Showing posts with label legends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label legends. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

How to put legends only to some of the lines in a Matlab Plot?

1. Use the 'plot' handles.

x1 = 1:10;
y1blue = 2 .* x1;

y2green = 2 .* y1;

y3red = y2 + 5;

h1 = plot(x1,y1blue ,'b');
hold on;

h2 = plot(y2green,'g');
h3 = plot(y3red,'r');

%Legend all the line plots
legend('Y1blue','Y2green', 'Y3red');

%Legend only Y1 and Y2
legend([h1 h2],{'Y1','Y2'});

2. Another method to control the 'legend content' is given HERE

3. How to use numbers in the legend?

legend({['PRN' num2str(1)],['PRN' num2str(2)]});