Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First day back to school...

I am incredibly far behind on my blog, as usual. I'd love to say today is the day I'm going to catch up...but its not. I probably need to just post a whole bunch of summer pictures and call it good but again, that will have to be another day.

Today, was Cohen's first day back to school. This is his second year of pre-school and he had a really fun day. This year he happens to be in a class with a bunch of neighbor girls.

Shya and her first pony tail!! I think its cute, Josh doesn't agree. Her hair is so fine that everything falls out of hair, and if it doesn't fall out on its own, she pulls it out. She is such a big girl!!

1 comment:

Josh and Megan said...

So cute!! What is happening to our babies?! pretty soon they'll be in 1st grade and we can meet for lunch every day :)