Tuesday, July 12, 2011


 We just had this little missy's B-day.
She is now six years old.
 She recently graduated from Kindergarten, which is kind of a big deal.
 Here she is with her teacher.
She LOVES Mrs Schimmer.
 She and her friend Kaylee celebrating her Birthday at Splash.
 We had a pink puppy party, of course.
We love this girl.

             Birthday Questionnaire (an idea I stole from my friend Julie)

How old are you?  6
What makes you happy?  When somebody asks if I can pet their puppy and my  Mom says "Yes!"
What makes you sad?  When I get hurt
When do you laugh?  When somebody does something funny.
What is something Mom always says to you?  "Silly Goose"
Dad?  "Hi"
What is your favorite thing to eat?  Pasta and Strawberries
What is your favorite thing to do?  Ride my scooter
What is your favorite TV show?  Scooby Doo and Tom & Jerry
What is your favorite Scripture story?  Jonah and the whale
What are you really good at?  Riding my scooter
What is your favorite movie?  Tangled
Who is your best friend?  Kaylee
What is your favorite primary song?  I am a Child of God
What do you and your Mom do together?  Read books
Dad?  Play games on his phone
Your favorite place to go?  Camping
What is your favorite animal?  Puppies
How do you know Mom and Dad love you?  Because they give me Hugs and Kisses
What does your mom do for a job?  Cleans the dishes
Dad?  Builds buildings.
What do you want to be when you grow up?  a vet


Lulu said...

Congrats Maggie! lol I love the questionairre idea. Ahh..if only she knew that mommy does SO much more than just dishes :)

Shantel said...

I can't believe Maggie is 6!!! What a cutie!!! I'm glad you're blogging again. I love to see what you guys are all up to!

The Howards said...

Oh she's just too cute! Six already?? Time goes by way too fast! Hope you guys are well!

Anonymous said...

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