Showing posts with label Sweet & Simple Saturday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweet & Simple Saturday. Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sweet & Simple Saturday Post #9

It's the weekend before school starts!! That mean I have been running around like a crazy person!! Good thing this post is so sweet and simple! ;)

Today's freebie is for phonics/spelling. We had oa and ow as a spelling pattern one week last school year so I made this little sentence unscramble to practice our dictation sentence. It's self-explanatory, so I'll just let you head over to grab it now! Click below to get it:

Though I hope to blog WAY more than I did last school year, I will already not be off to a good start because I will not be around much this next week or so. It will be BUSY BUSY BUSY! Hope you have a great week and for those of you going back to school like I am, have a GREAT first day! :)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sweet & Simple Saturday Post #8

Haaaaappy Saturday! This is my last one before I go back to school for the new year. It's been quite the summer! WAY sad for it to be over but excited for another year in first grade! :)

A few weeks ago I guest blogged over at Always an Adventure in Kindergarten for my bloggy friend, Lisa. I talked about composing and decomposing numbers and gave away a yummy-looking freebie.


Head over to Lisa's blog to read my post, look around her blog, and grab your sweet and simple freebie!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sweet & Simple Saturday Post #7

It's Saturday!! Time for a sweet and simple freebie! :)

Last week, I bought some flash cards from Target and thought I would make a cute little mat to go with them, just so it doesn't feel like traditional flash card practice when the kids are using them.

The kids will pull cards and place them appropriately on the mat, depending on which skill they are practicing. They can practice matching numbers or comparing numbers.

I love that these flash cards have pictures on the back and multiple copies of each number. If you'd like to grab this mat, click below!

Have a great Saturday!! :)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sweet & Simple Saturday Post #6

It's Saturday!! Time for a sweet and simple freebie! :)

Today's freebie is actually coming from a previous blog post. I posted this waaayyyyyyy back when I first started blogging so unless you have been following since then or have searched through the freebies in my TPT or TN stores, you probably have not seen it. I thought I would post it again because it is just TOO cool! Here is the original post from September 11, 2011:

Isn't math just fascinating?? The way numbers work is just mind-boggling to me. I LOVE it! Ever done those little tricks, like pick a number, do this, this, and this to it and it will always equal this?? (It makes me wonder WHO IN THE WORLD had time and energy to sit there and figure those out.) Well, I took a few that I've come across and put them together as a task card center. The activity will be great to use for fast finishers or enrichment.

You can download this fun little freebie by clicking below:

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sweet & Simple Saturday Post #5

Happy Saturday!! And you know what Saturday means around here...

Hope you have had a good week! This week, I have been working in my classroom off and on and am excited to have it all put back together BEFORE July is even over! I have NEVER been able to access my classroom so early in the summer, so I totally took advantage when I heard that we were able to get into our rooms. Time to get in gear because the kiddies are coming back soon!

You may remember this picture from this blog post on my math manipulatives organization in my 4th grade classroom:

I spent some time today preparing the containers for my new batch of firsties. While I was doing that, I decided that I needed a fun, cute label for the containers!

I love the way they look! So, today's freebie is the base-10 blocks label:

I included a few different versions for you to choose from. Enjoy! Leave some love if you download--thanks! Have a great weekend! :)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sweet & Simple Saturday Post #4

I can't believe this is week 4 of this series already! That means that summer is going by way, way, way, WAY too fast. I haven't even touched my to-do list yet!! Well, mostly because it is still all mental, so technically, I haven't even MADE my to-do list yet. Panic mode just turned on!!

Anywho, today's simple freebie is a phonics/spelling sort for the sounds of suffix /ed/:

The students will cut out the words at the bottom, sort them, and then write a sentence using one of the words. Short and simple. Just click on the picture of the document to download it! 

I hope those of you that teach phonics/spelling in the early grades are able to use this!

Happy Saturday! :)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sweet & Simple Saturday Post #3

Happy Saturday!! Hopefully you have many more Saturdays left before school starts back up!! :)

This Saturday's freebie is NOT for math, but for science! :) While searching my hard drive for potential freebies I did find a bunch of math ones I could have posted, but I refrained from using one... ;)

This freebie is from my 4th grade days. This was used to introduce/spur a discussion on the sun, light, and shadows.

Click on the picture above to download! Enjoy, and please, leave some love if you grab the freebie! :)

See you next week for Monday Made It!!! :D

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sweet & Simple Saturday Post #2

Welcome back for week 2! I hope you enjoyed your week 1 freebie!! If you are unfamiliar with this series, Sweet & Simple Saturday posts are meant to share a nice, simple freebie with you. It will be a simple game, activity, craftivity, graphic organizer, etc. I plan on offering freebies for multiple grade levels and subject areas so they will be useful to lots of you out there!

Today's freebie is from my favorite subject--MATH! Just like last week's freebie..... ;) Don't worry--next week will be a different subject.

You may remember this picture from My Math Block Mini-Series post from a few months ago:

I used this game as part of a lesson one day and after that added it to our math station repertoire. I spruced up the original for you and included a few variations of the game in the file:


  • a 10-sided die
  • egg carton (or other type of ten-frame)
  • counters (2 different colors or types)
  • recording sheet
  1. Roll the die.
  2. Place that number of counters in/on the ten-frame.
  3. Fill in the rest of the ten-frame using a different color or different type of counter.
  4. Complete the number sentence.


  • egg carton (or other type of ten-frame)
  • counters (2 different colors or types)
  • recording sheet
  1. In this version, the students will determine how many more counters are needed to make 10 using a predetermined number. The predetermined number goes on the first blank and the missing addend goes in the box. Place the indicated number of counters in/on the ten-frame.
  2. Fill in the rest of the ten-frame using a different color or different type of counter.
  3. Complete the number sentence.

Easy peasy!! Your students will love it! :)

Click on the any of the above documents to download all of the recording sheets.

Enjoy your freebie!!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sweet & Simple Saturday Post #1

Welcome to the FIRST ever Sweet & Simple Saturday post!! Thanks for stopping by!

This Saturday's freebie is a template to help you create the following geoboard manipulative.

As stated in the photo, these geoboards are the PERFECT addition to your interactive math journals or geometry unit, or can be made just for fun! This is a manipulative students will make and take ownership of AND is one that can be sent home! All you need is the template, paper, card stock, brads, a rubber band, and a little bit of patience. The finished geoboard can be stored in a pocket or envelope and then placed in a math journal or notebook.

1. Glue the grid template to a piece of colored paper that is slightly larger than the grid.

2. Push the brads through the grid at each intersection. In the template, I have included a thick border around the grid so you are able to place more brads than I did on the sample geoboard. Woohoo!

3. Glue the grid to a larger piece of paper. (You may want to tape the edges for an additional reinforcement.) Allow time for the glue to dry before using.

4. Enjoy!

Grab your copy of this freebie by clicking on any of the pictures. Come back next Saturday for another freebie! Annnnnd come back in between now and then for some more fun and ideas! ;)

If you have a sweet & simple freebie to share with others, please link up below!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Series: Sweet & Simple Saturday

There isn't a teacher on this planet that doesn't appreciate a good, little freebie every once in a while! That is why I have decided start a new series! Introducing:

Each Saturday I will share a sweet, simple freebie with you. It could be an activity page, game, graphic organizer, foldable, or craftivity. And the best part is the freebies will be for multiple grade levels and subjects! And the even BESTER (coined term) part is that they will all be FREEEE! ;)

Stop by on Saturday for the first
Sweet & Simple Saturday!