a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing
Showing posts with label flooding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flooding. Show all posts

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Two Thousand Three Hundred Posts

from me At The Farm.  Wonder how many words would that be?  If I had a dollar for every word...
Bonnie is not on my good side.  She is a water dog.  Loves hoses, any water she can find is okay with her
Bonnie sticks her head completely under the water and snuffles! 
In addition to her log collection Bonnie has discovered she can remove an entire pot of water lilies and carry them.  I think I will train her to harness and use her as a draft horse.  She is growing in leaps and bounds. 

The poor Koi, who did survive the winter by the way, are so shy they stay hidden.  I can't imagine what they think when Bonnie jumps in.

For all those who have been in the middle of these storms tonight.  I hope you are safe and dry.  Our valley is flooded.  We have had hail and have just been placed under a tornado WARNING.  I wish it were safe to photograph the water in our valley tonight.  Six inches of rain does a lot of damage.  Hopefully we will still have a road to drive on in the morning.  Hubby will be busy tomorrow repairing water gates, washed away roads, repairing fences, re installing culverts.  By daylight the flood waters will have receded.

I apologize for my lack of presence here.  My nephew has Bev and I hauling his items from his storage shed to the shop for sale. We have been working our behinds off.  Sunday through Wednesday we haul, Thursday through Saturday we will mark and label items and place around in the shop to sale.

I can't unfold my body very easily after the abuse of packing, lifting, carrying, loading and unloading.  I shall get tougher and we will get the job completed...one piece at a time.

Stay safe and be happy.  Soon I will be back full force for another two thousand three hundred posts.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lappy Appy, TummyTuck, More Flash Floods...

Surgery day was a beautiful sunshiny day.  The drive, long but beautiful.  This is Norfork Dam, yes, I do drive and snap pictures out my dirty window...watch for a Maroon PT Cruiser and get way over!
I arrived at the parts removal shop and could not find hubby.  All that remained in his room were sweat pants and his cell phone...they took him away early!!  I tracked him down in pre-surgery and they let me sit with  him til cutting time. 

Hubby was aggravated because they took his underwear.   He was drugged, I was nervous so the sick jokes flew through out the room.  He was complaining about how much they shaved...he wondered if they are working here, why did they shave way down there.  The RN said, when it starts itching, don't blame him, Blame the doctor!

The surgery began.  The desk told me, my friend had come to sit with me but I was not there...and I'm thinking, who knows what is going on, I have told no one.  Well, the postmaster who I had awakened at five am to find replacement help for me was checking in...Thanks, Diana.

It was done the simple way, with tiny slits...letting the tiny surgeons down on a rope to remove the offending organ.  Then they used the tiny fire hoses to flush the space.

He also had a hernia repaired while he was under the knife.  Hubby has never had an innie navel and asked Doc to make him one, so he complied...I guess, you can say, he had a tummy tuck.  Hubby has never experienced the joy of hidden ticks or belly button lint so I guess that was kinda his dream...now he has an innie!

I think I am "punch drunk"...when you get so tired nothing comes out right and every thing seems funny.  Hope this makes sense and no one is gagging from the wonderful picture I have painted.

Hubby sent me home since I had not slept for, I forgot how long.  Came home to my children, their family and my sister cleaning my house...I may schedule more surgery for hubby if my house gets cleaned!!

We had two more storms come through, so two more flash floods in the valley...but we are very fortunate, many people in many places have not been so lucky.(Warning:  many pictures to show!)

Hubby had called earlier and told me to rest but I need to hit the road.  Thanks for all your healing thoughts and prayers.  I hope every one is staying safe from the storms that seem to be hitting many states...and as I type the clouds darken!
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