Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I have so many thoughts right now that I don't know where to start. I love being a mom and I love my kids! I also love other people's kids! But I've never felt so insecure about my parenting until about 15 months ago when school ended and 'employed' life began. I need to sleep, but I wanted to save these articles for future reference.

articles here and here

*update* March 23rd: I read this article today in the NY Times and loved it. I realized I have had a smart phone for the last 16 months. Although the two mat not be completely related, the coincidence is enough for me to want to get rid of the thing ASAP.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I like these articles. I feel like the longer I'm a Mom, the more strongly I feel about not judging others' parenting style, or just others in general. Everyone has to do what works for them, and in general everyone is just trying to do their best. I think that with smartphones, as with everything, there has to be a balance. My big pet peeve (speaking of not judging, huh? :) ) is when Mike and I go out on dates (I noticed this more in BCS because it's a college town probably) I would look around the restaurant and see that most people were out for dinner with a spouse, or boyfriend, or just a friend and would be on their phone more than interacting with each other!! It drove me crazy! My suspicion is that the younger generation will not know how to interact with people socially on a personal level, feeling much more comfortable doing it electronically. That's kind of scary.

As the Mom/smartphone thing goes, though, I feel like it's ok if there's a balance. I'm totally guilty of being on my phone at the park sometimes, but I think it's healthy for the kids to play and spin around without me hovering over them too. And I'm a Mom who loves to be with and interact with the kiddos. But I think that it's good for them to play without me right there too. And sometimes I feel like my time is better spent answering emails at the park while the kids are playing so that our dinnertime/bedtime routine is less frantic and rushed, or so that I can do stuff like that while the kids are having fun doing something too. For that reason I love my smartphone - for how convenient it is for me to do computer stuff without sitting at my desk. It's all about balance though, and not judging,especially when it comes to parenting styles. Thanks for the good reads! :) I miss you and your cute girls. You're a great Mom!