Showing posts with label Community and Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Community and Lifestyle. Show all posts

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Brand New Google Office in London

Located in Covent Garden, London, the place is packed with all sorts of cozy additions that are bound to distract Google’s staff from work. The 15,000 m2 (160,000 sq. ft.) office features a gym, a massage parlor and a dance studio. There are comfortable lounges to relax and a secret garden on a rooftop offering stunning views on London’s skyline.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Freeganism: Freegan Way Of Life

Freeganism is an anti-consumerist lifestyle whereby people employ alternative living strategies based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources.

Freegans "embrace community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed." Freeganism involves choosing to salvage discarded, unspoiled food from supermarket dumpsters, known as 'dumpster diving'.

Freeganism started in the mid 1990s, out of the antiglobalization and environmentalist movements. The movement also has elements of Diggers, an anarchist street theater group based in Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco in the 1960s, that gave away rescued food. [wikipedia]

Source: flickrhivemind

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