fungi on a log
Here I share tiny pieces as we all do, glimpses into parts of our daily lives. This is not a reality show so you don't get the in your face daily living dramas, tragedies and triumphs...not all of them so I'm gonna hit some highlights.
Marcy, my oldest sister, has passed her tests and remains cancer free for another year. The tests and checks are getting farther apart. I do the driving.
Beverly, my second sister (yep, I'm the baby), is still operating The Shop, mostly by herself. I go up now and then to help. Things are still moving out and moving on.
Hubby is holding steady on his heart health but I can tell some days are worse than others. We are relatively young, he 64 and I 61, but we seem to be going downhill.
Our outings are mostly grocery and doctor runs,
We have a boomerang child.
Andrew graduates this year.
We no longer have any livestock. Down to one rooster...they were quite old.
Hubby has the garden plowed for spring planting.
We have a list of work that NEEDS to be done as long as all our arms put together.
Sadly the elders here all woven together would not make one healthy person but we keep on keeping on.
On the brighter side, we are still here, pecking away at daily living. We have acreage to explore, fishing, hunting, fresh water, sunshine and rain. We are blessed.