Friday, January 30, 2009

Busy as a Bee!

Hello girls! I've been busy as a bee buzzing around here the past 2 days!! I will be back later tonite with a much better post, I promise!! I have 2 exciting tid-bits of news to share with you all:) But... you'll have to wait till a bit later to hear! I have a BIG Crop at my house tomorrow that I must clean house and cook for right now. So if I get all this achieved like I want to, I will reward myself with computer time later when the boys go to bed!

Chat later,
Noelle ♥

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2 Post Tuesday: Swaps, Crafts, Decor and More!!

Eeeekk! I got my Vintage Valentine Swap package from Michele today!! You can pop over to her blog to see what I sent her.
What wonderful surprises were inside!!

See, even Gage is tickled by what his mommy got!! lol:)

A heart applique, a pretty floral hankie, and a fun vintage valentine tag!

A pretty sachet full of chocolate hearts- most are gone now! Maybe thats why my tummy is hurting??

I looooooooooooooove this frame she made with the glitter and beautiful paper inside with cream roses on it!! Good job Michele!

Candy hearts that I shared with the boys and some heart ornaments!

A beautiful and glittery ceramic heart ornament; sweet little angel on it!!

She decorated another heart ornament so pretty! It says "To my Valentine"!!

A YUMMY smelling Tea Rose Candle and Pink Lily and Berries body butter; I love body butter!

Some valentine scrap booking papers, a big and blingy pink diamond, and some valentine cards ♥ ♥

And my new love- pink and brown!! A notepad set! Thanks again Michele- you did an AMAZING job on my package; I am sooo lucky!!

I ran a couple errands today and picked up some things for my Valentine Crop this weekend! Some pink and red tablecloths, glitter to "bling out" our tags, red and pink ribbon and these pink utensils were $0.50 a bag; what a steal!!

I also found these paper conversation hearts to hang from the basement ceiling! Aren't they too cute??

Will you be mine??
Blog bud, that is!!

Got this cute little valentine pot at GW last week!! I think it was $1.00!!

I finally hung my old wooden shelf back up in the living room today and while I was cleaning out our pantry, I found a container that had my tea-cups and little knick-knacks in it!! I was wondering where they went!! DUH!

They Valentine bears above and the bear family below were some that I inherited from my "nanny" when she passed away. She loved bears and had a HUGE shelf in her living room with probably over 100 bear statues on it!

Remember the beachy frames that I found at GW a couple weeks ago?
Here it is but redone...

I freshened up the white paint and added a sheet of pretty rose paper and a pink ribbon to hang it. My mom said she think I should add something to it; maybe a bigger rose?? What do you think? I kinda like how simple it is; the white pops against our tan wall paint.

This little gingerbread pitcher- its actually a tart burner was found at GW too last week!!!

And this little gingerbread boy was the only one left on the shelf at CVS for $0.75!! His bag is so cute too!! He's staying out year round!!

I'm off to bed; my tummy is hurting-yuck!

Noelle ♥

Crop Weekend Projects ♥

Here are the pages that I worked on this past weekend in both of my boys books. I am a pretty simple scrap booker; nice bright paper and a few stickers. To me, its more important to "tell the story" with your photos than with all the fancy embellishments. Would I love to use all those ribbons, brads and buttons that stores sell to accent you pages- yes! Do I have the time to do that; no!

Here is a Halloween page in Gage's book. Most of the papers and stickers I use come from Creative Memories; being a consultant I get a decent discount and feel that I should represent the company by using their products. I do occasionally use products from other stores if there is a particular theme I am looking to acheive with my page.

I love the big bright letters on this page.

Some Christmas photo's; I was a bad photographer this year- didn't get many pics of Gage opening gifts. Then I realized that he was in my lap and I think I opened all of his gifts for him cause he really wasn't that interested in unwrapping this year-lol!

I loved this Winter Additions set that I used here. Pretty blue colors...

Here is Gage's first time sledding!

This lined paper and stickers aren't from Creative Memories, but I wanted a "school" look and I think it came out cute. Gavin helped with the stickers, can you tell??? :)

Photos from Lunch with Santa at Gavin's school.

Here is his Christmas Party that his class had. They played a "Snowman Wrap" game where they took turns wrapping each other in toilet paper to look like snowmen!! It was funny:)

Here are a couple Valentine tags that I made with our Tag Maker; I still need to get some ribbon for them. These are ideas that I will use at my friend's party this week and my Valentine Crop on Saturday.

Couple more ideas...

Here are 2 card ideas that I got from Creative Memories Project Center...

Aren't they cute??

Well, I'd better get off the computer and get ready for the day!


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Photo's from the B&B...

Hello again! As I mentioned before, I had a great time this weekend:) This bed and breakfast was in a HUGE old farm house, that used to be on land used for an actual Buffalo Farm!!! Now its way in the back of a very ritzy looking subdivision that was built around it- strange!!! I actually got kinda lost on the drive there because it was not where I thought it would be!!

The little tree above was in the entry-way of the b&b; which I thought was too funny because (1) its the end of January now!! and (2) it was decorated with Little People's!! My brothers had a lot of these when we were growing up!

This tin on the wall was so pretty and old/worn looking; I wanted to take it home with me:)

Here is the living room area; pretty cozy in there. I loved that couch, especially the colors!!

There were 2 of these HUGE window dividers in the middle of the living room. I thought they were so unique; I've never seen anything like that in a home.

This huge cupboard was in the hall outside of our room. I imagine it had linens in it; I wanted to be nosy and snoop but I didn't!!

The detail on this enormous shelves built in to the wall was unreal!!

Cute little apples on the way into the kitchen:)

What an amazing sized dining room! Holly, there are the hankie-buntings!! They set the table the night before for our breakfast the next morning.

This screen was in there as well and caught my eye because of all the gingerbreads hanging on it!!! CUTE ♥

Here are some antique kettles and baking items.

Cute little wooden kids kitchen set!!

Close up of the hankies!

Downstairs where our goodies were, was a big "game room". They had this old juke-box in there that still worked.

Look at all the old Coke, Pepsi and 7-Up nostalgia.

Haha, Mr. Peanut!!

Some old games and farm things.

This room was off of the large room we used for the crop. It was just chocked full of antiques!! I think it was a spare room.

A little collection of old play sewing machines.

A real OLD singer sewing machine!
I wonder how much this is worth now???

This cracked me up! An old wooden potty!
I have NEVER seen one of these before!!
When do you think this dates back too??

A little old toaster collection!

This dishes in the window are adorable!!

More dishes...

We had a pretty dull room compared to the others:( I did take a few pics that I'll post tomorrow, along with the stuff that I worked on while I was there.

Breakfast today was good but I guess the BEST breakfast was yesterday before I got there:( Today, we had apple/cranberry compote with granola- YUMMMM!! We also had baked eggs (so good) smoked sausage, Amish wheat toast, orange-chocolate chip muffins (YUMM!) and coffee/juice! I love B&B breakfasts!!

I stayed up last night till 1am cropping then went to bed. We got up at 8 am and ate; then I went back to bed for over and hour! Wish I could do that everyday:)

I really hope to be able to go again next year! It was so relaxing- speaking of relaxing, I'm BEAT! Time to go to bed:)
