Showing posts with label measurement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label measurement. Show all posts

Monday, May 7, 2012

More Math Anchor Charts! Part 1

So I am FINALLY posting these photos that I actually planned on posting a while ago! We have made sooooooo many anchor charts in the past few months and I would LOVE to share them with you!! For each chart, the kids have a corresponding page in their math notebook.

We made this one after we observed what happened when converting measurements.

We made this "Big G" after completing a few capacity activities!

Wall full of charts!!

Stay tuned for part 2, which includes multiplication and division! :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Units of Measurement Sort FREEBIE

I have another freebie for you! :)

Our state math test is RIGHT around the corner, which means it's almost review time!! My kids still struggle with understanding that units of measurement have a category that they belong to. For example, they want to use meters for capacity or liters for length (I know, makes no sense). Among several other activities, I used this one last year with my kiddos and will use it again next week for review. The students will cut out all of the words and then sort them into the proper category--easy peasy concept.

I hope this is something you are able to use! You can download it one of my stores by clicking on the links below! Enjoy! :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Measurement Charts FREEBIE

Care for a freebie??! Click on the picture to go to my Teachers Notebook store to grab a copy of my measurement charts. The charts have examples of each unit of measurement for (customary and metric) capacity, weight, mass and length.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

MORE Math Notebooking!

This year's math notebook is even more awesome than last year's! I am MUCH more proud of this one! :) My kids are so excited each time we make something to put in it and are even more excited that they get to take it to 5th grade with them next year! I have some of the pages available--look for the links! Hope you enjoy!!!


I choose not to use our math textbook--in fact, the fourth graders I had three years ago are the only ones that have even seen the book!! For my kids, the notebook IS their textbook, so I make sure that I always carefully plan out each page and activity. I want it to be GOOD if it is to be used as a reference tool.

I appreciate all of your feedback that you have given in regard to my notebooks! :D

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Measurement Evaluation part 2

I'm on a roll! Another action shot post!! These shots aren't the greatest--I had to squeeze between kids to get them in between helping them! :)

To finish up metric measurement we completed several measurement stations. There were 5 total stations--the students estimated and measured how far they could toss certain items, how much water they could squeeze from a sponge and the mass of a handful of pennies. The kids had SUCH a good time. They were totally engaged and even helped each other with measuring.

The kids always struggle with estimating and spatial sense--they have a hard time determining reasonable measurements. It worried me when I saw some estimate that they could throw a q-tip only 10 cm or that a handful of pennies would be 3,000 grams! I loved seeing them not only realize what was wrong with their estimate but actually apply the knowledge gained at the next station. They were able to estimate more closely and actually begin to understand the concept of 1 cm, 1 mL, and 1 gram. I am very proud. :)

Measurement Evaluation Part 1

According to state standards, 4th graders must be able to estimate and measure length, capacity, mass and weight using the metric and customary system. They must also be able to determine which units to use when given a situation. Last Friday the kiddos completed part 1 of the evaluation of part 2 of our measurement unit. We did part 2 of the evaluation today but I'll post about that tomorrow! :)

First we made a Venn diagram using three circles (something new for them): one for capacity, one for weight and one for length. The students each received a set of pictures and had to sort them into the proper category or categories. Example--one of the pictures was of a man running on a track. Some students just thought that picture would go with length because you can measure how far he is running; others thought length and weight because you could also measure how heavy the man is. The final thing they had to do was write which units they would use to measure. So those that chose length for the runner put miles and kilometers and those that chose weight put pounds. If you click on the pics to enlarge you should be able to see where the students wrote the units they chose on each picture. They enjoyed this activity and they really enjoyed part 2 of the evaluation that we did today. You'll have to come back tomorrow to see what it was!!

NOTE: I just picked a few examples to take pictures of--they may or may not be accurate! :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween Math Pack #2

I'm excited to announce that my second Halloween Math Pack is now available! Click on the picture below to view the product in my store (with more information).

First 3 to comment will receive a free copy. Don't forget to include your email! :D