Showing posts with label cupcakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cupcakes. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2012

snow globe cupcakes

i love snow globes
when i see grand collections
a tinge of envy
bubbles up
like plastic snowflakes
in a whirl
settling calm
the last thing i need
 another collection

unless of course
we are talking
like these little darlings

an incredibly simple project
perfect for
your holiday table
snow globe cupcakes
1 recipe of your favorite cupcake baked and cooled
1 recipe of your favorite frosting
1 dozen plastic clear christmas balls
like these
i picked mine up at michaels 
cupcake toppers 
(deer, trees, house in the woods...
whatever your fancy)

using a sharp scissor or craft knife, cut the top off the ornament
like so
wash and dry the "globe" then sprinkle some of the edible glitter in the bottom.  swirl it around.  most of the glitter will stick, what doesn't will fall to the cupcake when you invert.  if you want lots of "snow" in the globe, brush a bit of vodka on the inside of the globe, swirl the glitter.  it will stick well, and the vodka will evaporate, eliminating any unwanted moisture.  
frost the cupcake as you normally would, place your decorations on top, and carefully invert the globe over the top.  
finish with a little bow

linking to

Thursday, February 17, 2011

spa party cupcakes

my niece julia
turns 12 this month
her party was last week

she asked if i would make cupcakes
with lots of fondant
(apparently, she loves it)
in a spa-sleepover theme

she chose blue and pink as her colors

i made the fondant toppers the day before baking the cupcakes, and let them sit at room temperature overnight.

*note, i used duff goldman black fondant and it worked well--i liked the texture a lot. it is important to warm it in the microwave a bit before working with it.  i didn't use dg white, as it is "buttercream" flavored, not the flavor my niece loves. for the white and colored pieces i used satin ice brand tinted with gel food color.
(i am not compensated for endorsing or mentioning either brand)

i am linking these up to

Bubbly Nature
tatertots and jello weekend wrap up

and the tattered tag

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

happy heart cupcakes

i love it when i make things
that look familiar
but taste delicious

it is not so difficult
when making 
mock store-bought treats
for these
hostess like cupcakes
i used the recipe
i shared for 
ding dongs
found here
instead of loopdy loops
i made
loopdy hearts
from tinted royal icing
these are tiny
just one bite
so cute 
for a lunch box treat
as an after dinner mint
  (just flavor your ganache or filling)
treat yourself to a

Saturday, October 30, 2010

ice cream and cake halloween style

this is probably my last halloween post 
this year
i'm not promising
but since halloween is tomorrow
it is looking good
these mini cupcakes are a lot of fun to eat
if you are a perfectionist
and don't like it when things don't go your way
don't do the ice cream part
use frosting

make your favorite cupcake recipe and bake in mini-tartlet pan using paper liners.  let cool.  dip each in bittersweet chocolate ganache and let firm up.  top with ghost--and serve.

the ghosts are made from homemade philadelphia style ice cream
freeze the ice cream until it is quite thick and could hold shape. quickly put it into a pastry bag fitted with a tip with a 1/4" round hole.  pipe the ice cream onto a sheet pan, lined with parchment and immediately put it in the freezer for 4 hours.   remove the ghosts and pipe the chocolate eyes and mouth and return to the freezer. let freeze overnight.  just before serving, use an offset spatula to move the ice cream from the sheet pan to the mini-cupcakes. 
take your bow
then eat
* if you choose to use frosting rather than ice can either pipe the ghosts directly on to the cupcake, or you can pipe them on to a sheet-pan, put them in the fridge for an hour or so, decorate with chocolate ganache, and then transfer by offset spatula to the cupcakes.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

bobbing for apples

i don't remember my age
on the day of my very first halloween party
but i do remember
costumes were compulsory
(something i still require)
and there were games
bobbing for apples
each apple holding a prize
some had coins
others had slips of paper, wrapped in plastic
naming a prize
and i remember
getting really wet
and laughing 
until my stomach hurt
it is a halloween tradition
that i think has sadly gone by the wayside
so i am bringing it back
with these cupcakes
an homage
to a favorite childhood game
bobbing for apples cupcakes
bake your favorite cupcakes
frost with buttercream (tinted blue)
make small balls out of marzipan
dip the balls in red food color and let dry
poke a hole with a toothpick and insert a chocolate jimmie
wrap with a cupcake wrapper shaped as a bucket
i don't have a template to share, but i took a cupcake wrapper, traced it on silver paper, then added handles
just a little black marker, gave them a bit of depth
so easy, right?
check out more fun stuff over at tatertots and jello weekend wrap-up

Thursday, July 29, 2010

well groomed {groom's ruffled tuxedo shirt cakes in miniature}

i thought the cupcake trend
might have ended by now
or at least slowed down
it ain't happening

as a matter of fact
it seems to be spreading
like wild fire

which is fine with me
because frankly
cupcakes are less tedious than cake

i said it
cake is not really fun

there is no"crumb layer" on cupcakes
i rest my case

 if you are not convinced
exhibit a
a lovely birthday cake


and now 

exhibit b
i give you small cakes
for the groom
fun and delicious
red velvet cake
(printable recipe)
*this is not my is adapted from bobby flay's throwdown cupcake challenge
i changed some of the measurements slightly.
3 cups all purpose flour
1 1/4 tsp baking soda
1 1/4 tsp kosher salt
3 Tbs cocoa powder
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
1 3/4 cups granulated sugar
1 1/4 cup buttermilk
3 eggs
3 Tbs red food color
1 1/4 tsp vinegar
2 tsp vanilla
1/8 cup water
in a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt and cocoa powder and set aside.  in a mixer set with paddle attachment, place the sugar, oil and eggs and beat for 5 minutes.  add the buttermilk and beat for just 1 minute or so, until it is all well blended.  add the food color and mix slowly (otherwise you might be wearing it), add the vinegar, water and vanilla.  beat for just about a minute more.  slowly mix in the flour mixture and just mix until it is all fully incorporated, then put the mixer on high for about 5 seconds.  turn off and you are ready to go. you can make 2-7" rounds with this recipe or about 2 dozen cupcakes.

Monday, March 8, 2010

hello cupcake

 happy 18th birthday
to my
adults table!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

sweet sixteen

It's been 27 years since my sweet 16 and I still remember it like it was yesterday.
I will never forget opening the front door to one of my older brother's friends and he said, "sweet 16 and never been kissed", leaned over and planted one on my cheek, and watched me turn about 15 shades of pink.

Well, it wasn't true. I was "married" at the age of 4 to my neighbor..and I know we must have kissed at least once.

My mother and I planned for months for my party. We ordered beautiful invitations with tissue confetti nestled in the envelope. When the recipient opened it, the little orbs floated out and it looked like a party was happening right at that very moment. I asked all my friends to bring another friend, and I wore a frilly white dress (it was the 80's).  It was fun.

Last night, one of my many nieces had her sweet sixteen birthday party

And I crashed it
sort of
I was hired help
sort of
Okay, Okay
I inserted myself in the middle
Come on...
I do food for a living

Remember my cousin-slash-friend from our Operation Christmas Child party? Well, she and I were at it again
and this is what we came up with

so cute, right?


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