Monday, April 01, 2013

My poor neglected!

You may have noticed how many of my pictures were all lost last year because of a google mess discouraging! But I still need to use this as journal, so I'll start with today since 'catching up' is just too overwhelming.

Today was a really good day! I love my sweet little girlykins! The girls let me sleep in and got breakfast all by themselves and even poured a bowl of cereal for me. They colored upstairs and I love that they usually play so well together. Lucy did get in trouble for wanting to kick her sister and I sent her to her room. She then yelled "I don't love you anymore mom!" and slammed her door.

Later the girls did some yoga with me and Audrey did 10 jumps with her jumprope. We ate lunch outside since weather was beautiful today! I love our backyard soooo much. I got a blanket so I could read outside and the girls wanted to play I spy and lay outside with me. I finally made them each get books and we read under the trees. Lucy had a way too long big toenail and brought out some clippers so I could cut it, I ended up trimming all their nails. Then Audrey asked if I'd paint them, too, so I painted all 30 toenails and fingernails! The girls found ladybugs and were so excited...not so excited when they saw ants and spiders though.

I finally took a shower and got dinner ready. Dad came home semi early (before 6pm) and we ate chicken salad in lettuce wraps, tomato/cucumber salad and broccoli. I'm so glad the girls love to eat their vegis. Later we relaxed on the love sac upstairs and watched the end of princess diaries, while dad napped.

I made some yummy white chocolate cranberry oatmeal cookies for FHE and we had a lesson on being a missionary. Audrey chose hide and go seek as our game/activity. Then shower, books and bedtime. I'm also glad they usually go to bed pretty well. I love our girls. Tomorrow I am planning on the free first Tuesdays at the Dallas Museum of Art. Hopefully, it won't be raining because I want to grab some food truck grub.

Good night!


Lisa said...

What a great day!

Allison said...

Love this post. Sometimes it's just about capturing the simple things of every day life. Those are the things I want to remember 10 years down the road :)