Showing posts with label pink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pink. Show all posts

Saturday, December 5, 2009

sweet sixteen

It's been 27 years since my sweet 16 and I still remember it like it was yesterday.
I will never forget opening the front door to one of my older brother's friends and he said, "sweet 16 and never been kissed", leaned over and planted one on my cheek, and watched me turn about 15 shades of pink.

Well, it wasn't true. I was "married" at the age of 4 to my neighbor..and I know we must have kissed at least once.

My mother and I planned for months for my party. We ordered beautiful invitations with tissue confetti nestled in the envelope. When the recipient opened it, the little orbs floated out and it looked like a party was happening right at that very moment. I asked all my friends to bring another friend, and I wore a frilly white dress (it was the 80's).  It was fun.

Last night, one of my many nieces had her sweet sixteen birthday party

And I crashed it
sort of
I was hired help
sort of
Okay, Okay
I inserted myself in the middle
Come on...
I do food for a living

Remember my cousin-slash-friend from our Operation Christmas Child party? Well, she and I were at it again
and this is what we came up with

so cute, right?


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