a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing
Showing posts with label this n that. Show all posts
Showing posts with label this n that. Show all posts

Saturday, February 27, 2016

This N That

fungi on a log

Here I share tiny pieces as we all do, glimpses into parts of our daily lives. This is not a reality show so you don't get the in your face daily living dramas, tragedies and triumphs...not all of them so I'm gonna hit some highlights.

Marcy, my oldest sister, has passed her tests and remains cancer free for another year.  The tests and checks are getting farther apart.  I do the driving.

Beverly, my second sister (yep, I'm the baby), is still operating The Shop, mostly by herself. I go up now and then to help.  Things are still moving out and moving on.

Hubby is holding steady on his heart health but I can tell some days are worse than others. We are relatively young, he 64 and I 61, but we seem to be going downhill.

Our outings are mostly grocery and doctor runs,

We have a boomerang child.

Andrew graduates this year.

We no longer have any livestock.  Down to one rooster...they were quite old.

Hubby has the garden plowed for spring planting.

We have a list of work that NEEDS to be done as long as all our arms put together.

Sadly the elders here all woven together would not make one healthy person but we keep on keeping on.

On the brighter side, we are still here, pecking away at daily living.  We have acreage to explore, fishing, hunting, fresh water, sunshine and rain.  We are blessed.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

This N That

Maria's skin graft is taking on two ends.  Now if they will just meet in the middle we can begin complete recovery.  That's what we're aiming for anyway. This has just zapped all of us.  

Wednesday Maria went for an appointment for pain management and they would not see her because the police have lost her license.  No exceptions. (The state trooper was holding Zander and had the license after the wreck.  Maria and Zander left in an ambulance so the trooper took it to the local sheriff's office.) After Hubby and she returned home Hubby visited the police department and believe me when I say he had everyone looking for that license.  I'll just say no one was smiling. Now the department has a new policy about how they handle licenses.

Thank you for all your continued prayers and well wishes.
Before the cold front I topped off and cleaned a little on the water gardens.  That is always fun but it was just almost too cold to play in the water.  They are now ready for the next freeze.
My skunk skull I saved has almost been cleaned by the weather.  Not sure what it will be used for but I'll find a creative purpose.  The skunk was ambitious, like Caesar, but the good smell is not interred with his bones. It simply disappeared. Thank goodness.
Saw my crystals shining and just had to share.
Next time you see these they may all be covered with ice.

Monday, January 12, 2015

This N That

We are the Red Cross
the soup kitchen
and transport
One can't walk
one's heating aching joints
the other shuts down
Those still standing
try to make it better
hoping "Normal"
is closer than it was
We've had freezing rain and cold temps but nothing we couldn't deal with (and I'm frantically searching my mind how to NOT end this sentence with a preposition. Some lessons never leave.  I guess it's okay now.  I hear people saying "Want to go with?"  With what???  Don't leave me hanging.) 

The after care and day care station is still open.  A visit later today to see how the skin grafts are taking.  I'm glad we can help but we are tired. It is straining on the pocket book and every one's patience.  No one can help the situation.  We must muddle through with as much good grace as we can muster. Eight days from our second month with at least four months to go...and eight days.

Poor Bonnie had to return to the vet after her surgery. In a few short days she dropped from 83.5 pounds to a terrible sixty pounds.  She has come back strong and nearing her original weight.  That "free" puppy now has an invested value of $489.17.

Marcy was transported to the hospital one day but I brought her home with me.

I am crocheting in all my FREE time and trying to read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Apparently I am at fault and "attract" this chaos.  I must find out the "secret" to ending that attraction. This was a book I chose at Salvation Army just because the cover was pretty.  Won't do that again unless I need the cover for a project.

So here I am being non creative, dull and boring.

May your best dreams come true this week.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Random Thoughts

I totally dislike the Geico commercial with Old McDonald!  The logical way for Old McDonald to spell cow would be E-I-E-I-O not  c-o-w-e-i-e-i-o.  Remember the line "..and on that farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O"
 Spelling Bee may have a cute "Dagnabbit" in it but it doesn't make me happy.  Maybe the Spock in me coming out.

We go soon to have Andrew's broken foot checked.  Hopefully he will be running and dancing soon.

We had ice in the water buckets Wednesday morning so fall is leaving us (unintended pun).
The flowers linger.
 The moon still rises
At The Farm.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

This N That

Did a Random Five but didn't have a clue
Was pointed out by a single reader's view
I have visited the writing prompts
And seem not inspired
So no poems today
My shovel knee is tired
My space has become larger
And the other proportionally filled
When I had this thought
I said, Aw, no big deal
Here is the tire garden in the early morning rain
It will find new space below the rock that drains
And this other garden so overcrowded with plants
Will be removed and relocated with an elephant
When this will be done
I can't even dare to say
I'm easily distracted
And I may just run away.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This N That

This corral is now re enforced with big cedar posts.
Head gate installed in concrete.
Tractor Man ready for surgery today.
Gonna get a kick starter for his heart.
Think of us today.
The 'possums have been released into the wild
far from dogs and chickens.
The mole patrol remains on duty
while a rose pretends to be a pinwheel.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Onions, Roses and This N That

Daddy's onions still grow
and Mom's roses still bloom.
I guess these are part of their legacy.

I sold a painting this week, not enough for me to retire but it was an honor to know that someone liked it enough to pay money to take it home.  It was almost a bittersweet experience but I know it is loved and that makes it easier.

I have a mention on the famous author's blog, Alex Cavanaugh .  I did land on the Jester post but that's an honor.  Alex and I love to spar with words...it is a delight and a challenge, but when it comes to a battle of wits with Alex, I am poorly armed.  Alex visits my other blog, Familiar Spirit, and always has a humorous comeback. Thank you, Alex, for the honor of including me in your Jester post.

Friday, February 3, 2012

This N That

I'm always showing sunrises so here's a sunset as I stop to work at the shop.  I didn't capture it but the clouds looked like Spanish Moss hanging from the sun.

White Spotted pup will now live with a college girl in South Arkansas.  Two more to go and they will be eight weeks old tomorrow.  Another lady from the south is coming Saturday and hope the last will be gone.

My phone committed suicide at work today.  I sent out a company email stating just that...asking for a spare.  I got in trouble!  One person did have a sense of humor and asked if I had called the Hot line. Political correctness will be the death of me!

Oh, if I forgot to mention it...ANDREW WON!  That wireless speaker thingy we bought allowed him to go wild on the floor while playing.  I'm so proud.  I wish I had some kinda talent.
The nights and mornings are frosty,
but the dandelions think it's spring.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

This N That...

I wondered if you wondered about my new profile photo.  Is that a one-eyed Ki-Anne?  No, she's winking.  I am in search of the perfect profile photo but, so far, no luck.

I sold my western saddle yesterday.  It was a difficult thing.  I still have my Australian saddle which is much lighter than my western.  I have it, just in case, one of these days, I might believe that MAYBE I can ride.

The bright side of that is the proceeds cover the price of my little adventure I have planned for February.  Two tickets and one motel for Andrew and I to see BB King!!!!!  The tickets were purchased and the motel reserved the night before I sold the saddle. 

Maybe, I'll have enough left to buy a citrine stone.  A friend said citrine releases negative energy and protects us from outside negative forces...yep, I could use that.

I have a Bucket list...a Texas gallon bucket, an aluminum three gallon bucket and a plastic five gallon bucket.  Seriously, I do sorta have a bucket list...and on that list was to see BB King...he will be 86, I think, this year.  My grandson plays guitar just by watching someone else pay a song.  Mr King is one he watches.  This is a dream for both of us, may it be as wonderful as we believe it will be.

The sun is shining, the air is freezing but the day is beautiful...maybe I will take a walk to renew my spirit.

May your day be blessed.

Friday, December 2, 2011

I'm Off Today...

well, I'm really off every day.  Yesterday, I forgot my bra...worked an hour before I realized what was missing! 

Too many irons in the fire.  Please tell me, I'm not alone.  What did you forget today?

Today I pick my glasses since my sugar is fine.  Doc has given me a clean bill of health except for the crazy part...she won't sign off on that.
How many shop keepers greet you with a hug?
This isn't standard,
 but I'm seeing many people I haven't seen for a while.
This lady, just one year ago, lost her house to a fire,
along with every thing she owned...no insurance.
I discovered she is attending college,
doing well,
and is training to be a nurse.
Proof to me that there is hope,
even in your darkest hour.
The "family sale" is doing well. 
We have more people each weekend.
I think when we graduate to a shop,
it shall be called "Pete's Repeats",
in honor of Dad.

When Toni returns (my nephew, builder of the building),
we may expand to include a cafe.
We have lots of good cooks in the family.
Toni wanted to honor his grandparents with his business.
Who knows,
 it may be called Pete's Repeats and Edna's Eats!!!
For someone who is tired of working for the public,
I certainly have a strange choice of a second job!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Giveaway and This N That...

After one thousand-one hundred four posts and twenty-seven months of posting, I have two hundred twenty-five followers.  Not so good, although I am tickled pink to have that many wonderful people following.  Many have become friends rather than just followers. I want to thank each and every one of you who follow and special thanks for the comments. 

I have noticed many giveaways, I have decided to join that group.  The Art of George Stubbs by Venetia Morrison will be my first prize.  Please ignore the flash reflection on the cover.  This is a magnificent "coffee table" book full of Mr. Stubbs amazing art.  The names will be placed in a hat, and one will be drawn out by a completely unbiased grandson that has no idea what is going on.  I would use random chooser or whatever they call that thing but I am not computer literate enough...yet.  This giveaway deadline will be Friday.  I will announce the winner Saturday.

I am not beyond bribing you to follow, so that is your only requirement to enter..be a.follower...and comment on this post.

On to other random, strange thoughts...I am gonna being working on changing the look and layout so don't panic if I disappear, it will only be temporary.  I asked my daughter what words I could add to the title so more search engines would catch my blog.  She advised, anything with the word sex, my sister said 2012 but 2012 Sex At The Farm did not appeal to me.  Any suggestions will be considered.

We are cool here, not freezing, except at night. The valley shows enough frost in the mornings to look like snow but we haven't any yet.  I hope this winter is kinder than the last.

Marcy is still keeping Zander two days a week while youngest daughter is working on her nursing degree.  She is also still photographing some amazing cold weather pictures which I will be sharing.

Melissa is working and Grandma Anna is helping out with Jake.  What would we do without an extended family??  Grandma Anna is our angel.

I am so proud of both my daughers, I don't think I tell them often enough but I hope they do know.

Hubby is donning the cloak of umeployment and does not think it fits.  At fifty-nine this is the first time, he hasn't had a job. It is not comfortable for him and a little scary. The fences are getting built and things are getting done, so his lack of a paying job has paid off for the farm.

Beverly continues to help us thin and empty our houses.   My sisters and I are hoping that in the spring the shop will be open.  There are many things we cannot do, like erecting the hugh shelves my nephew bought, but maybe the help will show up when we need it most.

Christmas is coming. I dread the coming. It seems that I have lost the spirit of Christmas along with a few other things I have misplaced.

I am still working six days a week or rather five and part of a day.  I am tired.  Fourteen months without a Saturday off is getting old but I am blessed I have a job.

A little insider information on the post office about Saturday delivery.  The post offices will still maintain their Saturday hours, mail will be placed in Post Office Boxes, the only service that will not be continuing on Saturday, if they decide on this course of action, will be street delivery.  This one move would eliminate many positions and would save much money but according to our statistics, payroll is but a small percentage of the expense. We all wait to see what our fate may be.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

This N That

 When I came home from work yesterday, I saw my sisters in the garden.  Picking, picking, picking and covering for the impending frost.
We still have goodies every where and it seems too early  but it is October.  That flame-broiled summer we had left us wanting more beautiful days with shorter nights.
Our late garden has been wonderful, full of green beans, peppers, radishes, okra, greens and tomatoes.  Our snow peas are blooming.  We can hope the cover saved them from the frost and we will soon have fresh snow peas.

The Gelbvieh bull Dennis donated to the athletic department left the farm today.  Selling chances on him raised over a thousand dollars for new sports equipment or for what ever the department needs. Now, if I can just get a receipt from the school, that would be a nice tax deduction.

This week at work has been one for the books!  My boss called me personally to chew me about something.  Contradictions have been floating in emails...do this, no say that...and then denial of the first set of instructions.  I have documented each phone call and each email...CYA!  It's not just me, no, I am not alone with this...we are all affected, one way or the other...just makes for a good week.  Today is the first day of the new week, so I am hoping things will improve.

I have an extra foot ball player this weekend, a friend of Andrew's and Jake will be here later to spend the day.  I am not sure what Papa and all the boys will do while I HAVE TO WORK but I am sure they will have fun.

Off to the salt mines!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Marcy's Flower And This N That

I believe this one deserves a ribbon!

The alignment kings are out to get me!
I give up, you shall have to read it like poetry.

Cattle to the sale barn today,
a few got away.
Next trip, they will go.
If the fences were set up properly,
this would not happen.
Hubby said, well, your dad had a loading chute...
No kidding, why, I wonder, did he have one!

I am wearing down.
It has been one year since I have had a Saturday off.
I've had a week or two off, here and there,
but its not the same, without Saturdays.
Monday is a holiday for us
so I'll feel like I have a weekend.

I'm a little disappointed in myself.
I seem to accomplish little these days.
Laundry, dishes, maybe...
Work and back,
sleep and work,
work again.

No one nearby is buying walnuts this year
so we have tons of black walnuts on the ground
and no market.
The double bad of this is,
we have to pick them up anyway,
just to keep us from falling down.
Ever try to walk on walnuts?

The wonderful news is
I have just reached 200 followers!!!
Thanks to each and every one.

Wait, wait...
I have more good news.
I am being stalked!
This kind of stalking is a good thing.
The Redhead Riter has a feature
called "Saturday Stalker".
Each week she "stalks" a blog,
highlights a few posts,
and points everyone that direction.
This is gonna be fun!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

This N That

In this picture, the beauty of the sky is marred with the power lines but if you view it just right, the power lines disappear and the beauty is all you see.  I need to do that more...make the power lines disappear and see only the beauty in every day, concentrate and make the ugly invisible.

I awakened extremely early, much to my dismay, instead of grabbing that extra two hours I could have slept, I am here with you, my friends.  Does that qualify my blogging as an addiction??

In reference to A Special Post , the bush hogging is complete and the field between the family homes is clear and free to walk.  Hubby worked on that yesterday and came armed to solve the dog problem.  Strange thing was, the bad guys fed their dogs all day to keep them in their yard!!  This is good, the starving dogs got food and Hubby did not have to eliminate an animal.

After Melissa's most recent attack, she walks now with hornet spray and it seems to be working!  The dogs would run in and bite her feet or the back of her legs and run before she could retaliate.  She was able to spray two yesterday as they were coming to attack...I guess the crazy family witnessed it and have actively tried to keep their dog pack on their own property.

Thanks for the prayers for a peaceful solution.  Hopefully, this was not just one special day but rather an indication of how it will be from now on...we shall see.

I am looking forward to my day and a half off.  The house is a mess but I am not beating myself up over it.  It will get clean or it will not, either way, life goes on.

It is still dark and I hear the roosters crowing, calling the dawn.  The air is full of fall and I know, sadly, the summer is gone.  In the blink of an eye, we will be wearing mittens and coats and wonder why Autumn didn't stay with us longer.  Such is life, we must savor each second, each day, and each experience, because, in the blink of an eye, that second, that day, that experience is gone.  Fare well, my friends, and enjoy your moments.

Friday, September 17, 2010

This N That

An appropriate title for this week, a week full of demands and reports...reports they asked for today and wanted last week. I am grateful I am closer to my day and a half off from work than I have been all week.

The weather is the kind you want to bathe in, cooler air, enough rain to freshen every thing.  The air is crisp and clear and clean and when you breath in, it seems to give new life and energy to the body and the soul.
I am only lacking in the time to enjoy it.

I hear the roosters greeting the dawn which has not quite made it yet.  The sky is still holding on to its darkness and that brings the sadness of shorter days.  Fall is in the air and I am wondering where the heck summer went!

I hear the shower as my grandson prepares for school and have yet to know the outcome of last night's game.  The game was away...far, far away.  I was leaving work about the time of the starting whistle.  I often wish I could carry the ball for him, do his homework or at least give him my wisdom of many years but I must let him grow on his own.  It is the hardest thing I have ever done and I have two more wonderful grandsons growing up that I shall have to let go of too.  Letting them find their wings will be a difficult job but one we all must do.

I have gained new followers on each blog and am delighted!  It still amazes me that someone finds what I write worth reading.  Thank you.

Off to the salt mines!  May each and every one of you have a day filled with wonderment and beauty.

Friday, August 27, 2010

This N That

I have been remiss with my commenting.  No excuses!  Well, I have a list if you want them...laundry, dishes, cooking, work, and a good book.  If you like suspense, murder and love stories all wrapped in one, read The Last Child by John Hart.  It is fantastic!  I have missed reading blogs but John Hart had me wrapped around his finger and would not let me go.

The temps are cooler so that is a relief.  I can tell the difference in the people, every one is feeling happier.  Now, if we just get a few good rains, we will be partying.
I have had some bad days and some good days this week but I must remember the sun shines on all of us.
Castor Bean  Bloom Pod

We have had a good run in the garden.
Life is good At The Farm.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Rambling With No Direction

It's Sunday, the day I usually reconnect but my wiring seems to be off today.  I woke early and stood on the porch facing dawn, trying to decide the direction of my morning.  The dogs gathered in anticipation of a great adventure but after a while, I turned and retreated, leaving behind the disappointed pack.

I am questioning my direction, my presense, my purpose, I suppose as we all do time to time.  I need to recenter and find something that will ground me, something to show me there is a reason.

This may have something to do with my week.  Having a whole week off and wasting it with nonfulfilling actions.  A whole week and I have accomplished nothing except run here and run there, taking care of business. This was a week full of people, full of messes and full of questions.  I shall return to work with no relief from my dread and dislike of working.

I wrote and added two new pages to my blog, The Truth About Me and A Blog Evolution,  then spent as much time wondering why.

I am having dreams and they are unsettling in nature.  I remember these only shortly after I wake, just enough to wonder if they have meaning or are they just a rehashing of my awake time.

Two visits to the medical facility and other than halting my infection, I have learned nothing.  My unusual change in weight and form has them fascinated.  They ask for a cat scan, but I don't do barium.  I explain that this week in unusual and I cannot come visit when they want me, but this does not register.  I return home to two messages, we have scheduled an ultra sound instead of a CAT scan and follow-up...hey, I told you not to do this!  I can not schedule a day off!!  I will tell YOU when I can come but this does not fit with their world, oh, well, it has to fit with mine. It made them angry when I cancelled but there is no choice now that will please them.

I am reminded of the dream I had two days before, two days before we talked of CAT scans and ultra sounds and things I've never met.  I had written this little snippet down and dated it...strange.  Now I look for it and the paper reads, "Ultrasound my tummy, take a pictue with a zoom.  I feel it growin' inside, portender of certain doom."...and I do not understand the writing of it.

So today I question if this time, this moment is where I am supposed to be.  If so why am I so empty of plans and ambitions.  I have the world at my door step and I have barred  the door.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Are You Ready To Ramble?!!

Many of you may have wondered why my posts have been off their regular schedule or you may not have noticed at all...but they have been because I was off this week!  Finally found someone to work for me Monday through Friday and I return to work tomorrow.  NO!!!  I don't want to go back.

So I have had five glorious days to do some things I have wanted/needed to do...that's right, that is what I truly believed when I had some time off.

Monday, I never even dressed, an all day PJ day with no schedule, no commitments, pure freedom.  I repaired the inner workings of two toilets and that was the height of my accomplishments.

Tuesday, I took Andrew and his friend to a matinee movie and that pretty much took care of that day.  We watched Predators, had popcorn and stopped for a Blizzard on the way home.  Then there was football practice.

Wednesday was physical and eye checkup day.  Another day that was filled with just enough stuff to avoid doing anything fun.

Thursday I ran away from home!  I went to Walmart in search of a second computer with wireless routing,  As much as I have tried to keep thirteen-year-old Andrew in the dark, word has reached him about Facebook.  The computer now, like the phone, is no longer available.  I bought a lap top and am taking it back today...don't like it. I guess I am a dyed-in-the-wool desk top person with no hope of converting.

Now to Friday, my final day off!  Have to take Andrew for a shot he must have before he is allowed to enter high school.  As much as I may think the government is inserting computer chips into the blood streams of our youth, I have no choice. It is too late for me to become a Christian Scientist, which is my only lawful protection against the inoculations.  We will go and wonder when the government will call in their chips.

Afterwards I will battle with the great leaders of Walmart to return my laptop...pray for them, if they don't talk right, they could be in danger.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Somehow Post Nine Hundred...

slipped right by me without a celebration.  How did that happen?  I guess I am enjoying it so much, I don't need to count any more.  Thank you, every one.
The weekend work has cleared
and today is showing reflections.
The lone dead tree is our woodpecker tree.
The garden continues to bear despite the heat.
The money plant seeds are almost ready.
Please be sure to let me know
Who wants seeds.
This outer brown will shed
and the plant will be full of "silver dollars".
Birds love the wild cherries
and they make great jelly.
The grapes and plums are looking great.

Even knowing that come January,
Hubby has no job,
I am grateful
and life is good At The Farm.
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