Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Showing posts with label sea urchin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sea urchin. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2017

Treasures beyond compare- New Beads!

Hello beautiful souls,

They're here! Are you ready for some new beads?! I am offering these babies up for sale in my Facebook group here. I've got some gorgeous work for your every desire. Hop on over and add some to your collection!
What designs are you dreaming up?

Love, light, and creativity,

xoxo Genea

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hooray for BEADS!

Hello friends!

Remember when I told you I made some beads at a friends studio the other day? Well I just loaded those up into the shop! It was just a small handful of beads, but it was nice to melt glass again after about a month( I can't believe it's been that long)!
Here is a shot of the new beads. Both of these styles will be featured in Step-by-Step-Wire July? 2014 issue :D 

I also FINALLY got a chance to list some goodies that I didn't get to list before I moved.
Here is the Q&D for those of you that don't have more time to read ;)

Beach Stone Rounds- "Sahara"- On occasion I do take requests for things. I made some chubby rounds(or rondelles) for a customer and had some extra so here they are. As you may know my "Sahara" beads are a favorite among myself and my customers. Normally you will see these in the form of my headpins, smaller coins and large coin beads.
 Mystic Moon & Sister Sun "Peach Persimmon"- You may remember these amazing batik style beads from last year. I LOOOOOOOOOOVED them and you all did as well(since they are no longer in my shop ;) This bead got nabbed up by Denise Peck at Bead Fest Philly last year so that is why you never saw it after the show. This is the front.
The back side.

"Rainbow Serpent Stick"- These beads always turn out so gorgeous. I wind up with many different color fades when I create these beads. I only got to make a few and they were different from my previous batches so they got different listings.

"Rainbow Serpent Stick"- See what I mean. This one has some really pretty pastels with some bright amber and cranberry :D

"Rainbow Urchin" clasp-Who doesn't love my sea urchin designs? I had to make some of these for another future magazine submission so I had lots of extras :D

Last, but not least... "Turbulent Tides Rainbow Urchin" heart focal- Um yeah, what a gorgeous bead huh?! I crammed all of the awesome I could possible get onto this bead: an urchin dot, twisted glittery waves of dichro, a rainbow serpent, some silvered ivory. Yum!!

I even got a chance to make my friend Melissa an amazing pair of earrings. Remember my "Loving Lotus Ray" earrings? Well this is that same style with different beads. Melissa loves ivory and orange so I picked out this combo just for her :)

Well that is all for me for now. I hope to get my studio up and running VERY soon. Stay tuned.

xo Genea

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

NEW Beads, Clasps, and Jewelry!

Hello friends!

Well I am sad to say that *most* of the new beads are already sold from the Facebook preview, but some amazing clasps made their way into the shop! I even listed a necklace! Woo hoo! The winter sun is kinda cramping my style with the little ray of sunlight I get upstairs on the 3rd floor. I only get a few photos before I lose that little bit of sun. So wanna see the goodies??

Here's what you missed if you didn't manage to snag some of this awesomeness from Monday.

Here is a shot of all of the beads I created. A smaller batch for my normal haul, but I had some other things I needed to make this time around that are not pictured here. I was so pleased with my haul! I am really diggin' this half shiny, half stone oceany feel. So high maintenance to do the stone finish, protect the shiny surface, and clean, but so worth it!

Here's a closer look. UM... YUM!! So pretty huh?!
Here's a closer look at those headpins. The top and rainbow buttons are shiny and the bottoms are stone textured finish and matte. I really love the look! I totally dig the aqua bottoms too! 

So what is still available?

I managed to make some more clasps since I needed to make a clasp for my latest tutorial magazine submission. I took that time to make a few extra clasps. I did the "Desert Jewel" clasp you have seen in the past, a new "Midnight Jewel" with a black base, and I got to try out a Sea Urchin clasp!

"Desert Jewel" s-clasp- Wow just look at all of that rainbow goodness! 

"Midnight Jewel" s-clasp- sometimes things are just as gorgeous on black. I was excited to give this clasp a black base since so much of my work is on a black or ivory base it's nice to have both.

"Rainbow Urchin" s-clasp- If you've seen my sea urchin beads then you know what to expect with this clasp. It's a mini version of the amazing sea urchin textured pools you will see on the focal beads. Just mesmerizing! 

"Love Earth"- You may have recognized this piece from earlier in the year. I went back and re-worked the design and I am SO happy with the new results. The necklace has some wonderful balance and negative space going on. It lays so nicely across the neck and is fairly light weight for it's "bulky" look. 

Well that is all for today. Thanks so much for stopping by!

xo Genea

Saturday, June 22, 2013

NEW DESIGNS and a shop update! Introducing "Rainbow Serpent Coins" !

Hello friends!

Well never a dull moment, and with the show RIGHT around the corner things are getting even more intense!  I have been just plugging away making beads in the studio and trying to stay cool in the HOT and HUMID Missouri/Kansas Summer. 

I posted a video from my phone of a storm that rolled into Olathe the other week and was so pleased with the video quality and upload ease I did a few lampwork videos too! I thought heck why not, right?! I will just post the link to my business page since they take awhile to upload on each site and for some reason youtube didn't recognize the video format. 

I am super STOKED about my new Sea Urchin designs. I honestly put one of the stamps aside because I didn't think it would work up into a design. Well luckily this new one worked perfectly! 

Here is the "quick view" of what is new in the shop if you don't want to read past here.

I just love these photo collages. They make everything so pretty and give you that great way to see everything all at once :D

"Painted Desert Pods" pair. I had made these awhile back and just never got back to them until now. Staci created these beautiful earrings below and that kinda lit the fire under my butt to make some more ;)
So pretty! I just love our beads together! 
Rainbow Serpent Stick "Ivory Rainbow". Wow! Just look at all of the amazing colors on this baby with all of that curdled and webbed ivory goodness! 
And if the front wasn't already amazing enough, this is the back side! :D
Rainbow Serpent Stick "Teal Tide". You know how I love my collections of beads to match everything ;) This is no exception. The back side has a pretty stripey rainbow like the other serpent sticks. 

Rainbow Serpent Coins "Ivory".(One) Lots of gorgeous color variation on these! Nice soft pastels on one side and vivid, orangey, golden, pinky, violet on the other side! So pretty on that ivory base.

Rainbow Serpent Coins "Midnight Rainbow".(One) Um holy YUM! Don't you just LOVE that high contrast of vivid color against the black? These even have that lighter side as well, but more minty greens with a splash of pale pink and some yellow. 

Here are some GORGEOUS reversible earrings I created with some other beautiful art components: Black Raven Canoe beads by Starry Road studio, Color drenched hoops by Miss Fickle Media, and Copper bright patinated Urchin Sticks by Kristi Bowman Design.

Thanks for stopping by this weekend!

See you soon!

xo Genea

Friday, June 7, 2013


Hello friends!

I feel like I am running a marathon. I have been bouncing all over the web today, from my Etsy shop, in groups to promote, Pinterest,  in Etsy teams to promote, and finally HERE to tell you the news if you have not seen it else where yet! 

New listings plus a sale and giveaway! SALE AND GIVEAWAY FOR A SEA URCHIN FOCAL! Use coupon code "yay4beads15" at check out to receive 15% OFF! Every $10 spent gives you an entry to win! Sale ends Saturday at Midnight!

To show size. WOW, huh?! :D

To show size. WOW, huh?! :D

To show front and back details.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you LOVE the new designs and I hope you found something you couldn't live without!

xo Genea

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Strike of the Demon Tooth and the Life After...

Hello friends!

This may have been one of my longest silences yet... Well if you didn't read about it on facebook, here is where I have been. Maybe you remember a LOOOOOOOOOONG time ago I posted about my demon wisdom tooth? It plagued me for 5 LONG YEARS...

So it came back to haunt me. I was in excruciating pain. I had been popping ibuprofen's like candy and they were no longer taking the edge off. I couldn't take the pain anymore so I finally caved and went to the ER.
I scored this awesome bracelet for $932 dollars! I felt like an ass going into the ER, but I was in PAIN and there was NO WHERE else to go. All of the minute clinics were closed and they don't have an emergency dental place :( They gave me a script for vicodin and antibiotics(penicillin). I got the dose they gave me at the ER and then waited to fill my script in the morning at a regular pharmacy. Unfortunately, shortly after taking the meds I was STILL in pain :( I took it pretty well... I SOBBED. I had been in pain for 4 days before I went to the ER and even after going with no insurance knowing it would cost me a king's ransom, I was STILL in PAIN. I felt like it would never get better. I had Ricky call to see if they could prescribe something else, sure, they can if you come back in for another visit and pay again. I had a very broken sleep that night. There was no comfortable position to lay in to release the pain. It hurt up the side of my face into my ear like an ear ache, throbbed in my tooth on the bottom right side, my salivary gland was swollen and it was hard to swallow like having a nasty sore throat. It was AWFUL...

The next day I needed to fill my script, but needed to use the last $20 I had for gas. I went to mom's house and luckily she had had a garage sale where she had sold some of my things. When I went to fill my script at Walmart it was exactly $20. I took my meds in the hopes that they would start working since I could take an extra pain pill if the first one wasn't working. Normally taking a days worth of antibiotics you will start to feel better with each ending day.... That night I was STILL in PAIN. Ricky convinced me to, yet again visit the ER. It was a weekend and the urgent care clinics were closed. This time I went to the ER at the hospital where mom works.
I scored myself another expensive bracelet. This one was $1,400. I'm applying for some financial aid...So my experience was SO much better at this hospital. They got me in quickly and gave me much better drugs, thank GOD! I got a script for percocet and clindamyasin sp? A stronger pain med and super strong antibiotics. Now through all of this pain, I was also literally STARVING. It hurt to eat, it hurt to swallow and now I had to get some food in my stomach so that I could be ok after eating these pills. They sent me out of the hospital on 2 percocet and 3 antibiotic pills. 

We went to one of our favorite grocery stores and picked up some kefir, and a naked juice. Kefir is a like a more liquidy yogurt that is ok for people with dairy allergies and it's packed with like 24 grams of protein. The naked juice is a fruit and veggie juice with just juiced fruits and that's it.  I guzzled down the kefir to get some protein in my system, and then drank the juice. Shortly after leaving the ER my pain had FINALLY subsided. I was so thankful for the break in continuous pain, BUT then the wave of sleepiness and NAUSEA came over me. You may not know this about me, but I have this aversion to throwing up. Back when I was younger I drank a bottle of cough syrup cause it tasted good. Needless to say I was rushed to the ER and given ipecac. As you may know ipecac makes you vomit violently. I attribute my phobia of yacking to this lovely experience. So moving on I had to fight my feeling of nausea while trying to stay awake long enough to settle my stomach. I am also motion sick so sleeping and feeling queasy are a means to disaster as well. I got home and showered. Showering cures the worst of many things. I had hoped it would relax me and keep me awake. Luckily after my shower I felt even enough in my tummy to close my eyes and sleep. Zzzzzzzzz. I slept well, finally! The next day I stayed at mom's and layed in bed and slept all day long. I awoke to eat and then went back to sleep. That night we returned back to the apartment where I slept and took it easy the next day.

The next plan of attack was getting this tooth out. My dear sweet girls from the Bead Babes banded together and purchased beads from me to help with my medical bills and to get my tooth pulled. I am so very fortunate to have so many lovely women in my life to love and support me and I could not have taken care of this without them. My dearest love to each and every one of you for the blessings you gave to me! <3 font="" nbsp="">

My dear, sweet Ricky called around and got me an appointment to get my tooth pulled on Friday. It was now Monday. Lucikly the antibiotics took me one day closer to wellness with each day I finished my 3 time pill consumption. The percocet kept my pain down, but made me so tired. I could only do a few things before I had to lay back down and sleep. My thoughts were all fuzzy and I couldn't hardly string 2 thoughts together. This experience gave me so much insight into how some people live in pain ever day. How they have to take medicine that makes them not feel like themselves and not be able to get together one coherent thought. How do you live like that? How do you go to an office job and work?? My deepest sympathies to those of you that live in pain, that have to take pain meds daily to function, and those of you that have to take pills for your aliments that make you not feel like yourself. It's such a hard place to be. You are so brave. I am pretty tough and I have a hig tolernace for pain, but his one did me in. It dropped me to my knees and I can't even imagine being someone who is terminal and having to endure much worse than this each day.....

I mended each day up until my appointment. I felt better each day, and finally got to stop taking pain meds. I was so thankful to have my logical thoughts back. I was able to get up out of bed and started to do easy tasks. The day of my appointment came. I was a nervous wreck. I had seen the horrible xray of my demon tooth 2 years ago. They told me about how the roots were over a nerve and how I could lose the feeling in my face. They told me that that demon tooth was now beginning to infect the tooth next to it and I feared they would tell me they needed to pull my molar as well. When Ricky booked my appointment they told me that if for some reason they couldn't pull the tooth there they would refer me to another dr. I was worried that even though Friday had come that for some reason they wouldn't be able to pull it. 

We arrived at the dental office. I filled out paper work and made Ricky come sit with me while they prepped me to pull the tooth. They took a panoramic xray of the tooth and THANKFULLY said they could pull the tooth! Whew! So they showed me the price break down for surgical and non-surgical and the cost of nitrous. The surgical only meant they had to cut the gum open and do stitches and the nitrous was $65. Well worth it if it would calm your nerves. The doctor came to look at the tooth and at first thought it would be a surgical removal. The started the nitrous and I began receiving shots to numb my mouth. The gave me a ton of shots and then I could slowly feel the side of my face go numb. The dr and assistant  got me all ready to pull the tooth. 

I had this wonder and fear about what happened if someone needed to spontaneously throw up? Well the assistant had gotten me with a light spray in the back of the throat. I began to cough and they both jumped backwards quickly with the dr saying "Genea, are you ok?". I motioned yes and then went back in with their tools. The sweet assistant let me know I was doing great and then the doctor let me know I was going to feel some pressure. I grabbed onto the arm rest and I felt the pressure. Then I thought to myself, "Was that it? Is the tooth out?" The next motion back in was with the gauze. Yep, it was gone! Just like that! My dr was a fucking ROCK STAR! I said that too with my mouth full of cotton. I left out the explative, but WOW! I was SO RELIEVED! I told them I wanted to SEE THE DEMON!


In all of it's HORRIBLE GLORY. They had EXORCISED the DEMON! Ooo nasty! Yes, it's supposed to look repulsive! It was PURE EVIL! 

I felt instantly better! I took my pain meds for a day waiting for the pain to return, but all I felt was an ache in my jaw joint. I mended quickly and I am happy to say that 12 days later there is only a little tiny hole where this tooth used to sit and I am feeling SO much better!

I am back to my regularly scheduled life and just SO glad that all of that is OVER! I felt like I lost 2 weeks of my life. It has taken me up until now to finally catch up on the time I was down and out with this tooth.

I got some new toys! Along with some new glass I got a  new bead press from Zoozii's. 
Here is the new press in comparison to the last largest Lentil press I had! Wow huh?!

Look at how BIG these beads are! Are you in LOVE? I sure am!

I HAD to make more! Just look at how BIG they all are! They are SO awesome!

For scale.

and check out this NEW style! The "Ocean Serpent Urchin Egg" if the "Ocean Serpent Egg" and "Ocean Urchin Egg " had a LARGE love child, it would look like this :D

I will add these to the shop next week, but this week.....

Here is what you will see in the shop by Saturday June 1st!
You can find them in my shop.

Well that is all for now.

See you soon!

xo Genea