I'm on a roll! Another action shot post!! These shots aren't the greatest--I had to squeeze between kids to get them in between helping them! :)
To finish up metric measurement we completed several measurement stations. There were 5 total stations--the students estimated and measured how far they could toss certain items, how much water they could squeeze from a sponge and the mass of a handful of pennies. The kids had SUCH a good time. They were totally engaged and even helped each other with measuring.
The kids always struggle with estimating and spatial sense--they have a hard time determining reasonable measurements. It worried me when I saw some estimate that they could throw a q-tip only 10 cm or that a handful of pennies would be 3,000 grams! I loved seeing them not only realize what was wrong with their estimate but actually
apply the knowledge gained at the next station. They were able to estimate more closely and
actually begin to understand the concept of 1 cm, 1 mL, and 1 gram. I am very proud. :)