming in delight over their work was so rewarding.
Artists' Medium is locally owned and operated art supply store here in Williston, Vt. The shop employees are very supportive of my work. They work hard to get the word out and promote the class.  I really appreciate the opportunity to interface with the community this way. It's such a gift! Thanks, Chelsea and Kristen!
They've had me in the shop to do demos and teach other classes. Each time has been a memorable experience. This time was no exception.I really love teaching there. I always leave inspired and pumped about the creative process. Kristen and I are talking about scheduling  an altered books class. I haven't taught that in a while, so should be great fun!

Thanks ladies for your terrific work! You all did wonderful things! Stay creative, trust your instincts and don't forget to glue and screw.
Don't live in VT. Don't worry. I will be teaching at Art-Is-You, East Coast Art Retreat, this Fall. Check out their website for more info....


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Assembling a box full of dreams

My altered book class at Artists Medium in April was such a great success that they have asked me to teach a workshop in assemblage. I will be teaching "Box full of dreams: Assemblage Art Workshop" on Saturday, June 20th. Class is from 10:30 to 4:30 and only $40. The gals at Artist's Medium tell me that there are a few spots left. You must pre-register. Call 802-870-1236 or 1-800-255-1290 to sign up.

This is a great opportunity to use the found objects you have been collecting to create a unique work of art that speaks from you heart.

What should you bring to the class?

1-A box structure to use a base: Any box, wood or metal would work. Limit yourself to about 12"x12". You can buy pre-made shadow box type box, that are about 2" deep at Artist Medium or other art supply outlets or use something that you already own, like an old candy tin or cigar box. Anything goes- as long as it is something you are willing to drill into and paint.

2-Images: You can purchase all sorts of copyright free images to download and print off the internet at sites like Etsy, and
You can download them and print them with on a good quality copier. You can use vintage ephemera and photos you find at flea markets and antique stores. Use the originals or make copies. You can take your old photos to copy shops and turn them into transparencies to use in your piece. Transparencies are a great way to a depth to your work. Some transparencies will be available for purchase at the class.

3:Found Objects: My favorite things to use are rusty things, scraps of fabric and trim, old clock parts, pieces of frames, parts of toys, dolls. You can use bits of old jewelry, charms, tiny bottles. How about mesh, screen, wire or string? Or maybe organic pieces, like dried seed pods, driftwood, shells. You can use anything you can think of to embellish your work. Think outside the box, and bring things that inspire you.

4:Paint: Acrylic paints add depth and help to blend the objects together. My favorites, are Van Dyke Brown,
Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold, TitaniumWhite, Mars Black, Quinacridone Crimson, Yellow Ocher and Payne's Gray. I also like to use a crackle resist- I will have a little of this at the class to try.

5. Adhesives: Matte Gel Medium, Heavy Duty Glue like E600 or Liquid Nails

6.Your imagination. And Dreams… We will work on creating a visual story of your own dreams or personal myth. So start thinking about what inspires you. But don't stress the small stuff- your story will come to you. (I promise)

7. Misc tools like pliers, wire cutters, heat gun, etc. if you have and want to bring.

if you have any other questions- please feel free to email me....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

One space left in the Altered Book Class this weekend

This Saturday
April 18th 10:30-4:30

Come and play as we give new life to the page.
This introductory workshop will teach you the basic skills you need to create your own altered book and offers an opportunity to explore your muse and to give new life to a discarded object.

Cost is $40
materials list for this class

1 or 2 old hardcover books- something that fits comfortably in your hand. Spine should be in good condition, inside and out

Uhu glue stick (or similar acid free brand)
Golden Regular Gel Medium (Matte)
Clear Liquid Nails or similar heavy duty glue (like E600)
PVA glue (optional)
Double sided tape
Cutting tools: Scissors
Utility knife/craft knife with new blades
Hole punch (optional)
Bonefolder or old credit card (for smoothing sheets)
Paint brushes
Assorted favorite paints and glazes (I really like Golden products)
Embellishments (such as)
Rusty things
Buttons and beads
Fabric scraps
Old paper and other ephemera
Assorted images and old photos for collage
Rubber stamping materials

Other Optional supplies to bring if you have them
Eyelet tool
Texturing materials (waxed paper, aluminum foil, sponges, bubble wrap)
Heat gun

the hardware store for artists
300 Cornerstone Drive
Williston, VT

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Giving Life to the Page- Altered Book Class at Artist Medium

For many the idea of marking up a book to make it into a piece of art seems almost sacrilegious. It is widely held that books, being the key to literacy and knowledge should be well read and then kept, for all time, on a shelf for others to enjoy. The unfortunate reality is that tons and tons of books end up in landfills and dumps. In an effort to reduce the amount of waste that goes into the landfill and to find an inexpensive canvas for my work, I started to collage into old books. Little did I know that this art form was a movement in the book arts realm that was growing in popularity.This introductive workshop will teach you the basis skills you need to create your own altered book. It will offer you an opportunity to explore your muse and to give new life to a discarded object.

Join me: SATURDAY APRIL 18th
10:30 am- 4:30 pm
$40 fee for class-
email me or contact ARTIST'S MEDIUM 1-802-879-1236