Showing posts with label Emotional Runner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emotional Runner. Show all posts

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Running

We all run for different reasons. People run to leave behind stress, to forget, to lose weight, to clear their heads, or to process. Sometimes we run simply to run.

Runner's World is featuring thirteen amazing runners who were motivated by the events of 9/11. Their stories are no doubt inspiring. And they help me to remember that everything I'm learning from this marathon training experience will not end when I cross the finish line in October. This is a life transformation that Liv + I are making by learning to run. And though I hope to never personally experience anything as horrific as what these runners have worked through, I find peace knowing that, because I've invited running into my life, it will always be there for me - no matter why I run. 

Why do you run?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Footsy Friends: Guest Blogger Tess

Introducing our ever-fabulous and exceptionally eccentric hot yogi of a friend, Tess. Though she recently ditched us in the District for the bright lights of D-Town, Tess is that friend that's always up for a challenge or adventure and can make you laugh in a second (particularly when dressed in her weekend uniform of a bright orange Texas sweat suit with some statically-stuck socks on her bum and UGGs in the middle of summer). She's also that friend that will screen your calls for 3 months and then pop up out of nowhere and offer to guest blog. That's why we love her (well that, and because of her slightly alarming passion for ketchup). And now, you will love her too…

Greetings fellow pavement pounders! Allow me to introduce myself as the first ever guest blogger to penetrate the pages of Shoes Full of Feet. A little about me- I'll be brief so as not to bore: I'm a 26-year young native Texan living in Dallas- working, figuring things out and have recently been adhering to the mantra "keep calm, carry on." I have found the latter to be a bit easier than the former, but I'm halfway there, right?

As far as my running classification, I would consider myself an emotional runner (hmmm). My relationship with running (because as you will see it most certainly is a relationship) has been pretty consistent over the last 10 years, but rocky at times. I find myself running when I am mad, sad, happy, stressed and bored. I have always used running as a quick fix to satiate one or a few of the aforementioned feelings. When Sal + Liv informed me that they had decided to start running and were planning to supplement their training with an awesome blog, I was admittedly… jealous (what!?). While I have been running all of my life, I've never let myself fall in love with it for fear of having to take my running relationship to the next level. I have never given running a chance to change my life, or at least enrich it… until now. With that I ask beg for a second chance.


Twas' the night before the Turkey Trot… and well… my anxiety was stirring, A LOT. I had not run in quite some time and had not prepared in a way that I normally would. I woke up @ 6 am, threw on an oversized T and running pants, and went to Starbucks did a jumping jack or two in the driveway. I had not preregistered for the 10K and was met by long, long lines upon arrival. Luckily, I made it in just enough time to line up and take off. My total time was 59:08:02, and while I did not stop unless you count some suspect lingering at the water station, it was not pretty. My lack of preparation came through before, during and after the race. BUT with every accomplishment comes a lesson learned. If I am going to gear up for this marathon, I need to get serious. Until next time, here is what I am listening to... on repeat.

Sneaks off to Liv + Sal… see you in DC!
Meet Crockett too aka Tess' BFF