Here are the pages that I worked on this past weekend in both of my boys books. I am a pretty simple scrap booker; nice bright paper and a few stickers. To me, its more important to "tell the story" with your photos than with all the fancy embellishments. Would I love to use all those ribbons, brads and buttons that stores sell to accent you pages- yes! Do I have the time to do that; no!
Here is a Halloween page in Gage's book. Most of the papers and stickers I use come from Creative Memories; being a consultant I get a decent discount and feel that I should represent the company by using their products. I do occasionally use products from other stores if there is a particular theme I am looking to acheive with my page.
Here is a Halloween page in Gage's book. Most of the papers and stickers I use come from Creative Memories; being a consultant I get a decent discount and feel that I should represent the company by using their products. I do occasionally use products from other stores if there is a particular theme I am looking to acheive with my page.

Some Christmas photo's; I was a bad photographer this year- didn't get many pics of Gage opening gifts. Then I realized that he was in my lap and I think I opened all of his gifts for him cause he really wasn't that interested in unwrapping this year-lol!

This lined paper and stickers aren't from Creative Memories, but I wanted a "school" look and I think it came out cute. Gavin helped with the stickers, can you tell??? :)

Here is his Christmas Party that his class had. They played a "Snowman Wrap" game where they took turns wrapping each other in toilet paper to look like snowmen!! It was funny:)