Showing posts with label art-is-you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art-is-you. Show all posts

Monday, August 13, 2012

One day late, the winner!

Thank you for all your support and love. My dear husband had the honors of picking at random the winner of the giveaway and that person is .......
Nina Cunningham! 
Nina will be receiving her sweet little gift in the mail soon.  In the meantime stay tuned... I went ghost hunting yesterday and found some pretty cool stuff... I have some pictures to share in a bit.

....And one other piece of business...Not sure if you know this, but I am teaching three classes this year at ART-IS-YOU in Stamford, CT. With my busy schedule of family, school, work and art-making, I don't get to teach very often, although I really love doing it. Going to retreats like Art-Is and working one on one with students is one of the most amazing feelings. I am always humbled and honored to be able to contribute to the growth and development of people's artistic lives. I am really excited to be able to teach 3 brand new classes.

SATURDAY October 6th
WHAT HIDES WITHING, In this class was created from a piece that I made called: the Litany Against Fear. It is an interactive piece and I am using the workshop to teach artists how to use their emotions and past to create artwork that heals. 

SUNDAY October 7th
RURAL ROOTS: Here in Vermont we have roots. In architecture, in the land and in history. We will explore what your roots are and use my favorite new material: BARN BOARD to create beautiful assemblage as homage to our ancestors, real or imaginary.

MONDAY October 8th
RECLAIM YOUR CHILDHOOD: This class was originally called "Poor Dolly".  In is intended for you to use all those crazy bits and pieces of old dolls that you have been collecting. (I know you have been collecting them. They are so creepy and great, who can resist?) I started working with really odd and scary dolls a few years back when a friend asked me to participate in a show entitled "The Art of Horror". If you find something very beautiful in their detritus and decay and that their uncanny nature should be celebrated this is the class for you!

Alright! That's the whole kit and caboodle. Three days chock full of good clean art-making, lots of great ideas for you to kick start your studio practice and heaps and heaps of fun.

So. If you are on the fence and haven't signed up yet, ART-IS-YOU is a month and 1/2 away! You don't want to miss out on this. It is a great opportunity to re-charge your brain and be inspired. Take my advice.STOP MAKING EXCUSES. You owe it to yourself. Sign up today! October will be here before you know it.

OK. That's all I have for today, folks. Tomorrow, pictures of ghosts.... stay tuned.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

oh october, where did you go.

This month has probably been one of the busiest I've had in a long time.  Today is the 20th, I feel like I am just catching my breath. (actually, it's now the 22nd, and i am desperately trying to finish this blog post.)

With 11 days to go, 9 days left in October, lets see where I am.

Ghost Stories @ Black Cap
I opened a solo show, Ghost Stories, in Stowe, @ Black Cap Coffee on Sunday the 3rd.  WHOO!

We had a pretty good turn of for the reception, considering the rain.

I had some old friends pop in to say hi, as well as some new ones. I really enjoy meeting people as they come to look at the work, answer their questions and tell them the stories behind the pieces.

ArtSeenVT came by the show and posted some lovely shots of the work on their site.
Thanks so much Anahi for the plug.
Her photos are MUCH better than mine. Make sure you check out her link.

On Monday Oct 4th, I found out that I was the winner of the People's Choice Award for the ART HOP's Juried Show. Needless to say, I was completely floored. What an honor!

I am so grateful to everyone who voted for my fear piece. Thank you all ever so much!

Litany Against Fear- People's Choice
I handed off five other pieces to Christy Mitchel on Wednesday, the morning I left for Art-Is-You. She put them together in a show for all the winners of the juried show. I was kind of bummed that I was away for the opening reception. I have been so busy that I haven't even had a chance to get over to SEABA's office/gallery to see all the winner's representative work. But, Christy says it looks great, so I will take her word for it. She always does an amazing job hanging my work.

Also, on Monday 10/4, I dropped off Rosebud and Poor Dolly to Beth Robinson, (yes the creator of Strange Dolls) for the third annual Art of Horror show @ the SPACE gallery.  I heard that the opening was amazing!! A huge turn out!!  Beth and Kevin posted a ton of pictures on Facebook. I am so glad they did. (These days, I am living vicariously through other people's photos. I feel like I haven't taken enough. So thank you everyone for sharing your pix!)

Wednesday, after dropping off my work at the SEABA gallery space, I headed home and loaded up the van. Fighting off a cold, I made my way to Danbury to teach @ Art-Is-You. It was my first time participating @ a retreat like this. I really didn't know what to expect. But basically, I had my sock blown off.

The students in my classes were just fantastic! They all did a great job with their projects and I feel like we all had some great  take-aways. I am so looking forward to teaching there again next year. I have so wonderful ideas of classes to teach in 2012. Thank you everyone for your feedback and wonderful work in the workshops!

On top of teaching, I got to meet so many amazing, creative people.

Nancy Leftko, Seth Apter & me
There was the lovely, talented and extremely funny Sue Pelletier, who kept me sane on day 2 with her sardonic wit.

Sue is down to earth, courageous and strong. I love her TO pieces.  She has been a guiding light for me in the mixed media art world. I don't know where I would be without her.

Keith LoBue & moi!
pam & nancy

I also was able to finally met Pam Carriker and Nancy Leftko, two other mixed media artists, whom I have know from Etsy (and later FB) for a number of years now.   
Keith LoBue, who I have admired from afar for years, made my acquaintance in the stairwell, the first morning while we were evacuating the building for a fire alarm.
andrea matus

I ended up spending some of my down time with Keith, catching up with my old friend Michael DeMeng, hanging out with Andrea Matus (who shares a love of the tarot with me) and Richard Salley.

I cannot forget Seth Apter, the man behind the Altered Page, (and a very talented artist, as well) who was there @ the vending day.We probably could have talked for hours, about art, work and NYC, but there WAS art to be sold on Sunday. And I was crazy busy vending.

jodi ohl
Last but not least, there is my new BFF, Jodi Ohl. She has been a cyber-friend for years now. We first met via Etsy and have kept up conversations via Facebook and email ever since. She is an incredibly vibrant, brave woman, who makes wonderful art (and is an inspirational teacher, too boot.) When she finally arrived to Art-Is-You, after some crazy mishaps and adventures, we had a grand time and raised hell whenever we could.  That's how we roll.

I came back to VT on Monday 10/10. And I feel like I have hardly had a moment's rest.

Since then...

I've been to a bunch of estate sales, caught up with work at my day job, been picking and collecting costume pieces for 2011 Nightfires, helped with the Boy Scout Popcorn fundraisers, walked with Jacko in Making Strides against Breast Cancer.... and well tomorrow, Miss Adrienne and I are headed to Montreal to see my one of my favorite bands play @ the Bell Center.(I'll let you guess who.)

Did all that make you tired? I hope not. I hope you can keep up with me. There's more AMAZING things happening in NOVEMBER. Really fantastic things... Oh and DON'T forget... I'm teaching @ Artist's Medium next SATURDAY 10/29. There's still a few spaces open. But act soon. You don't want to miss out!

jodi ohl
Right, I know... You're asking... when does she sleep? Sometimes, I ask myself the same question.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

ARTFEST 2012, updated teaching schedule and other news....

I can't believe I forgot to post this?!   I suppose there has been so much going on lately. Sometimes I think I would forget my head if it was not attached to my body.  My blog, definitely has Facebook envy, so I should give it a little more love, I know.

Here's the scoop.... I am teaching @ ARTFEST, in beautiful Port Townsend in 2012!!!

Can you tell, how excited I am. 

first- I am so in awe of Teesha Moore and everything she does. It is such an honor to be asked to teach at this amazing art retreat that she and Tracy put together every year. This is their 13th year!!

second- I have three terrific classes lined up....
Soul Houses
Books Unbound and... a brand new class.... Sailor's Valentines....
It's going to be so much fun to meet a new group of talented people and make art together!

third- I have never been to Washington state. I can't wait to get there and see everything the Seattle area has to offer.

I'm hoping you will join me in this creative exploration... find out more about the classes, registration and ARTFEST in general at the ARTFEST12 website.

There's a ton of stuff going on in the next two months, so stay tuned for all the updates to come....There's new classes in Williston @ Artist's Medium, The annual Art of Horror show  @ the SPACE gallery,  Art-Is-You in Danbury, CT, and a solo exhibition @ Black Cap Coffee roasters in Stowe (which opens next weekend!)

and.... don't forget... if you live in the Burlington area.... you still have a week to get in some last minute art-hopping. There's one week left to see the Art Hop juried show  @ SEABA's office @ 404 Pine Street.  My piece, Litany of Fear, is in the running for the people's choice award. Make sure to get down there and check it out!

Ok, glad we got to get caught up....
Time to get back to work!

Creatively yours! 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Work in Progress: More little bird houses

I'm working a bunch of new pieces to take to the ART TRUCK @ ART-IS-YOU, in Danbury, CT. next month.  There's some new little houses sitting on the work table that need to get finished, like this guy. I've got the house together and the face, still working out the sides.... needs a title...

And there are still some spots left  in my SOUL HOUSE class in Danbury.

Thurs. Oct. 6th 10AM-5PM
The symbolism connected to birds goes back to the ancient world, where birds were considered to be a supernatural link between the gods & men. In East Indian & Christian mythologies birds represent the soul. In this workshop you will you create a beautiful safe haven for your hopes & dreams. By tapping into your true creative spirit we will transform ordinary bird houses into vessels that whisper of remembrance. Learn to be creatively brave in this process orientated approach to creating altered art.

Check out the ART-IS-YOU for more information and to register. Hope to see you there!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Winners and Losers

Yesterday, I spent the day at Artists Medium, teaching some incredible women how to make altered books. It was a great group and I am so inspired by their creativity and energy. I want to give a special shout out to Chelsea, Kristen and the entire staff at AM, who always make me feel so at home when I teach in their space! Thank you!
Also, I am sure you all want to know who is getting the Altered Book Kit.... Can I have a drum roll please.....

The winner of my altered book giveaway is Carol Berger... Miss Queen Bee, herself! Thank you, Carol for sharing the love of Glimmering Prize too all your peeps on Facebook. Carol is a terrific mixed media artist, herself. I can't wait to see what she makes from all the great paper and materials I'm sending her.

If you didn't win this time, don't worry, I am doing another very special giveaway at the end of the month. I'll give you a hint... it has something to do with boxes...and another class that I am teaching @ Art-Is-You in Danbury, CT.

After pulling together all the materials for Carol's prize I realized just how much "stuff" I have filling the shelves in my workroom. 

I've been busy working on new pieces for up coming shows and I have no where to put the completed work. So I have to clear out some space in the workroom. I spent a good portion of the morning photographing tons of great ephemera packs and old photos, that I just don't have the space for. 

My loss is your gain. Check out my ETSY site all this week. I will be listing like crazy.  There will be new stuff added daily.  This is just a teaser of some of the stuff I am listing....There will be lots of old photo lots, Ephemera paper collage packs, beautiful old sheet music, vibrant children's books with wonderful illustrations, and lots of rusty bits.  There might even be an odd curiosity or two. Wonderful stuff for all your mixed media projects.  Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have an artful day!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


The summer always make me feel really creative. I love spending Saturday morning hunting for treasures at yard sales. I come home with a big pile of rusty things and just want to get down to the workroom and get things started. You feel the same way? Maybe you need some thing to inspire you? Maybe we should get together and make some art! 

Well there's some great opportunities for us to work on some special art projects together.

There's still a few spots left in my classes at INSPIRE MY LIFE. Yes, I'm headed to the Midwest at the end of the month, to hang out with one of my favorite people Kim Geiser, in beautiful Manitowoc, WI.  If you live near by I would love to see you! 

If being in the Midwest is not in your plans this summer, why not take one or two of my classes at the splendid art retreat, ART-IS-YOU, in Danbury, CT, in October. October feels like it is so far away, but classes at this annual retreat book up fast. 

To sweeten the deal, the ladies @ Art-Is-You are offering a super saver coupon for $50 off your full registration. But, the coupon is only go FOR ONE DAY. Monday July 4th. So don't delay.  Make sure to used the coupon code:JULY4 when you register.

Hope you have a creative weekend! See you in the the classroom.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cloth Paper Scissors May/June Issue

The weather in Vermont has decided to go along with the fact that Spring might actually be here! It's an amazing blue sky day; daffodils are blooming, the birds are singing, peepers are peeping. To make it even more outstanding. I have just received my comp copy of this month's Cloth Paper Scissor Magazine. I've been waiting for this issue for a while. It contains my first published article. I am so excited about this opportunity and honored to be in a publication that has featured some of my favorite mixed media artists (and friends.) 


The article features my Bird House Shrines series and discusses my motivation and process behind making them. I am so please with the way the whole thing turned out, and the photography is just stunning.

The Soul House series stirred such a strong response in people that created a workshop on how to create your own bird house shrine. 

I'll be teaching this process later this summer in Wisconsin at Inspire My Life and in the Fall at Art-Is-You in Danbury, CT. The class sizes are limited so don't delay in registering.  I'm so excited to be able to reach out to a broader audience and talk about artistic potential and creative fearlessness! I can't wait to get back into the class room again. I hope to see you there!

So as the stream bubbles by, outside the screen porch where I sit, taking in the issue, my heart brims over with thanks to all the people who have helped me along the way. I can only bask in the serenity and joy of the moment for a brief time. My own creative fearlessness, is being tested tonight.  I'm wrapping up a new piece for a looming deadline. I thrive on meeting time lines, so I know it's going to be an all cylinders evening.

So friends, I must jet. Thanks for stopping by, be well, stay creative and fearless!