Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Life Of A Professional Cannabis Pastry Chef

One Los Angeles resident has managed to support herself and her family by selling cannabis pastries to the medical marijuana clubs in her neighborhood. In this photo story—which shows the process of baking with cannabis butter or oil—one gets a rare look into the unusual trade of cannabis pastry-making. As she tells it,
As soon as my daughter was old enough that I had a little more time, I started baking with marijuana, alongside my friend. At first, I would bake huge batches, but sometimes my cookies could sit around for weeks before they went anywhere. I knew I could develop a niche for myself by using fresh, quality ingredients (like freshly squeezed organic lemons from my mom’s garden). Now I bake everything to order and deliver the goods fresh to a handful of medical marijuana clubs in my neighborhood.

Via Buzzfeed

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Fast Food - Ads vs. Reality

The true reality of the advertisements of McDonald's Big Mac, Burger King's Whopper, McDonald's Angus Deluxe TP and Taco Bells' Crunchy Taco versus the reality of what you get in the bag. One valiant photographer, Dario D., has chosen to challenge these contradictions of the senses head on. He set out on a small quest to compare the advertising images distributed by fast food providers with the products that are actually served in those notable establishments.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

You Are What You Eat

Photographer Mark Menjivar has created a series of portraits looking inside people’s fridges. The series was completed of a span of three years in homes all over the united states. Each photograph is shot ‘as is’ and represents a wide swath of people. The series began when menjivar traveled across the US and began to ‘think about the foods we consume and the effects they have on us as individuals and communities’. This led him to ask people to photograph their fridge.

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