Showing posts with label themed weeks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label themed weeks. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Appliqued Boy's T-Shirts

Here are some cute little T's that I made for E. He is so excited about these:o)
The shirts were purchased from Walmart. The only thing I don't like about their boy t-shirts is they have a pocket. I have to remove the pockets and that is definitely a pain, but I do love paying only $3.50 for each shirt.
I can't decide which I like best. 
They are so fun:o)
They took very little time to make and E is so happy about them. He can't wait to wear them to preschool.
I have some fabric that I purchased from Joann's the other day that will match BOTH of these shirts perfectly. I see some new shorts in E's very near future;o)
I am in the process of reconstructing my site. Hopefully it will be easier to access things, and look a little cleaner:o) 

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Explorer" Messenger Bag

I know that during the week last week, I just kind of sprung on you guys that I would be hosting "a boy" week. 
I realized that there just aren't enough projects out in bloggy world concerning our little boys. It's hard to create for them. You don't normally hear cute, crafty and boy in the same sentence:o)
So hopefully this week, we can help change that a little;o) 
 E has patiently watched me make things for S.R. for the past few weeks and I told him his time was coming.
And now it's here:o)
To start the week off, I am sharing with you this messenger bag.
We are labeling it as an "Explorer" bag, so that it sounds a lot cooler than it actually is:o)
I had some leftover canvas from my kitchen curtains, and a little bit of "boy" scrap fabric in my closet, so this project was 100% free to me.
Here are the measurements for the bag:
6-12"x9" panels(main panel and flap)
4-9"x3" panels(the sides)
2-12"x3" panels(the bottom)
1-7"x7" square
1-4"x30" panel(strap)
These are the steps that I took.
Start off by pressing in the raw edges of the square a 1/2".
Next take you strap fabric and fold it in half. Press.
Fold in the raw edges a 1/2" and press.
When you have completed those steps, your strap should look like this.
Take 2 panels and sew a seam down the long sides using a 1/2" seam allowance.
Place your square where you would like it, pin if necessary, and stitch.
Take 2 side panels and stitch along the short sides. Stop stitching about a 1/2" at both ends to make attaching other panels easier.
Press all seams open
Next attach bottom panel and front panel making sure to leave the 1/2" at the ends.
Bring front panel forward and stitch the remaining pieces together.
You will repeat these steps with the remainder of your cut fabric to make the lining.
For some reason, I skipped the picture for this next step. You will want to press all the un-sewn raw edges in a 1/2" towards the other raw edges. For the outside of the bag, you will press inward. For the lining, you will press outward.
  Hopefully this makes sense!!
Slide the lining into the outer shell with wrong sides facing. Match all side seams. Insert strap on each end of the bag. Pin and stitch.
Once you have sewn all the way around the bag, you should come up with something that looks like this:
Perfect for your little man to fill with his "gear" and go exploring.
I'm looking forward to sharing with you guys some more boy projects this week.
Email if you have any questions!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Iron-on Tees

We are back and I am sooooo glad to be home. What a trip! It could have been so much better if we all hadn't gotten sick as soon as we got there:o/. 
There were seven in our condo, and of that seven there were the following:
runny nose
We were a mess. And during all of this, we were spending 10 hour days at the parks. Are we it's Disney. We weren't on our death beds yet:o) Anyway, we had a wonderful/miserable time there. I wish that our friends could have had a better first experience with their families. This was our second. And our third will be several years down the road:o)
While we were down there we got to go to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. Here are some pics from the parade.
Look at the abs on Jasmine....jealous!

 There's the Mouse!

 Love Captain Jack Sparrow

 The kids love Toy Story, and S.R. calls this character "Buzz Right-here"
 E pretends to be Buzz all the time, but when it came to actually getting a picture with him, he wouldn't look at the camera. 
 We eventually got a picture of E's face:o)
 We got to meet some princesses as well. That was fun.
 One of the fave rides for the kids....Buzz Lightyear ride. The hubs is concentrating:o)
 Miss Dare Devil. She scared the lady behind us half to death...we're used to it.
 Dinner with Pluto and Goofy. This was a real treat. All the kids were excited about these characters.

 Dream job right here. This is where they make all the costumes for all the "cast members." The picture is a little blurry b/c we were on a tram, and it was moving kinda fast thru that part.
 I wish that we had felt better because it would have been an awesome trip. Oh well. We are glad to be home, and we are all on antibiotics now....I have bronchitis, yuck!

So when I got home, I hadn't used any creative brain power, so since I am sick I decided to do something easy. I saw these printables at craftjr. I had some iron on transfer paper already. I went to Walmart and got the kids some white long sleeved tees, $3.50 each. 
Here's the iron on transfer paper.
 Here are both of the shirts:
 This one is for S.R.
 And this one is for E
The purple looks a little more pink than it should b/c we are running out of purple ink...but it will do. He won't care, he's 4:o)
So glad to be back, and looking forward to feeling better. Hope you all have a fabulous Monday!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Disney Week at Someday Crafts

Hey Guys
I hope that you all have had a fantabulous weekend. Mine has been extremely eventful....let's just say that some little girls should have auditioned for the Poltergeist movie;o) 

Just wanted to share some wonderful news with you all. I was contacted a few weeks ago by Michelle at Someday Crafts to see if I was interested in sharing my Disney Themed outfits that I made for S.R. She is hosting a Disney Week on her blog this week. Of course I said yes! Check my side bar for some of the outfits I made. Also, check out the Mickey Mouse Button on the right. It's a direct link to Someday Crafts! After checking out the other Disney themed items, make sure to check the rest of her blog out. You won't leave without being inspired!!!

I am not using my computer right's a friend's, hence the lack of pictures and links. I am using a Mac...I have no idea what I am doing?!?!?!?:o)
Have a great day!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mickey Shorts & Random Crafts

So I guess you are thinking that it's about time that I made these shorts, since I have been talking about making them for a few weeks now:o) I made them last night and it only took 20 minutes. My only excuse for not making them is pure laziness. I am trying to wrap up a few Disney things b/c our trip will be here sooner than we know it:o) The kids are so excited...I AM SO EXCITED!
I used my usual pattern for shorts, and just added large white circles on the front. The circles are white felt that I added some Heat Bond to, and adhered them to the front of the shorts. I did stitch around the edges of the shorts, just in case:o)
I am currently trying to put Busy Bags together for my kids. We are going with friends, girls in one vehicle, boys in the other, so I need to make sure that E's bag is packed with the right stuff b/c the hubs isn't eactly creative when it comes to entertaining the little ones:o) He's a good daddy, but 12 hours is a long time to keep someone occupied and not whinny:o)...I am referring to E...just in case you were wondering:o) HA!
I am making S.R. a quiet book. I have been looking for an excuse to make her one, and this is it:o) I made one for E for his 1st birthday. It's about time that S.R. got one.
Now for the random crafts:o)
This is the center piece that I made for the Homemakers' Cultural Arts Fair. Still not sure if I like it:o/
I went to Walmart today to do some Va-cay shopping and ran across these:
I have been cleaning out all the plastics in the house b/c I am a little freaked out with all the cancers that are hitting women at younger ages. I am quickly approaching 30, and I keep hearing about women in their early 30's getting I don't know if plastic is the reason, but I really want to go back to glass and stainless steel. Just in case....
I got a Cricut the other day....OH YEAH! I am super pumped. AND I have vinyl....are ya thinking what I'm thinking???:o) 
So would anyone be interested in a water bottle?:o)
I plan on pulling the cricut out during nap time and putting my initials on a bottle.
These would make great gifts!
Let me know if you are interested in one...$12, which includes vinyl initials.
BPA free 650 mL.
Hope you guys have a great Monday!!
Linking up to
Domestically Speaking

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 5- A Winner And Patience

Thank you to all of you who took the time to leave a comment on the Minnie Mouse post. All of your comments were so sweet and I really appreciate them. So, our winner is....
#11- Cassandra!
Her comment was:
I just saw your blog via one pretty thing. I love the outfit! We're taking my daughter to disneyland for her first bday next week. She already has a minnie outfit but definitly needs the clippies. Thanks for the tutorial!

Cassandra, shoot me an email so I can get you your mouse ears a.s.a.p.:o)

I know I said that I would have E's Mickey shorts ready for this morning, but a fall wreath got in the way(more on that next week), and traffic school(don't ask).
I am in a rush this morning trying to get out the door, so I hope to have the shorts completed by the end of naptime today, and I will post them later this afternoon.
Have a great Friday!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 2-Minnie Mouse Skirt & Ears Tutorial

I hope that you all had a great Monday. Yesterday was E's first day of preschool. He did great. I did great until I had to leave him. S.R. and I both cried when we got in the vehicle:( She cried b/c she wanted to stay at "pwe-skoo." I cried for the obvious reasons. He was unsure about being there, but when I came to pick him up he was all smiles.
So anyway, on to day 2 of Disney Week. Today I have the bottom half of a Minnie Mouse outfit. I have a white t-shirt to go with the skirt. I am going to have it monogrammed soon. I am sharing 2 tutorials today. For the skirt and the ears hair bows. The bloomers are a pair of shorts just like the Snow White shorts, but I ran elastic thru the cuffs of the legs and added the eyelet trim. L-O-V-E It!

Here's what you need:

-2 Coordinating Fabrics

Hair Bows:

-Black Felt
-1" Grosgrain Ribbon
-Extra Thin Ribbon(not sure the measurements on the small ribbon)
-Thread and Needle
-Stick Pin
-Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
-Alligator Clips

Directions on the Skirt:

This skirt measures for a size 3T. Make your adjustments accordingly. Cut 8 4"x11" strips from the red and 8 6"x11" strips from the black.
Next, you just start sewing the long sides together, alternating colors. If you have a serger, that's great. If not, make sure to zig zag the edges to cut down on fraying. I did a straight seam first, and then a zig zag stitch.
Once you have sewn all of the pieces together, connect into a complete circle. 

Press. Try to get all the seams pressed down in the same direction. This will help you later when running the elastic thru the casing. For the hem you will need to press 3/4" down and fold it under again and press to hide all raw edges. You will want to do the same for the waist, except fold down  1", and turn under, hiding all raw edges.
Stitch a seam all the way across the hem as close to the edge as possible. On the waist, you will want to leave an opening to run your elastic thru. Cut the elastic to the desired length. Put a safety pin on each end, and run it thru the casing.

Sew the ends together, making sure that the elastic hasn't turned, and stitch up your hole.
For the tulle skirt underneath, I just folded over the fabric ran a running stitch all the way down 1" from the fold. 
 Run the elastic thru and then sew up the seam. There was some excess, so I just trimmed the bottom when I was finished. Tulle doesn't fray, so no hemming:o)
Now for the ears:
Here is a pic of the supplies:

Make yourself a circle pattern. I used a circle cutter and it is 2 1/2" in diameter. Pin to felt, and cut 2.
Now here comes the tricky part. I will do my best to explain how to make the hair bows, but you may be better off searching online for some tips:o)
I made a 2" hair bow, so fold the ribbon over itself until you have this:
Can you see that there is 2 loops on each side? Now flare those pieces out...
Take your needle and thread and stitch that into place. Tie it off. Then wrap the thread tightly around the ribbon to make it look like this:
Make sure to tie that off as well. Now comes the fun glue...get ready to get singed;o)
Take the thin ribbon and place it in the center. 
Place a small dot of glue on the back and wrap the ribbon around the thread. I know the picture looks like the ribbon is already wrapped around, but it isn't:o) I wound the thread around several times, and the flash bounced off of the thread.
Glue the bow to the circles, and then glue the circles to the alligator clips, making sure to have the clips facing opposite directions. 
And that's it:o)
And because I love you all so very much....I am giving a pair of ears away to one lucky reader:o)
Just leave a comment on this post, and I will announce the winner on Friday! Have a great day my lovelies!!
Giveaway is Closed.