Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2017

Treasures beyond compare- New Beads!

Hello beautiful souls,

They're here! Are you ready for some new beads?! I am offering these babies up for sale in my Facebook group here. I've got some gorgeous work for your every desire. Hop on over and add some to your collection!
What designs are you dreaming up?

Love, light, and creativity,

xoxo Genea

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hooray for BEADS!

Hello friends!

Remember when I told you I made some beads at a friends studio the other day? Well I just loaded those up into the shop! It was just a small handful of beads, but it was nice to melt glass again after about a month( I can't believe it's been that long)!
Here is a shot of the new beads. Both of these styles will be featured in Step-by-Step-Wire July? 2014 issue :D 

I also FINALLY got a chance to list some goodies that I didn't get to list before I moved.
Here is the Q&D for those of you that don't have more time to read ;)

Beach Stone Rounds- "Sahara"- On occasion I do take requests for things. I made some chubby rounds(or rondelles) for a customer and had some extra so here they are. As you may know my "Sahara" beads are a favorite among myself and my customers. Normally you will see these in the form of my headpins, smaller coins and large coin beads.
 Mystic Moon & Sister Sun "Peach Persimmon"- You may remember these amazing batik style beads from last year. I LOOOOOOOOOOVED them and you all did as well(since they are no longer in my shop ;) This bead got nabbed up by Denise Peck at Bead Fest Philly last year so that is why you never saw it after the show. This is the front.
The back side.

"Rainbow Serpent Stick"- These beads always turn out so gorgeous. I wind up with many different color fades when I create these beads. I only got to make a few and they were different from my previous batches so they got different listings.

"Rainbow Serpent Stick"- See what I mean. This one has some really pretty pastels with some bright amber and cranberry :D

"Rainbow Urchin" clasp-Who doesn't love my sea urchin designs? I had to make some of these for another future magazine submission so I had lots of extras :D

Last, but not least... "Turbulent Tides Rainbow Urchin" heart focal- Um yeah, what a gorgeous bead huh?! I crammed all of the awesome I could possible get onto this bead: an urchin dot, twisted glittery waves of dichro, a rainbow serpent, some silvered ivory. Yum!!

I even got a chance to make my friend Melissa an amazing pair of earrings. Remember my "Loving Lotus Ray" earrings? Well this is that same style with different beads. Melissa loves ivory and orange so I picked out this combo just for her :)

Well that is all for me for now. I hope to get my studio up and running VERY soon. Stay tuned.

xo Genea

Monday, September 23, 2013

Bursting with Color-Shop update!

Hello friends! Here we are again for the beads that are left! Let's see that pile of beads again, shall we?

OMG so luscious! Sometimes I stop and think to myself, HOLY CRAP, *I* made those!! :D

For those of you that missed out on the others, there are a few sets of GORGEOUS beads left! 

"Electric Orchid Batiks"- The name says it all! These are a rainbowy delight on an electric orchid base! What is not to love about this KILLER color combo?!
"Harvest Moon Batiks"- a gorgeous coraly orange base is drenched in rainbowy batik goodness! The front size is adorned with a swirling sun, crescent moon, and spiral star.

The backs are spotted in rainbows with a teeny spiral embossing. YUM-MY!

A huge THANK YOU to all of your that support  my work so I can keep making beautiful beads! 
I couldn't do this without you!

In other news....
I am headed to Red Feather Lakes, Colorado to visit Ricky's parents! We will be spending 4 full days (and 2 driving days of 11 hours)  nestled in the gorgeous Rocky Mountains soaking in the fabulous view! I can't wait to get some awesome R&R out of town!
This photo was actually taken last Christmas, but you can see what I mean when I say "view"! I can't wait to see how beautiful it is now that it's fall. Sounds like the high's are in the upper 50's and on down to 37 at night! Can't wait to make use of the wood burning stove!

I will be leaving my shops open in my absence and all items that are purchased from the 25-1st will be shipped on October 2nd when I return.

I am off to go pack up some beads!

Have a wonderful week!

xo Genea

BURSTING WITH COLOR- New Beads for the shop!-Pre-selling Quickly!

Here are the beads for today's listings! Crazy enough they are *ALMOST* all SOLD OUT after their preview on my facebook page.

If I have *ANY* left by the time I am done with this post they will be up in my shop soon!

You all flatter me so much with your purchases before I can even get them into the shop! It's so exciting!

In some other super exciting news, 3 of my Wooly Wire earrings have been featured on Jewelry Making Daily! DOUBLE BONUS!! :D

Off to go list what I have left before they are all gone!

See ya soon!

xo Genea

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Suns, Moons, and other wonderful things- Shop Update.

Hello friends!

Well I have to apologize to all of you about having to post the listings earlier than I had originally planned. I had some time restraints pop up so I listed today instead of Monday.
Here is the "quick and dirty" shop update for those of you in a time crunch. 

Batwing  Eye Heart- I don't know if I will even get to more Halloween beads this year so this may be it. I love Halloween, but it sneaks up so fast on me every year!

Wing dings- Bright Earth- "Patina Green" - A more earthy pair in my Bright Earth series. I only have ONE more left. I am flattered that a pair sold before I even had the chance to post here :) Oh and I goofed on the price so I just left it where it was at a lower price than the original ;)

"Dawn" pod headpin pair. These are so whispy and dreamy. This double toned glass can produce either really bright streaky pieces or soft and dreamy like this pair that remind me of the early dawn sunrise.

Mystic Moon and Sister Star "Avocado Ocher"- Many of you really loved the suns or moons. How exciting is it that this is the SAME bead. One side is a sun and the other is a moon and stars!

Mystic Moon and Sister Sun- "Chai" a soft dreamy khaki brown that resembles a drink of fall, chai tea. Sip on those suns and moons.

Mystic Moon and Sister Sun- "Cocoa"- A dreamy deep chocolate brown is the canvas for this rainbow kissed sun and moon.

Star Bright "Rust"- A tiny little star to wish upon in rich copper rust and rainbows.

"Sunset Jewel"- gorgeous sunshine coral lentils streaked with a thread of whispy silver and jeweled rainbow dots.

Star Bright "Lemon Seafoam"-SOLD OUT. I am flattered that this bead was already sold out before I came here to post. Thank you :)

Well this unexpected listing day was my day off and my day before I get to FINALLY head to the studio. I can't wait to get into my new boxes of glass and tools! Lots and lots of pretty things to create. 

See you soon!

xo Genea

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Batik and Glass- Shop Update and Run of Design Inspiration

Hello friends!

I am always amazed at how fast the week goes by. I have been making TONS of beads! I just recently got STUCK on this style and I just HAD to keep making beads!  I am in LOVE with the designs!

They started with one of my new beads inspired by Staci's new metal eye beads, which then inspired me to make a bead for Karen. I am so lucky to have such amazing creative friends that are an endless source of inspiration. I always think it's pretty cool to be inspired to do new designs based on your own work as well.

Inspiration for beads....

So let's take a look at where these designs were born first.

On the left is Staci's new copper eye bead. She was inspired by my love of eyes and I was inspired by her bead. So just a quick touch on that subject cause I want to blog about that later ;P

So the back of this beads was actually the start of the inspiration for this entire run of beads. I think it's exciting to see a designs starting point and ending point. 
Here is the back of my eye bead. The back was so pretty that I decided to use that as the starting point for yet another bead.
Here is the front with the sun.
and the back with the moon! UH-MAZING! Wow you see why I had to keep making beads?

So I thought I should totally make Karen a bead since her business name is "Starry Road Studio". I had started making her a bead like the purple velvet one(I am listing today) except instead of the sun and moon I went for a "Starry Road" style. Moon and Star bead.
So here were the starting points. I tried a few to see which design I liked best. Here is the front side.

The back side. The first one looked too much like a sun to me. I LOVE the second design and the 3rd. Infact in this run of beads some have the second back design and some have the 3rd. It was mostly a space thing. So after I made the star I had to see how much room I had left for the design ;)

Well after that I had this idea to make Karen some jewelry! She likes to collect beads, but doesn't always get around to making jewelry. Staci has been sending me some finished jewelry of hers, which I have really enjoyed getting since sometimes it's just nice to wear something rather than designing. So with that thought I decided to make Karen a necklace and earrings. I will reveal the necklace now since I spoiled the surprise with the inspiration pic in my listing. You will have to wait to see the earrings.
OMG can you believe this necklace??! It is SOOOOO beautiful! It just came right together. It's like I had bought the silk to match, when infact I had bought it a short while back. So perfect!

So after making the larger focals I decided to make the "Star Brights" small focals and.....

"Star Bright" front.

"Star Bright" back.
 "Moon Bubble Sprees". I really like making a collection of beads when I work. I just picked some of my fav colors and got to it.

So there is the design process. Pretty amazing to see where it started and ended up huh? :)


Mystic Moon and Sister Star "Purple Velvet"- Um can you say WOW?! This base color is absolutely gorgeous and it is so rocking with the Raku!
Back side.

Mystic Moon and Sister Star- "Rust"- One of my favs to use as a base. It is a perfect compliment to raku!
Back. Oh just look at these COLORS!

"Moon Bubble Sprees"- Not only are the color bases so pretty, but I could get just LOST in these dots. Not only are they rainbows, but they have a reflective mirror dot inside the center. Wow!

Star Bright "Golden Ocher"- just a sweet little star to wish upon :)

Star Bright "Mystic Mint"- Another one of my very favorite base colors. Ooo look at those streaks of color! Yummy!

So looking at the base colors I noticed those are all colors you see in the Raku. Crazy how my brain picked those up and translated them into the beads!

 I hope you enjoyed my design process and new work as much as I did.

Have a wonderful Thursday and Happy Valentine's day!

xo Genea