So, have you ever heard of a tangle table? Here is an example:
These little tables are FUN, FUN, FUN. Like, adult fun, too! (I would LOVE to have a book of these!) If you enjoy Sudoku, you will enjoy this game. If your students enjoy playing games, then they will enjoy this game!
In this game, students are given a multiplication table that is all TANGLED UP. The factors 1-12 are still in the first row and first column, but they are NOT in the correct order. The objective?? Figure out where the factors are in the first row and first column by using the existing clues. Some of the factors may be visible; products are there to help as well. The students will have to use knowledge of the basic facts as well as a little bit of logic to get the whole table filled in. Here is the solution, for those of you working on it in your head!
Sounds fun, right?? You can give them a try by checking this out:
Students can complete these independently, in a math station, in pairs, in a small group OR as a whole group. ALSO, I have included a Promethean ActivInspire flipchart that can be used to complete the tables as a whole group. Don't have a Promethean board? You can still download the software to use with the flipchart FOR FREE. Instructions are included.
I'm holding a Flash Freebie for this new product! You'll have to follow me on Facebook and/or Instagram in order to know when to download the freebie. :)
I hope you and your students enjoy! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!